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Knights character matchups. Back to the main page
Knight Bestor[]
Bestor vs Onimaru[]
Bestor will win 1v1. Bestor has a far-ranged attack which is fast and can damage all opponents unlike Onimaru, and can easily stomp the latter before Ancestral Spirit has prominent effects, as he has no light resistance by default
Bestor vs Rumiko[]
Bad matchup for Bestor even with his opponent's lack of Light defenses. Bestor's Flame Sword Frenzy and Rumiko can port out (she has little to gain from Eviscerate, as it is the same speed as FSF). Bestor Pyroclasm’s and Rumiko will use Shuriken Barrage. Rumiko wins on turn 3 with 27 HP. Bestor can alternatively Force Close turn 2 and use Engulfing Flames but will die turn 4. Bracers of Righteousness will even then ease the delay of death if not careful, so if Bestor's switching in, consider this.
Bestor vs Yoshiro[]
Item dependant matchup. Generally, Bestor wins, but General’s insignia and a well timed Rising Dragon can make the match favored to Yoshiro.
Bestor vs Andromeda[]
Tossup, but Bestor usually favored. The outcome is highly dependent upon correctly guessing range ranges and tactical rests. Bestor will likely come out ahead if switching is an option. Otherwise, they'll trade and it'll come down to the items. For example, if Andromeda is using Reinforced Breastplate because of your ally Rumiko, something like Bracers, RoB or Prism can become handy as a counter.
Bestor vs Anex[]
Bestor slightly favored if close, Anex favored if far. Bestor and Anex trade blows, and Bestor will at worst trade with Anex if FSF procs off the 2nd hit, and win if it procs off of the 1st. Annex using Herbal remedy, getting a critical hit, or starting at far will allow her to have the advantage in this matchup.
Bestor vs Ashi[]
Bestor favored. FSF kills on turn 2, Bestor taking 51 damage from Signature Slice and 17 from Axe Handle.
Bestor vs Phoebe[]
Bestor highly favored. Bestor kills after 2nd FSF, having taken little damage from Pheobe.
Bestor vs Popo[]
Luck dependent, but Bestor Favored. Bestor should force close, FSF, rest twice and force close and FSF. Popo must get some combination of 2 Slingshot critical hits or poison to win, and will have ~3 opportunities to do so.
Bestor vs Tafari[]
Tafari achieves pyrrhic Victory outside of 1v1 scenario. Bestor forces close and hits with FSF, then Tafari forces far and trades Pyroclasm with Poison Dart. Tafari will likely kill Bestor first, but his bench will take a beating.
Bestor vs Ubuntu[]
Bestor favored. Bestor forces close, uses FSF, Ubuntu goes far, uses Spirit Assistance, Bestor forces close and kills with FSF.
Bestor vs Zina[]
Bestor favored. Bestor wins Pyroclasm/Tiger Frenzy trades if he lands FSF before Zina forcing Far.
Bestor vs Ambrosia[]
Bestor favored. Ambrosia trades Vamp Kiss with FSF, allowing her to survive to turn 3 and being killed by a 3rd FSF. Coming in at far Ambrosia wins, as she will kill Bestor by trading Bleeding Ritual with Pyroclasm. Forcing Close would not be advantageous for Bestor in this situation.
Bestor vs Cain[]
Outcome depends on who range changes turn 1. If both or neither range change, Bestor will be able to land 2 FSF and take 59 damage. If only Cain or Bestor changes range, Cain will win. Cain favored if range starts at far.
Bestor vs Cornelius[]
Bestor highly favored. Kills on turn 2 after eating a Pilebunker to the face, or 2 Voidstreams if CC forces far.
Bestor vs the Marquis[]
Bestor wins on turn 3. The Marquis’s terrible defense system is to blame.
Bestor vs Auger[]
Tossup. Bestor slightly favored if starting at close, but Auger favored if starting at far. If Auger attacks with Word of Command and Bestor attacks himself (hit or miss) while equipped with Elemental Prism, it has a 30% chance for Bestor and his bench to take 6 elemental damage because all of Bestor's attacks are light magic, causing EP a chance to trigger. EP can also trigger if Bestor is hit (Light magic attack cast and damaged with light magic attack, this can cause up to 12 elemental damage to Bestor and his bench). Engulfing Flames will benefit Bestor if hit with WoC (2 burn buffs).
