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Angelan Series D[]
Angelan D vs Higashi[]
Item-dependent matchup. Angelan with Energy Core can win by combo-ing Cloak, Surprise Attack and Precision Strike (which deals a combined total of 81 damage, just enough to kill him without Jade Figurine or Healing Salve and have some energy left for the next opponent), though Higashi with Origami Crane will ignore the effects of Cloak while Scroll of Inner Focus will have a stronger lasting effect on Higashi's energy game than Angelan's innate.
Angelan D vs Rumiko[]
Angelan D's energy game/innate can be countered by Rumiko's somewhat superior Scroll of Inner Focus (both effects are the same, but Rumiko doesn't need to rest to have those benefits) so this is moot. A more reliable certainty is that Angelan has better durability (3/3/0 compared to Rumiko's 2/0/0) and landing at least 3 Wave Motion Fists while remaining far range can make Angelan win this matchup (compared to Rumiko, who needs at least eight turns for the slower Poison Darts to successfully win if it procs both times while on the same range or at least 3-4 Shuriken Barrages.
Angelan's main weakness at close range is that Eviscerate can soft-interrupt Surprise Attack if Cloak doesn't dodge the attack, and Origami Crane ignores the effect of Cloak entirely. Rumiko's innate (as well as Flash Powder) is also advantageous for her when she switches out (who can avoid intercepts), so her escaping from a Surprise Attack becomes very taxing on Angelan D as the energy wasted leaves her at an energy hole and could have been used for switching or resting.
Angelan D tends to be more flexible when it comes to her selection of items. Girdle of Iron Will could be useful if Rumiko's Eviscerate becomes annoying with the Origami Crane, but Null Matrix is better overall as it can disable all other opponent's items. YRoC will counter Rumiko's innate with Flash Powder if you're good at predicting switch-outs.
Angelan D vs Yoshiro[]
- Item dependent. As Yoshi has no physical resists when going up against the likes of Surprise Attack (which requires Cloak first) and Precision Strike and can only rely on his 10% innate to dodge them (whereas compared to Cloak which makes Angelan dodge all attacks 33% of the time), Yoshiro will be needing General's Insignia the most as often he would be using Open Palm at close range (as if it procs, it would soft-interrupt SprA and PreS) before using Rising Dragon, assuming if he was forced to fight.
- At far, Chi Blast and Wave Motion Fist are the same speed, but the latter can be Chi Reflected, dealing more damage to Angelan than Yoshi would normally receive. Healing Salve on Yoshi can have some interesting outcomes, though, when Angelan starts using Omega Boosters.
- Ignoring Yoshi's innate, Angelan can usually win if she uses Precision Strike thrice or only once after Cloaking and Surprise Attack (which is where Energy Core may become useful).
- The Girdle may be useful if Yoshiro keeps getting repeated Open Palms, but that's about it (Cloak is generally more useful, despite being less consistent).
- There's no point in using Wave Motion Fist against Chi Blast since they're the same speed.
Angelan D vs Phoebe[]
Take care with Angelan when you choose her item (Insignia, Energy Core, or Null Matrix are always good), as there is always a good chance that Phoebe will shatter that particular item whenever attacking (25%, or one-in-four, is actually a lot bigger than it looks).
Assuming both are at full HP and/or energy, this can go either way, as both are normally suited for both ranges (Angelan more so at close range, due to having stronger close-range attacks):
- Angelan has the advantage of using her nukes (Surprise Attack and Cloak, the latter unlocking the former) at both ranges, while Phoebe can only use Power Lash at far range. Regardless, Angelan's best strategy is to plan on using SprA at close range, where the chances of being countered by Power Lash are none. Finish off with Precision Strike when possible.
- Phoebe has ways of frustrating Angelan at all ranges both in debuffing attacks and in items, though it can be offsetting with Angelan's Cloak and/or Null Matrix (the latter which can be broken). Since Angelan has no debuffs (apart from Interrupting Light and plus crit chance, which aren't generally too concerning), Sacred Candle is a no-go for Phoebe. Valkyrie's Charm is a solid item for Phoebe in this particular matchup, since it makes Deafening Crack faster than SprA and PreS (a Suprise Attack missing can spell a nasty comeback for Phoebe if you're in luck). Having Power Lash the same speed as SprA will also swing favors toward Phoebe. Note that Hamstring is less useful here due to Angelan's flexibility.
