Kongai Wiki
Bracers of Righteousness
Type Item
Group Knights
Version 2.4
Effect Increase your dark resistance by 2, light resistance by 1, and physical armor by 1.

Knights-only item. When equipped by a Knight, the Bracers of Righteousness increases the user's dark resistance by 2, and both light and physical resistance by 1.

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Particularly effective when facing off against witches and vampires, who rely heavily on dark magic attacks.

Bracers of Righteousness on characters[]

Much like Reinforced Breastplate, Bracers of Righteousness can serve as a deterrent against multiplicative damage attacks (although all the Knights have a generous amount of physical defenses) and as a dark resistance booster, but this item ends up more often than not being on a competition from Hero's Flagon.


  • Bestor - This allows him to cover his dark defense and go toe to toe with specialists like Cornelius and other dark users.
  • Gunbjorn - Since Bjorn has zero dark defense, equipping this may be a matter of life or death.
  • Oxbox - Similar to Gunbjorn, Oxbox also has zero dark defense.
  • Rathbone - Unless he's facing another dark-based character, this won't affect Rathbone's overall stats. Choose something else.
  • Wei-Shan - He's generally a weaker fighter (yet he has more dark defenses than any knight other than Rathbone), so his innate works great when you buff his defenses with the Bracers. Also, they'll makes him a better staller.

See also[]

Full Art[]

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