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Andromeda is the steely-eyed archer of the Amazons. As long as she keeps her distance, the time she needs to take down targets are limitless.

Type Character
Group Amazons
Version 1.9
Health 70
Physical Def 2
Light Def 4
Dark Def 2
Innate Range changes cost 5 less energy
Attacks Rain of Arrows, Trueshot, Crippling Shot, Lightning Arrow

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Andromeda is stunning at a distance, but she's not quite as pretty up close.



Equippable Items[]

Amazon Items[]

  • Herbal Remedy: Very useful, especially since her reduced range-changing costs allows her to stall at range effectively.
  • Reinforced Breastplate: Not great but it does swing the Rumiko matchup strongly in Andromeda's favor.
  • Sacred Candle: Always a solid choice but there are better items.
  • Sharpening Stone: Very good. Trueshot has a 50% chance to crit when using Sharpening Stone, and Rain of Arrows will do 60 damage maximum on a critical hit.
  • Valkyrie's Charm: Though she does have slow moves, they're not helped much by the Valkyrie's charm because not many ranged moves are below speed 5 or speed 4.

General Items[]



  • Andromeda's energy lasts longer than most characters'. Her innate gives a small but significant bonus, Crippling Shot is cheap and can save her from needing to force far, and Lightning Arrow does significant damage for free.
  • Andromeda's Trueshot, although slow, is powerful and can be done in the same turn as a range change.
  • Rain of Arrows is extremely effective against lightly armored opponents, sometimes inflicting more damage than an intercept would have.
  • Lightning Arrow is free and can interrupt Chi Blasts and other light-based attacks, which can annoy mono-light users.


  • Due to the slowness of her "big" attacks, Andromeda tends to lose in direct matchups against other far-focused characters, such as Anex, Phoebe, and Cain Solomon.
  • Andromeda's hits-fleeing attack is ineffective against the heavily-armored close-only tanks whom she otherwise does well against (Helene, Onimaru, and Ashi).
  • Even though it is offset by her abilities, she is still a mono-range character (one of the two most mono, in fact), and as such completely useless at close range.
    • Interestingly, this means that she is one of two characters functionally immune to the effects of Command (since it only affects close-ranged attacks).

Known bugs[]


Changes scheduled with next versions[]

v1.2 3/17/2008[]

  • Rain of Arrows damage down, 9x5->8x5
  • True Shot energy cost down 60->55

v1.3 3/27/2008[]

  • Crippling shot damage up 10->15
  • Crippling shot proc rate down 100%->90%
  • Rain of Arrows hit rate down 100%->90%
  • Trueshot hit rate up 95%->97%

v. 1.8[]

  • Lightning arrow
    • 18 damage, 9 speed, 100% hit

v. 1.9f[]

  • Trueshot hit rate up 97%->100%
  • Trueshot energy cost down 55->50
  • Crippling Shot damage up 15->20


  • Andromeda has been referenced as a mini-boss in the Nerdook game Legends of Kong. In it, she uses a Sniper Rifle as her weapon instead of a bow, and with it the protagonist stated that she "can accurately put a bullet through the middle of a coin from 2 miles away!"

Full Art[]

Andromeda, the Archer