Angelan D vs Popo[]
Angelan usually favored:
- Cloak is simply more superior than Popo's innate (despite the cost) as it's has a 33% chance of dodging everything (including the dreaded Poison Darts and Slingshot) as opposed to 25% chance physical only.
- Wave Motion Fist can interrupt Herbal Preparations (and cannot be dodged), preventing Popo from applying buffs and HP. Using Omega Booster makes it more damaging.
- Knee Bash is useless as it's the same speed as both of Angelan's physical attacks, also forcing her to rely completely on her innate which (as it's a 1 in 4 chance) relys on the effectiveness of the RNG.
Angelan D vs Ambrosia[]
This matchup's a brawl, like Cain vs Yoshiro. Ambrosia wins out on raw damage alone if at close range, but her most powerful attack becomes very costly after range-dancing, which is why Angelan's best strategy is to stick it at far range and counter with Wave Motion Fist or Cloak, the latter being very dangerous as it unlocks Surprise Attack, giving Ambrosia a potential catch-22 (she can take 57 damage if at close, which is nothing to scoff at or continue being bombarded by WMF). Energy Core is alright since it means you can use SA without at least 70 energy, but if Tomes or RoC are active, then Null Matrix wouldn't be bad either. Ambrosia's innate voids the need of Boosters.
Angelan D vs Vanessa[]
Don't let Voss's humondingous light resistance scare you, she has no dark resistance like Angelan too so you're mostly even (in fact, better):
- At far range, Wave Motion Fist has a very good chance (50%) of interrupting light attacks if it hits, which makes it satisfying if it gets Ray of Light or Radiance Burst. As WMF will only deal 20 damage, using Omega Boosters to compensate is a good option if it burns, since VV can only heal at close range.
- At close range, go for the usual Cloak and Surprise Attack. If crits worry you because of Double Slash, use Girdle. Otherwise, Precision Strike is usally good (even when cloaked).
Angelan D vs Auger[]
Matchup is usually very item dependent. Unless one of them was on low health, they'll range dance and trade blows for most of the time.
- Most of the time she should be sticking to close range, although she's usually ok at far range.
- Wave Motion Fist becomes void of its original premise (interrupting ranged Light attacks) but can deal large amounts of damage to Auger (assuming it wasn't reflected by Captain's Mirror). With Omega Boosters it buffs WMR considerably, repurposing it. To a lesser extent, Boosters can make Cloak deal chip damage.
- Alternately, Stoneheel Totem and Null Matrix may be more useful depending on the situation.
- Stoneheel Totem may be useful since Auger is generally considered a mono-ranger. Having something that can counter another Totem or Cursed Dabloons while complementing her innate is always a-ok.
- On the flip side, Null Matrix is better if you just want to disable all your opponent items while Angelan's active. This negates items like Girdle, Sextant, or Spyglass or even the egg when Cloak is more prominently being used (especially when you can't dodge because of Spyglass).
- Auger would usually stick at far, since he's bad at close range. (A well-timed Word of Command on a cloaked Angelan that selects Surprise Attack or a crit Precision Strike can swing this into his favor, however slim are the chances)
- Rapid-fire Pistol can interrupt a Suprise Attack and Precision Strike, wasting Angelan's energy (especially the former). An Ornamental Egg would even the chances better, though Girdle will make all of his attacks ignore Cloak.
- Even if Auger gets hit by SprA and PreS, there's a good chance that Auger's innate will trigger, fueling for an Aimed Pistol or WoC. Of course, that's only useful if Auger isn't dead (or at the brink of it), so Grog may be considered if such events occur frequently.
Angelan D vs Angelan D[]
Usually there will be trades of Cloaking and Precision Strike with the odd Surprise Attack. Energy Core can let you chain Cloak + SprA + PreS at least two opponents (if somewhat more theoretical), but Null Matrix, General's Insignia or Healing Salve are more frequently useful.
