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This is one gynoid you don't want to pick a fight with. If you see Angelan D, just you can't run. There's (also) no point in fighting or hiding, because she's relentless in her goal.

Angelan D
Type Character
Group Robots
Version 2.4
Health 70
Physical Def 3
Light Def 3
Dark Def 0
Innate Abilities cost 5 less energy for 4 turns after resting
Attacks Wave Motion Fist, Cloak, Surprise Attack, Precision Strike

Kongai Card Album Description[]

A stealthed, deadly, unpredictable killing machine, Angelan just might be behind you RIGHT NOW!


Angelan Series D Stats

Equippable Items[]

Robot Items[]

  • A66 Capacitor: Aside from Surprise Attack, Angelan won't be in a lot of situations with low energy, especially because of her innate.
  • Energy Core: Ok item, can be useful in many situations, but Angelan Series D has better choices. Valuable because Angelan can Cloak and then threaten Surprise Attack regardless of her energy until Energy Core is broken.
  • Null Matrix: Useful for deactivating cranes and spyglasses, which would prevent Angelan from dodging. It's also useful against Girdle of Iron Will if you attack with Wave Motion Fist or Precision Strike.
  • Omega Boosters: Boosts Wave Motion Fist's damage output by burning and interrupting light (while repurposing it when fighting dark users) and can give Cloak an interesting characteristic of dealing chip damage. Sometimes useful or not, depending on the situation. 
  • Z-Phase Converter: Not that decent, Angelan's Cloak, coupled with her average HP and low survivability mean Angelan can't fully utilize the Converter.

General Items[]



  • Very fast attacks, good as a finisher.
  • Cloak can often set up a yomi the next turn, makes Angelan one of the best character for yomi players.
  • Can dodge nearly all attacks with Cloak.
  • Innate makes her one of the best energy game characters
  • She is viable at both ranges


  • No dark magic resistance
  • Very yomi-depended (this is both bad and good, depends on the situation, and the player using her).
  • Her inability to hit fleeing opponents lessens her effectiveness as a finisher.
  • Her most powerful attack (Surprise Attack) requires Cloak first
  • Setup time


  • Wave Motion Fist is a reference to the Street Fighter move Hadoken while Angelan herself bears similarities to the T-X (in terms of design) from the Terminator series.
  • Angelan D has been referenced as a mini-boss in the Nerdook game Legends of Kong. In it, she uses a Silenced Pistol as her weapon instead of an energy blade, and the protagonist stated that she is "a shadow wrapped in a mystery shrouded in an enigma!"
    • Her Cloak ability is retained in the game as "Cloak Trigger", and both her (as a boss character) and the protagonist can use it as part of their skillset.

Known Bugs[]

  • None

Full Art[]

Angelan Series D, the Covert Operative