- Notes: If FSF or Pyroclasm is reflected with Captain's Mirror while Bestor is equipped with Elemental Prism, Auger and his bench will take elemental damage. Engulfing Flames function the same even reflected with or without EP. (Buffs Bestor 4+ hp healing and damages Auger for 4 burn damage even if reflected with Captain's Mirror.)
Bestor vs Darla[]
Bestor favored. If Darla stuns with her Torpedo, however, and steals whatever item he's using (Bracers or Flagon are always good), then she will win.
Bestor vs Ranec[]
Bestor favored. Essentially a significantly more favorable VV matchup.
Bestor vs Starbuck[]
Starbuck slightly favored. He can win if the Gigaton Punch activates, but otherwise they trade. All down to the items that are being used.
Bestor vs Bestor[]
This matchup depends if Flame Sword Frenzy hits and proc. Engulfing Flame will heal both players. You'll end up using Pyroclasm because it won't burn your opponent so items like Elemental Prism, Flagon, Ring of Bravery, or Salve can swing towards their users if you can't switch. Note that if both Bestor's has Elemental Prism equipped, this acts as a double-edged sword: it can also benefit the other Bestor if hit with a light magic attack.
Bestor vs Rathbone[]
Bestor favored. Rathbone will likely want to force far and then trade Firestorm with Pyroclasm, though this is still unfavorable as he will have to rest after 3 turns.
Bestor vs Eva[]
Bestor favored due to his innate which makes Eva's Searing Touch unusable, forcing her to use Kiss. Pyroclasm can also interrupt most of Eva's other attacks if proc.
Knight Gunbjorn[]
Gunbjorn vs Higashi[]
Gunbjorn with the Girdle can turn this matchup in favor for him (where he could otherwise be outmanouvered by a lucky Higashi) as long as he stays close:
- While chances are slim, Cold Steel Axe (and all of Gunbjorn's other three attacks) can be interrupted with Open Palm, which is uncounterable with Helmet Ram (which can interrupt Sweep). With Girdle, CSA and Bone Chill (which you will need to prevent Higashi from going to far range) without risk of interruption.
- If at far range, Higashi can threaten with a Chi Blast, but it's a costly attack (even if he uses Scroll to counter Gunbjorn's innate) which would leave him in an energy hole (leaving him the alternative of the less damaging Dashing Strike). At far range, Gunbjorn deals less damage, but still have other ways of preventing Higashi use Chi Blast with Bone Chill and Ice Shards, the latter being able to slow down Chi Blast until it's unusable, allowing Gunbjorn easy access to changing range or switching out.
Gunbjorn vs Yoshiro[]
Gun wins if close, Yoshi wins if far:
- Far range: Gunbjorn can only use Ice Shards (which deals no damage to Yoshi) and Bone Chill, which Yoshiro can either use Chi Reflect or Chi Blast.
- Close Range: Gun can mix-up his light attacks with Cold Steel Axe or Helmet Ram (which will not interrupt unless Ice Shard's active) which makes harder for Yoshi to predict using Chi Reflect. If Yoshiro has Origami Crane equipped, he's immune to Ice Shard's slow. Usually, Gun's optimal move is Helmet Ramx3 since CSA becomes difficult to pull off without Yoshi's Open Palm (Girdle will fix that).
- Yoshi's lack of physical defenses means that he will usually receive the full 27 damage for each ram. Although slim, Yoshi can still dodge that with his innate.
- Since Gunbjorn's innate can be negated by Yoshi's Scroll of Inner Focus, It is ideally suitable to counter the Scroll with Bone Chill and/or Stoneheel Totem.