B9 vs Rumiko[]
B9 can win with Girdle of Iron Will (whereas without Rumiko can win by the repetition of Eviscerate and soft-interrupting B9's close-range attacks). If at close range, B9 should prioritize using Electrifying Grab over Pincer Grab, since they will both deal the same amount of damage, but EGrab is cheaper, quicker (faster than Ninja-Port, although it's the same speed as PGrab), and more detrimental for Rumiko as she has very good accuracy (unless the latter's using Origami Crane, which nulls the effect of EGrab). Always keep Pincer Grab in mind, as a stunned Rumiko will usually leave enough time for B9 to use Protect Family.
B9 vs Yoshiro[]
Yoshiro usually favored because of superior light defenses and Chi Reflect, although B9 can win by taking advantage of Yoshi's lack of physical defenses and switching out at far range, where Rising Dragon cannot be used as a counter. Additionally, B9 will be favored if she's switched up onto a weakened Yoshi.
- Both fighters have a stun-based move (Pincer Grab and Open Palm, although the latter attack will usually hit first).
- Without Origami Crane, Yoshi can still be affected by Electrifying Grab. On the bright side, it would be unlikely that your opponent will equip Yoshiro with Crane since his attacks are usually on-point. Either that or B9 using Null Matrix.
- B9 can heal herself and allies (which can remove the burn effect from Chi Blast), while Yoshi can only have health benefits with Jade Figurine or Healing Salve.
B9 vs Popo[]
B9 with Girdle wins at both range as she can ignore both Knee Bash and Popo's innate by using Electrifying Grab (Pincer Grab is more effective, but Popo's innate basically gives it a 70% hit rate). At far range with Girdle, B9 can effortlessly defeat Popo with Berzerk Laser Blasts without worrying about Poison Darts and Herbal Remedy (which can be removed with Protect Family) and Slingshot (which will ignore the triple crit rate).
B9 vs Ubuntu[]
B9 usually favored at close range, though at far range, B9 will have to use Protect Family every time if Spirit Assistance is casted onto her. At close range, B9 can stun Ubuntu (preventing him from buffing his team with the slow, but effective Staff Strike or Rain Dance) and deal massive damage with Pincer Grab owing to Ub's lack of physical defenses.
B9 vs Vanessa[]
A mediocre matchup for B9 due to her lack of damage output, even with Omega Boosters. B9's best chance of survival is that she takes advantage of VV's lack of physical defense with Pincer Grab, so B9 can either switch out or spam that attack until Vanessa dies.
Vanessa will likely be heavily relying on Double Slash and Feast of Blood for this matchup, since they are the main damagers here (although it will deal less damage than Pincers but faster). FoB becomes very effective against B9 in that Protect Family can only heal back half the damage done if FoB is used once (making this a net loss). Slash can be countered by B9 with the Girdle, but that's about it.
B9 vs Auger[]
- Auger's innate affects Pincer Grab and can stand B9 down, but it can stun Auger if Pincers proc. B9 will not deal innate damage when both fighters rest because they're stood down/stunned.
- Auger will now have to guess when Berzerk Laser Blasts (at far) or Electrifying Grab (while at close) will be used with Captain's Mirror. This isn't a problem at far range, where Rapid-fire Pistol can interrupt BLB, but at close range, Auger will have to decide between Mirror (against EGrab) or Word of Command (for Pincers), as he'll receive damage for incorrectly guessing the two (and/or not making B9 attack herself).
- Polished Spyglass counters the effect of Electrifying Grab, which in turn, can be countered with Null Matrix. Although really, B9 should be using Stoneheel Totem against Auger, especially if he's using Dabloons or Totem as well.
B9 vs B9[]
They'll usually be trading attacks and Protect Family since B9 lacks offensive power, which an item like Omega Boosters. Healing Salve, Girdle of Iron Will, or Null Matrix or even the A66 Capacitor can be useful to even out the mirror.
