Kongai Wiki
Captain's Grog Mug
Type Item
Group Pirates
Version 2.4
Effect Heals for 25 HP once when HP falls below 30%

For Pirates only. This item will heal its wearer once for 25 HP when the character's health reaches 30% or less of his maximum HP, then the item breaks. Grog will not revive a dead character.

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Best used with Balthazar, as his high health makes a killing blow from over 30% less likely. Least effective with Darla Cross.

Captain's Grog Mug on characters[]


  • Auger Blackboot - Can be useful. As mentioned in the description, Auger has high health, making him more suitable for tanking.
  • Balthazar Bomb-Britches - As a natural tank, this is an excellent choice due to his high HP and resist, often allowing him to get in that last crucial hit.
  • Darla Cross - A poor choice because of her low health since she can often be killed before the item kicks in. However, it can still be useful because of her item stealing abilities. Against bench attacks like Zina's Tiger Frenzy, Darla is likely to be in danger of dying first; this may keep her in play. Otherwise, Healing Salve is the better option.
  • Ranec Vest - Ranec has low resists and only 75 HP. this is a good way to survive after his innate ability wears off and he can't switch out.
  • Starbuck - Can be useful, much in a similar fashion like Auger.

Changes scheduled with next versions[]


Full Art[]

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