Gunbjorn vs Ashi[]
Gunbjorn generally favored because of his innate and light attacks. Ashi's innate make's Helmet Ram useless of its original purpose, but it functions as a cheaper and more damaging Axe Handle (even without using Ring of Bravery) despite being slower. As Gun's not very fussy on his item choice, Bracers become very useful since it patches up Gun's defenses to be nearly even to Ashi's (6/2/2 with bracers), or alternatively RoB or Elemental Prism for damage control (Ice Shard and Bone Chill can be very damaging to Ashi without Candle equipped and EP can proc if she hits the enemy with her only light magic attack: Bleeding Slice). Most of the time, his choice of an item should correspond with Ashi's selection (e.g: Bracers increases Gun's survivability against Sacred Candle and Sharpening Stone).
Gunbjorn vs Helene[]
Goes either way for this matchup. Helmet Ram can interrupt all but one of Helene's attack (Frenzied Strikes, an attack that Helene will plan on using often because of Gun's lack of dark defenses). In turn, Helene's Shield Bash can also interrupt all but one of Gun's attack, but Gunbjorn has the advantage of being more suited at far range and can slow down his opponents as well as making their attacks more expensive, proving that Helene isn't using the Candle. Girdle may be useful for Gun if Cold Steel Axe is prone to interrupts, but that item should be superseded by Bracers of Righteousness or RoB.
Gunbjorn vs Vanessa[]
Gunbjorn usually favoured due to his higher physical defenses. With the damage of Ice Shards compromised by Vanessa's light defenses, Gun's lack of dark defenses will be a problem since he can be easily killed off with just Feast of Blood. Bracers of Righteousness will ease up the damage 99% of the time.
Gunbjorn vs Gunbjorn[]
Helmet Ram can interrupt most of Gun's other moves during a mirror matchup, so the Girdle of Iron Will may be considered useful. Ring of Bravery or Bracers are also viable options.
Gunbjorn vs IBO-K9[]
Gunbjorn usually favored due to his superior stats and attacks, especially if he can use Bracers or RoB. K9 likely to switch out. If at far, Ice Shards will slow K9 down without risk of Claw, Claw, Bite and Self-Destruct, making it harder to pull off the latter attack at close range, while Bone Chill could scare K9 into not changing range once his innate wears off. At close range, Helmet Ram can interrupt Self-Destruct and Uplifting Yelp.
Gunbjorn vs Agathe[]
Agathe isn't usually suited to fight against Gunbjorn unless she can pull off Witch's Curse, so she's usually going to switch out or defeat Gun with Mark of the Witch. Thankfully, Gun has many advantages:
- Helmet Ram can interrupt most of Agathe's moves (except for the far-only Wild Broom Ride). Assuming Ram doesn't interrupt MotW, switch out the next turn to remove the debuff.
- In most cases, it's possible to defeat Agathe at close range by Ram first then following up with Cold Steel Axe. This is a recommended pattern if Gun can't switch out of MotW because of The Black Book, taking her down with him.
- Alternately, Gunbjorn can win by staying afar (to avoid Agathe's innate) and bombarding her with Ice Shards x3, which she has no immunity to. Bone Chill is relatively useless, and it can be countered with the Periapt.
Knight Oxbox[]
Oxbox vs Higashi[]
With the Girdle of Iron Will, Oxbox can turn a relatively difficult matchup into a total washout against certain opponents, and Higashi is no different:
- Girdle voids three of Higashi's attacks (particularly as Open Palm can notoriously interrupt any of Oxbox's moves). Warhammer Ram won't interrupt anything (being speed 3) but it can force a far-ranged Higashi without the energy to nuke Chi Blast into close-range while making it difficult for the latter to return far during the next turn.
- In most cases, it's better for Oxbox to stay than to risk being intercepted by Higashi's innate while switching out. Elemental Prism, Ring of Bravery, Salve, or Bracers of Righteousness can be suitable alternate choices.
Oxbox vs Yoshiro[]
Oxbox wins with Girdle equipped (which nulls the effect of Yoshi's Open Palm in a scenario that easily preventable, particularly if the latter's aiming for a Chi Blast). With Girdle, Oxbox will only have to use Warhammer Smash twice at close range to defeat Yoshiro, though Ring of Bravery on Oxbox means that Ox can usually defeat Yoshi with WSmash after using Warhammer Ram at far range.
Oxbox vs Helene[]
Bad matchup. Helene can simply win this by spamming Frenzied Strikes. As this is faster, cheaper, and usually more damaging than Warhammer Smash (even with RoB), this will often beat it out. Oxbox should simply switch out.