B9 vs Eva Bovary[]
B9 wins, but owing only to circumstances rather than any particular strengths:
- Pincer Grab deals the most damage again Eva owing to a lack of physical resistance, and isn't interruptable by Head Over Heels, dealing sufficient damage in lieu of being Commanded. Stun really isn't a major factor but unless Eva's using the Girdle, the debuff can come in handy.
- Eva in turn suffers from being a mono-fighter, which makes her only source of effective damage being (wait for it...) Head Over Heels, which isn't a normally effective ability in the first place. They both share the same amount of light resistance, but B9 has a failsafe in the form of Pincer Grab, an attack usually effective against most light or dark users.
- Eva's main source of potential (being able to drain health and burn enemies) is compromised by Protect Family, which can heal more, remove debuffs and is cheaper overall (the only thing B9 needs to do is timing her Protect Family. Use it too soon before Searing Touch and you have to wait out for a turn before you can fix that). Her only attack of significant use is Fiery Passion which is undodgeable, but remedied by B9 staying at close range.
- Omega Boosters can up the ante as B9's attacks now work like Eva's Searing Touch, which can be countered by using the Periapt, which can be further countered by Null Matrix. It is recommended that B9 and another Robot have either of their two items to counteract any troublesome roadblocks.
B9 vs Margo[]
B9 generally favored due to better defenses, although this is usually a toss-up. Here are a few points:
- B9 can heal herself and allies multiple times over the course of this fight (and it's easier since Margo isn't very strong on damage), compared to Margo, who can heal more, but only on herself once. Protect Family can also remove debuffs from herself and allies, something Margo can only do while resting (and again, allies only).
- If both players rest, B9's innate will deal damage to Margo, making the latter's innate slightly balanced in B9's favour, assuming B9 wasn't Confused.
- If B9 is confused, there is a chance that Protect Family activates, which can remove that debuff.
- Although slow, B9 can spam Pincer Grab on Margo since she has no physical defenses. It can potentially soft-interrupt Hallucinogenic Incense by stunning Margo, in your favor.
- Electrifying Grab can counter Heartache Cocktail's effect (threating Margo to reduce damage in exchange for inaccuracy).
Gorbax-Mark 2[]
Gorbax vs Higashi[]
Simply put, a matchup normally favored for Gorbax (due to his massive damage output) unless Higashi uses Chi Blast. One way of avoiding Chi Blast is to (preferably) switch out when Higashi has at least 80-100 energy after the maneuver phase (or if Higashi frequently range-dances), and that's also risky because of Higashi's innate. Lock-on can be interrupted by Open Palm, but only at close range (in most cases Gorbax should be staying at far range) and Higashi has no light-reflecting abilities. Gorbax can usually deal enough damage to either defeat Higashi entirely or make it disadvantageous for him to stay as Gorbax takes out the bench.
Gorbax vs Yoshiro[]
Situational dependant, as Gorbax can win this matchup, but may suffer heavy damage from the opposition if at far range with Chi Blast (since you may need the HP for emergencies. Machine Gun Arm is very effective against Yoshiro (unless he dodges it or it misses and that's only a 15% chance if it's locked on) and is the only viable attack as Yoshiro can reflect Gorbax's other two nukes. As mentioned earlier, Yoshiro can counter with Chi Blast, but he can only do this once with a full energy bar (twice if he has scrolls) and is a beast at close range. Otherwise, switch out if the matchup goes south.
Gorbax vs Ashi[]
Normally unfavorable on both sides. Gorbax's only close-ranged attack normally requires set-up first to be more powerful, and he would have to rest at-least twice (to use Death Blossom three times) before he can kill Ashi at close-range without Energy Core or Z-Phase Converter (who would have probably killed Gorbax otherwise by then if the latter item is used). Ashi meanwhile is dead weight if she's at far range, and it's likely that both characters will range-dance if they want any damage. Gorbax may want to switch out first (if he can) if he can't use Omega Missile (which will weaken Ashi enough to be finished off with Machine Gun Arm), or else Ashi either force-switch him with Power Swing or defeat Gorbax with two Signature Slices.
