Kongai Wiki

Buff Removal

A.k.a Debuff removal.


  • Exactly what it says: removes buff from an opponent. 
  • Works by picking a buff at random and then remove the buff of that type with the least time remaining.
  • In the case of some, removes debuff from himself or allies.
  • Only (de)buffs with a specific duration can be removed (e.g. Bleed)
  • This debuff will not appear on the battlefield or the gamelog.

Causes of Buff Removal[]

  • Onimaru's Sword Flurry100% chance to remove 1 buff from an opponent.
  • Zina's Tiger Pounce100% chance to remove 1 buff from an opponent.
  • Agathe De Grey's Wild Broom Ride - 33% chance to remove 1 buff from an opponent.
  • Ranec Vest's Two-sword Slash - 30% chance to remove 1 buff from an opponent.
  • Wei-Shan's innate - 100% chance to remove 1 debuff from himself when resting.
  • Wei-Shan's Healing Wind - 100% chance to remove all debuffs from allies.
  • Juju's innate - 20% chance to remove 1 debuff from himself every turn.
  • Margo Curie's innate - 90% chance to remove ALL debuffs from allies when resting.
  • B9's Protect Family - 100% chance to remove one debuff from user and all allies. Cannot be used twice in a row.

Resistances to this debuff[]

  • Debuff removal cannot usually be removed, due to being instantaneous.
  • Sacred Candle has a 50% chance avoiding debuffs, includes ignoring buff removal.