Oxbox vs Phoebe[]
They'll trade blows but Oxbox wins if he's close, or else Phoebe wins if she's afar. Oxbox has better resists and can fluctuate them (Stoneskin, ahem), although Phoebe's attacks are usually quicker. Oxbox should be switching in first to activate his innate when possible. Gridle on Oxbox will counter Phoebe and her Sharpening Stone as sandstorm is bugged
Oxbox vs Ubuntu[]
Even. Oxbox will need to stay close so that Ubuntu can't switch to far otherwise the latter can use Spirit Assistance, which (with many buffs), can one-shot kill Oxbox. Using Sandstorm can counter Ub's addictive buffs. Otherwise, feel free to switch out from Ub after a Warhammer Smash.
Oxbox vs Balthazar[]
If B3 has 72 HP or less and at close range, Oxbox could win if Warhammer Smash stuns, as it's faster than Drop Kick. If it stuns, rest and use Smash or Intercept if you believe that B3 could switch (which is a possibility), otherwise use Smash again and switch out. If it fails on the first try and you're at far range (without a loaded cannon), using Warhammer Ram can be risky as it can either miss and/or be countered with Shot-put's stun (which is negateable with Girdle), leaving Oxbox prone to retaliation if he can't switch out, since there's no point fighting B3 with a loaded cannon!
Oxbox vs Oxbox[]
You'll be likely to use Warhammer Smash first to stun the opponent first (if it works, the better) before switching out since being in prolonged combat (especially with a mirror match) is detrimental to Oxbox's survivability. If it's just the both of you left, a chance of Stoneskin Dance or Sandstorm may swing things (which still isn't a good thing as they're both very slow and you'll receive damage, not to mention Sandstorms' sketchy history of bugs), so a draw would rather be preferable than a loss.
Oxbox vs Agathe[]
Oxbox can win with Ring of Bravery as he can start at far range, use Warhammer Ram before finishing with Warhammer Smash, and switch out with relatively little damage (switching out because Oxbox will now be in an energy hole for the next fighter).
Fallen Knight Rathbone[]
Rathbone vs Amaya[]
- Both characters will trade blows but Amaya will usually deal a bit more damage due to Rathbone's lower dark defenses (Rathbone can even this out with Bracers of Righteousness/Ring of Bravery and/or Heart of Darkness, which can usually kill x2).
- Ninja-port can soft-interrupt Soul Siphon, but can also be (hard, for the obvious) interrupted (alongside Shadow Wrath) by Domination.
- Amaya with Jade Figurine will make her have more HP than Rathbone. Rathbone can heal more with SSiphon and Hero's Flagon with the former damaging her, so this may be 50/50.
Rathbone vs Onimaru[]
High chance of favor for Rathbone, akin to Bestor's matchup comparing to Oni. At far range, Rathbone can easily whittle away Oni with Reckless Firestorm at the cost of everybody else, while Heart of Darkness will normally two-shot Onimaru before any of his attacks hit (as Sword Flurry will normally get whiffed by Rathbone's physical resists (Rathbone has no self buffs to begin with) and Oni at best can only get one Double Slash in before he dies, enabling Rathbone to heal up with Soul Siphon or switch out).
Rathbone vs Anex[]
Very much a double-edged battle. At far range, Rathbone can dominate all three of Anex's far-range attacks, yet at close she can slow him down with Chakkra Slash. Anex's innate can also backfire as she can deal massive damage to her teammates with a well-timed Domination, assuming Rathbone can survive enchanted attacks (which, alongside Anex's Insignia can be countered with Heart of Darkness, which can usually kill in two turns).
Rathbone vs Phoebe[]
Phoebe becomes very dangerous at full health and at far range as she has the option of either wearing down Rathbone with two Rapid Lashes or one singular Power Lash. If at close range (where A, she'll try and land Hamstring, which has a good chance of being Dominated. Rathbone should ideally switch out at best or range-dance to prevent Phoebe from going far.
Rathbone vs Tafari[]
Rathbone should be range-dancing in this matchup if he doesn't want to be flattened by Ambush!