Gorbax vs Helene[]
A less favorable Gorbax vs Onimaru matchup. Helene wins at close as she may try to use Frenzied Strikes x2, Gorbax can win at far, but only by using Lock-on and his two costly light attacks. Gorbax should use Z-Phase Converter (as he'll most certainly be in for a beating) so he can gain more energy for changing range or attacking without sacrificing more of his HP (or more preferably Energy Core so you can spam Omega Missile twice). Otherwise, Gorbax should switch out if you feel that's safer.
Gorbax vs Phoebe[]
Somewhat unfavorable on both ends, but probably moreso for Phoebe, unless she gets lucky.
- If at far range and full energy, Phoebe could easily be tempted to use Power Lash due to it's strength and stun potential (when compared to the more faster, but weaker Rapid Lashes). However, the chances on stunning are low (30%) so Death Blossom, Omega Missile, and Lock-on could remain safe. Additionally, once locked on, Gorbax can simply ignore his light moves and defeat Phoebe in two turns with Machine Gun Arm. Even so, this is still a better tradeoff than being at...
- Close range. Both Phoebe and Gorbax suck at this area, but the latter is still well-equipped to deal damage at close range (and the bench) with Death Blossom. Phoebe's two close range attacks can be countered by Gorbax quite easily; Deafening Crack deals no damage to Gorbax and can be countered by simply using Lock-On, while Hamstring is effective only in a way against monorangers (allowing Phoebe to change range safely), yet Gorbax's innate can bypass the limitation (i.e. debuff) quite easily (and that's not considering items like Z-Phase Converter and Energy Core, which can be broken by Phoebe's innate). And unless Phoebe is switching out (which is also a good idea), using Hamstring leaves her in a rather awkward position as she cannot go far, where Gorbax is also at his strongest (defeating the purpose of Hamstring entirely).
Gorbax vs Popo[]
While it's possible that Slingshots and Poison Darts can take down rockets and machine-gun bullets, Gorbax (literally) stomps on this one, due to overall superiority. Girdle may be useful as Lock-on could be interrupted by a Knee Bash, but is generally not needed if performed at far-range, which is where Gorbax should be staying the most. Best case scenario would be that Gorbax takes out Popo with an Omega Missile on the first turn, but the chances of that hitting Popo are unbalanced without Lock-on and in both cases, Gorbax would most certainly take some damage from Popo's Slingshot. Alternatively, Machine Gun Arm can be spammed, but Popo's innate can avoid this attack 1 in 4 times, so it's best to alternate between the attacks before recalibrating with Lock-on.
Popo's only chance on survival would to preferably use Poison Darts (if it procs, the better), before switching as it would be likely that Gorbax needs to lock on first before attacking. The only problem is that it's very predictable for other players to intercept if she use this method too often. Herbal Preparations may heal Popo for a while, but Gorbax will eventually redo the favor of damaging them again.
Items also can have effects on the outcome. Popo's Deadly Poison deals more dark damage to Gorbax, and Elusive Feather or Tiger's Claw makes the latter's main physical attack difficult to the point of using his expensive light attacks. Whereas from the other side, Omega Boosters make Gorbax's light attacks more worthwhile against Popo, or otherwise the Null Matrix if you don't want the latter's item (and her team to an extent) to complicate things further.
Gorbax vs Cain[]
Possible, but difficult matchup. Cain has an advantage if at close range (where Gorbax is at his weakest), as he can interrupt Lock-on and Death Blossom with Tackle. Gorbax should stick to far where he can lock on first before attacking, but his lack of dark resistance also makes him a prime target to Cain's Rush of Bats and Voidstream. Unless Cain is at low health (when it's possible for Gorbax to defeat him), switch out or suicide Gorbax with his costly moves.
Gorbax vs Balthazar[]
By deconstructing the strengths and weaknesses of both side, this is really just a tight battle between two tanks with a penchant for destruction. Both are usually better at far range for this one.
- He has superior stats compared to Balthazar (8/3/0 > 5/1/1), but Fire Cannon will still deal 62 damage to Gorbax and 10 splash damage (pierce/trample) to all enemies on bench as it ignores defenses.
- Machine Gun Arm will deal 28 (7x4) damage to Balthazar, but is usually outclassed by Death Blossom (which deals less damage than MGA, but becomes more effective with Omega Boosters and can hit the bench) and Omega Missile (essentially a light version of FireC). Even so, Gorbax will still need to Lock-on for every fourth turn for a better success rate.
