Aka. Deck Attacks
- Attacks that hit one or more opponent (or ally) at the same time. Either direct damage or indirect damage (splash).
Deck-hitting Attacks[]
The following attacks can do damage to all cards in the enemy's deck at once:
- Shadow Wrath (Amaya) - Hits all opponents
- Tiger Frenzy (Zina) - Hits all opponents
- Eye of the Tiger (Zina) - Random opponents
- Radiance Burst (Voss) - Hits all opponents
- Pyroclasm (Bestor) - Hits all opponents
- Reckless Firestorm (Rathbone) - Hits all opponents and allies
- Soul Siphon (Rathbone) - Hits one ally
- Circle of Shadows (Sophie Merovingian) - Hits all opponents and self
- Demon Frenzy (Sadie Trudeau) - Chance to hit one extra opponent
- Item A66 Capacitor - Hits all opponents when activated (10
Energy or less).
The following attacks do splash damage to all cards in the enemy's deck at once:
- Death Blossom (Gorbax-Mark 2)
- Self-Destruct (IBO-K9)
- Fire Cannon (Balthazar Bomb-Britches)
- Elemental Prism (Knights' Item, 30%)
The information below has been verified for 3-card decks and 5-card decks; it is based entirely on information from the game log unless stated otherwise.
Hit order[]
- A hits-all attack always hits the active card first; it then follows the original deck order: the order the cards were in at the beginning of the match.
- If a deck shows as A-B-C in deck builder, then its original deck order is A-B-C. If B is the active card, no matter where A and C are on bench, a deck attack will hit the cards B-A-C, in that order.
Hit order when switching[]
If a card switches in, it counts as active as soon as it is on the battlefield (but no sooner), and it will from then on be hit first. The switched-out card then counts as a benched card, and falls under the original deck order again. Note that Shadow Wrath, which hits fleeing, hits the active card before it switches out, just as other hits-fleeing attacks do.
Hit rate[]
A hits-all attack checks the hit rate for each card separately: Popo will still have a 25% (or 50% with Elusive Feather) chance to dodge Zina's Tiger Frenzy as normal when Popo is on bench, and the other two cards will have each its own chance to be hit, as normal.
Ring of Curses in a hits-all attack[]
If a hits-all attack hits a card that has Ring of Curses, and if this card is not the last card to be hit, the attacking hit rate will be reduced even before the other cards are hit in that same turn, despite the fact that the -10% debuff will only show up after all the hits in the game log.
For this reason, it is advised to put the Ring on the leftmost card in your deck that can profit from it. This information has been verified independently of the game log.
This information has been tested independently of the game log.
- If a card switches out while you are performing a hits-all attack, it will evade the attack, just like it would evade a normal attack; the other cards are hit as normal, though, including the card that is switching in.
- Amaya's Shadow Wrath is the exception to the above: it can also hit the fleeing card.
- Another exception is Oxbox's Sandstorm, which will not debuff the bench if the damaging component is evaded.
- Zina's Eye of the Tiger does not hit fleeing: if it picks the active card while the active card is switching out that turn, EotT will be evaded.
- If Zina kills a card with Tiger Frenzy, Zina activates her innate after all hits have been performed for that turn: this means that, even if she kills card X before she hits card Y, the added damage and the change in damage type will not affect card Y.
- If Auger is on the bench while Zina casts Tiger Frenzy, she has a chance to trigger his innate and be Stood Down.
- When a hits-all attack hits a benched Ring of Curses on the attacker's own team by any reason, the attacker will get cursed.
- The splash damage is caused by a successful hit: if the attack misses, it is dodged, or the target switches out, there will be no splash damage.
- Sacred Candle will prevent Splash damage but not direct damage.
- Knight's Emblem will prevent all damage to its user when active, which includes Splash damage and direct damage.