- Ideally, Rathbone should move close and attempt to use Heart of Darkness at least twice. If Rathbone is low on energy and cannot use HoD, us Soul Siphon as a stalling method to regain energy while draining health, especially if Tafari is using Poison Darts.
- It's recommended that Domination should only be used if Rathbone is at far-range or preferably when Tafari uses Hide to set up Ambush.
- Ring of Bravery essentially voids Tafari's dark defenses by dealing three extra damage, making this a recommended item, though Healing Salve may be more useful if Rathbone range-changes more often.
Rathbone vs the Marquis[]
Tossup. Rathbone’s advantage is due to having a better energy game, while the Marquis has higher dark resists. Rathbone generally has slower moves than the Marquis, but Domination can counter most of Marquis' moves. Usually they'll be trading blows, so Ring of Bravery is something that would become useful for extra chip damage (though Hero's Flagon or Bracers may be more useful if Rathbone plans on switching out more often).
Rathbone vs Ranec[]
They'll usually trade blows, but if Ranec starts at far range and uses Psycho Crusher (which can soft-interrupt Reckless Firestorm), he can win by finishing off with Two-sword Slash (or maybe throwing a Le Chuck's Curse beforehand to annoy the next fighter switching in). Ranec with Ghostly Touch can make Heart of Darkness and Domination more undesirable to use because of increased energy cost, meaning that Rathbone can't change range and use HoD/Domination during the same turn (Cursed Dabloons will aggravate this further). This will likely force Rathbone to stick cheap with Siphon and Reckless Firestorm.
Rathbone vs Rathbone[]
Domination can interrupt all other moves of Rathbone, and Heart of Darkness can basically 2-shot the other player if undominated. Ring of Bravery, Flagon, or Bracers may also be good.
Knight Wei-Shan[]
Wei-Shan vs Higashi[]
Higashi normally favored due to having a superior damage output, but Wei-Shan with Bracers of Righteousness or RoB and a well-timed Crippling Palm (which is faster than Open Palm) can easily buy the latter some time to get a Healing Wind in before switching out. Higashi can threaten at far with Chi Blast, but Wei-Shan can counter with Whirlwind and move towards close range (if still alive), which deals 45 damage to a tired Higashi, and counter with CriPalm, but otherwise stay at close range.
- Higashi equipped with Origami Crane is immune to Crippling Palm's debuff, but Higashi's mostly accurate.
- Be prepared for any signs of stalling, so items like Salve (Wei-Shan) or or Scroll (Higashi) may be handy.
Wei-Shan vs Rumiko[]
Bad matchup for Wei-Shan even with his superior stats, he lacks the offensive edge to take on Rumiko and survive. Crippling Palm will not affect Shuriken Barrage, and Rumiko can still Ninja-Port out of that after it hits (Wei-Shan's innate can remove the effects of Poison Dart if used), while Dashing Strike is only a weak counter against SBarrage itself. Wei-Shan can however, defeat Rumiko unconventionally by starting at far range with 100 Energy and activating Whirlwind first before moving close (to trigger the trap) and using Crippling Palm, but this is generally hard to execute and Rumiko can undo this by using Jade Figurine (which always guarantees a switchout with at least 14 HP).
Wei-Shan vs Juju[]
Wei-Shan has the potential to run gauntlets against poor Juju, who is unable to deal direct offense. However, it might be a lot safer if Wei-Shan can switch out:
- If at far, Wei-Shan has the option of keeping him at bay with Whirlwind preventing the use of Touch of Doom however, this leaves him weak to Hex, dealing 30 damage (which can be reduced by 33%/to 20 damage if Wei-Shan is using bracers). Wei-Shan can bombard Juju with Dashing Strike (if it crits, the better) which will usually deal full damage.
- Be wary of Juju's innate removing the Trap.
- Keep in mind that Juju has to have at least 41 HP before Whirlwind becomes fatal.
- At close range, Wei-Shan cannot remove any of Juju's debuffs so time your switches carefully if you feel like a ToD or Curse of Juju is approaching. Juju can remove Wei-Shan's debuffs, Wei-Shan can't.