- OmegaM and Lock-on can be soft-interrupted by Shot-put so Girdle of Iron Will may be considered useful. Besides Boosters and Girdle, Energy Core or Z-Phase Converter are also recommended since Gorbax's attacks are costly (usually the former is better since Balthazar is a mono-physical user).
- Fire Cannon requires Load Cannon to work, but it can be loaded more than once and is faster than Omega Missile. FireC can be performed twice with a full energy bar which can KO Gorbax (assuming it was loaded more than once), but Omega Missile can only be used once without Energy Core and is less accurate without Lock-on.
- As Omega Missile can kill Balthazar, having the Captain's Grog Mug can ensure Balthazar's survival rate depends on the last cannonball.
Gorbax vs Gorbax[]
Lock-on will become the most useful move during this matchup since an accurate Gorbax have a higher success rate. Stoneheel Totem, Omega Boosters, or Energy Core are usually good choices to even things to your favor, though Healing Salve, Z-Phase Converter, or Null Matrix are also always useful.
IBO-K9 vs Amaya[]
Depending on which moves gets disabled, IBO-K9 may either live long enough to switch out or Self-Destruct. Amaya's only viable chance is repeated use of Shadow Wrath (if close range) and the hopes of pushing far to use Dark Chi Blast.
If IBO-K9 is switching in, it's possible that Amaya can be killed with two Sonic Barks but one Chi Blast will usually kill K9 with 50 HP or less if it doesn't stun so the chances are unfavorable. Alternatively, start far and use Sonic Bark first. If it stuns, use Uplifting Yelp (optional, if possible) and switch out. If it doesn't, move close and use Self-Destruct (again, when possible, otherwise switch out).
IBO-K9 vs Higashi[]
While Higashi may have an advantage in durability, IBO-K9 makes up in speed and mobility. As K9 is not suited to fight Higashi in the long run (since the latter can interrupt, stun, crit, and burn), K9's main strategy is to either use Uplifting Yelp and/or Sonic Bark or CCB before switching out (or if K9's at critical HP, use Self-Destruct, which should kill off Higashi unless Jade Figurine or Healing Salve's used or Higashi being at full health which at the very least weaken him). Besides from Girdle (which nulls the properties of all but one of Higashi's attacks), Omega Boosters on IBO-K9 can counter Chi Blast, or Null Matrix if Higashi's using Scroll, Insignia, or Figurine/Salve.
IBO-K9 vs Andromeda[]
K9 may have the Energy advantage during the early-game but prolonged combat will eventually restack towards Andros (unless K9 is using Totem). K9 should either stay close and plan on using Self-Destruct or switching out when he can otherwise Andros will keep him at bay at far range where he's not as effective.
IBO-K9 vs Anex[]
Anex's Enchant Blade can make this tricky for K9, but by playing safe, K9 might just buy enough time to switch-out or Self-destruct:
- Sonic Bark is damaging and can soft-interrupt Enchant Blade or Power Toss but it can miss and the proc is 1 in 4, while CCB is also a damaging attack (by shaving off 33% of Anex's health per use not withstanding bleed damage), but risks becoming slower by Chakkra Slash for each use over time. So IBO-K9's better off range-dancing while his innate is fresh. And there's Anex's innate.
- It is (hypothetically) possible to Self-destruct on Anex within two/three turns while K9's innate is active. It depends on which range, but ends in close. Firstly, if K9 starts off at far-range, use Sonic Bark (if close, Claw, Claw, Bite). Then it's a matter of time to get close and using Self-destruct (Use Uplifting Yelp if applicable). If, on the other hand, K9 doesn't have the 80 energy requirement to destruct (something an Energy Core can recompensate) or is stuck afar, switch out.
IBO-K9 vs Popo[]
K9 heavily favored if Popo can't crit with Slingshot. Quickest way for K9 is to move close and spam CCB so Popo dies in the second turn, assuming it's not dodged. Worst case scenario is to start with Sonic Bark (if it stuns the better) before Self-Destructing.
