Kongai Wiki
Captain's Mirror
User Auger Blackboot Version 2.4
Damage 0 Type Physical
Cost 10 Speed 10
D/C 0 Range Dual
Hit% 90% Proc% 100%
Effect Reflect Light
Description Cannot be used two turns in a row.



  • Low cost.
  • Usually light moves are very powerful and costly, so reflecting can deal significant damage to the enemy, making him lose energy in addition.


  • Can miss (Polished Spyglass can fix that)
  • Deals no damage if people does not attack or use a non-light move; in that case you have an opportunity-cost of 30 energy (that you could have gained if you have chosen to rest).
  • Can't be used for 2 turns in a row (if it "hits" when you attempt it)

Changes scheduled with next versions[]