- If Juju has Mindreader's Chalice, Wei-Shan has a better chance of staying at far range.
- Knight's Emblem, if Wei-Shan is using it, allows him to zero-sum any damage from ToD and CoJ if he can switch out.
- Crippling Palm has no effect on Juju, but is decent if you have to stall to gain energy (which you shouldn't have to, since Wei-Shan has a high energy efficiency). It also deals full damage to Juju as well.
- Do not worry if Elusive Feather is in play. A 1 in 4 chance of a miss isn't that big of a deal as it mean that you're just 75% accurate. At best, it is an item that's heavily reliant on luck instead of a predetermined factor (like Sharpening Stone). It is also unaffected by Whirlwind damage.
- Ring of Bravery is always a decent option for damage control. Plus, its instantaneous, meaning that Juju cannot remove it with his innate.
Wei-Shan vs Popo[]
Luck dependent, but Wei-Shan favored. Cripping Palm is too fast for Knee Bash to interrupt and can completely disable Popo from dealing any direct damage if it hits twice, forcing them to rely completely on poison (which is also negatable with Wei-Shan's innate by resting).
Wei-Shan vs Ubuntu[]
Close Range:
- Wei-Shan's Crippling Palm only affects Ubuntu's Staff Strike since it's his only single-hit attack.
- Ubuntu can attack with Tiger Claws to increase his teams Critical Hit Rate or Rain Dance to buff damage +1 for his team.
- Staff Strike has a chance to buff single-hit attacks by +4 for Ubuntu's team, but Wei-Shan can attack opposing character with Crippling Palm and reduce single-hit attacks by -10.
Far Range:
- Ubuntu has only 1 damaging attack at far range, Spirit Assistance. It deals 50 dark magic damage at the end of next turn if the enemy is affected.
- If Wei-Shan is affected by Spirit Assistance, it can be removed by next turn if he use rest (optimal choice since it can remove 1 debuff and heal +4 HP), Healing Wind, or switch out while having Knight's Emblem.
- No damage will be dealt if Wei-Shan has the appropriate item and/or does the following, unless Healing Wind doesn't proc. Wei-Shan can attack with Dashing Strike or Whirlwind and force close range, since he has the advantage.
Note: The below method is possible for Ubuntu with another attack and/or item debuff besides Spirit Assistance. Ubuntu has no attacks that can affect debuffs on an enemy character, but there is an item in particular: Deadly Poison. This works only against the Spirit Assistance-Rest removal (optimal move) from Wei-Shan. This is not certain to work, but makes this matchup altered differently if attacks proc and thought process is done correctly.
- With Deadly Poison equipped, Staff Strike and Tiger Claws benefit from this item regardless of damage dealt.
- Wei-Shan's passive removes the first debuff affected on him and only one at a time. Depending on the order of debuffs affected on him, it's not certain he'll remove the Spirit Assistance debuff.
- Healing Wind removes all debuffs from his team, but this attack has 3 speed and 90% proc rate. Spirit Assistance won't be removed if both attacks are casted at the same time, since they have the same speed.
- If Healing Wind is used and doesn't proc, he'll be damaged with Poison and possibly, Spirit Assistance.
Wei-Shan vs Wei-Shan[]
They'll be trading Crippling Palms and Dashing Strikes, but a random Whirlwind can easily swing towards the user after changing range and switching out.
Wei-Shan vs B9[]
Generally bad matchup for Wei-Shan if he can't switch out, as B9 has the overall superior defenses and higher offense power. Wei-Shan may be able to turn this around if he's equipped with Elemental Prism, giving him more time to survive and escape.
Wei-Shan vs Margo[]
Wei-Shan favored. He can cure himself and his allies of debuffs while resting or Healing Wind (being able to remove Hallucinogenic Incense), Crippling Palm weakens her main attacks if used, and Margo has no physical resistance to Wei-Shan's main attacks. Margo may want to use Sigil of Heartache as Wei-Shan is the more frequent switcher, but Coffin Nails is usually better than naught in this situation since Wei-Shan should be capitalizing this situation by defeating her (it's always embarrassing for your opponents whenever one of their fighters is defeated by the unassuming Wei-Shan!).