IBO-K9 vs Tafari[]
When an inescapable force suddenly meets a violation of common sense.
Basically nobody wants to fights Tafari because you can't switch out from him, so if IBO-K9 is now fighting against Tafari and if you severely wound him, he'll probably be none the wiser. Best bet; go close, Uplifting Yelp + Claw, Claw, Bite + Self-Destruct. How this is useful is that it's unorthodox and usually unanticipated, normally kicking them down while you still have spare energy (as K9 has free range change for two turns). If they're smart and they switch out during Yelp and CCB, it's probably better to let them go for a fresher opponent (so you can Self-Destruct later). If Tafari has switched out and you've Self-Destructed, there are worse scenarios you could've been in.
This tactic is also especially useful against characters that are strongly focused on interception (namely if they're equipped with the Mindreader's Chalice). K9, if you're feeling dickish, can throw in an intercept to cripple the opponent first if you feel like they'll switch (not that Tafari wants to by now) before continuing with the UY+CCB+SD combo. This is even easier if K9 has the Chalice equipped since he deals more damage and regains energy (potentially one-shot killing your target at lower health and setting up your next target with Yelp then Self-Destruct, particularly if K9 is at low health himself and wants to get the job done by the next turn or two).
Unfortunately like a hypothesis, very rarely will this turn out the way mentioned above, as most of the time you'll be trading Poison Darts with CCBs or Sonic Barks.
IBO-K9 vs Ubuntu[]
A more favorable matchup when compared to Gunbjorn, as unlike the Viking of the North, Ubuntu usually lacks the edge and resistance to last this match.
- Claw, Claw, Bite is very effective against Ubuntu and will usually hit first unless slowed. Ubuntu's only worthwhile attack is Staff Strike, which is too slow to be reliable.
- At far range, Sonic Bark can soft-interrupt Rain Dance and Spirit Assistance via stunning, unless Girdle's in effect.
- Uplifting Yelp counters the effects of Ubuntu's innate. If Ubuntu has Stoneheel Totem, a much quicker way to eliminate the disadvantage is to CCB then Self-Destruct.
IBO-K9 vs Darla[]
Situational and item dependent. If poison worries you, then Omega Boosters on K9 is able to counter Poisoned Blade as well as giving Sonic Bark (and hilariously, Uplifting Yelp) a slight edge over Parrot Torpedo, but watch out for the item being stolen (not that Darla should want it as it's pretty ineffective on her).
IBO-K9 vs IBO-K9[]
Best case scenario would be a pyrrhic victory towards your opponent (Yelp + CCB + Destruct), which should work in the same principle as the K9 vs Tafari matchup (to unexpect the expected). However, they'll normally trade blows first before switching. Boosters, Totem, or Matrix are the norm.
MR-V1N vs Amaya[]
MR-V1N wins at close, Amaya wins at far. While Amaya can Ninja-Port out of Indifferent Strikes, she cannot out-port all of MR-V1N's other moves, so he should be using them to his disposal. Quite simply put, MR-V1N has three ways of disabling his opponents attacks, compared to Amaya's two. MR-V1N can slow Amaya's attacks with Forlorn Poetry (especially Ninja-Port, when it will then be slower than Indifferent Strikes which deals more damage than Poetry, lessening its usefulness), reduce Amaya's dark resists with Depressive Mood (making Poetry deal more damage) and drain with Energy Sap. It's likely that MR-V1N will probably run low on energy if the fight becomes prolonged, so A66 Capacitor may be useful (it also acts in a similar way to Shadow Wrath in that it deals 5 damage when MR-V1N has 10 energy or less).
MR-V1N vs Rumiko[]
At full health, Rumiko usually wins due to speed (Shuriken Barrage in particular) out-factoring her fragility, speed which is something MR-V1N's attacks lack (the only way to counter this is with Forlorn Poetry, which is effective). Z-Phase Converter might give MR-V1N an energy advantage, but unless he can inflict the slow debuff within 2 or so turns, he'll die before he deals any serious damage to The Ninja. Had Rumiko been in low health, MR-V1N may be able to defeat her with just an attack but otherwise if fighting is not possible, try and switch out to trigger his innate.
MR-V1N vs Juju[]
MR-V1N will win if he stays far, though he will have no problems fighting close as long as he avoids Touch of Doom (which is negatable with Energy Sap if it procs). Juju's attacks (with or without Quickening Powder) can be countered and slowed by Forlorn Poetry and is dual-ranged (Quickening Powder can be rendered useless with Null Matrix). Indifferent Strikes is cheap and deals full damage to Juju's 0 physical resists. The only downside to IdS (if FP isn't active) is it's usually equal in speed to 2 of Juju's attacks and that it can be dodged with Elusive Feather (again, redactable with Null Matrix). Using Depressive Mood will lower Juju's dark resists, making ESap and FP deal more damage.
MR-V1N vs Popo[]
Indifferent Strike can be dodged by Popo's innate and can be interrupted by Knee Bash, so applying Depressive Mood in order for MR-V1N's Dark Attacks to be more effective is really essential if you want to win. Omega Boosters can be useful if Herbal Preparations and Deadly Poison is being used to bolster Popo's lackluster attacks, especially as they will rely on Slingshot to deal crit damage to MR-V1N, so slowing down attacks with Forlorn Poetry is also important.
MR-V1N vs Ubuntu[]
MR-V1N very much has the upper hand in this matchup. Indifferent Strikes will deal full damage to Ubuntu (unless Elusive Feather is used, but Null Matrix will ignore this), Energy Sap and MR-V1N's innate are a good counter to Ub's innate and Depressive Mood completely annihilates Ub's pitiful dark defenses (we're not even going to describe what Forlorn Poetry does to Ub's slow attacks even with Quickening Powder, as that's a forgone conclusion). Ubuntu's only hope of survival would be to use Spirit Assistance and/or getting a buff in or two before switching out.
MR-V1N vs the Marquis[]
- Marquis Le Morte favored if the offense is maintained. He can Blood Burn MR-V1N, reducing his damage and resistances. MLM can recover HP lost with two drain life attacks, Vampiric Touch and Life Drain. MR-V1N has 2 of 4 attacks that are multi-hit with one of those attacks (Forlorn Poetry) already absorbed by MLM, but still has a 50% chance to slow his attacks by 2. MR-V1N affected by multiple stacks of Blood Burn comes to a point where both attacks will be absorbed unless attacks miss, buffed or MLM's dark resistance is reduced to where damage can be dealt.
- MR-V1N favored if playing defensive. Depressive Mood counters the Marquis's absurdly high(er) dark resist and Energy Sap drains energy making his taxing energy game even more difficult while staying far range (and in both cases, if the Marquis uses Teleport, he'll still get hit by those attacks as they're dual ranged, though Forlorn Poetry aggravates this further by making the Marquis's slow attacks slower!). Forlorn Poetry and Depressive Mood acts as a counter to the Marquis's Blood Burn, and Indifferent Strikes is also very useful against the Marquis's abysmal physical defenses. Z-Phase Converter and Omega Boosters, if either are equipped, can negate the damage done by the Marquis's drain attacks, defensively and offensively.
MR-V1N vs Vanessa[]
To Vanessa, MR-V1N is simply a more difficult Marquis. Nonetheless, MR-V1N should be sticking at close range throughout the match if he wants to avoid the deathly Ray of Light.
- Double Slash will deal massive damage to MR-V1N and is faster than Indifferent Strikes, but the latter attack is cheaper and; when stacked up to the effects of Forlorn Poetry and Energy Sap, can really make a difference. A speed 1/0 Radiance Burst quite simply becomes ridiculous to use after a session of Poetry.
- Since Vanessa has no dark defenses, Poetry and ESap are efficient counters against Vanessa's innate, RBurst and RoL, but it also makes Depressive Mood redundant against her (but not her allies).
- Recommended items for MR-V1N includes (defensively); Healing Salve or Z-Phase Converter (either healing or returned energy units for damage). Or offensively; A66 Capacitor or Omega Boosters as either way, MR-V1N's energy eating attacks will leave him in a bole, so any extra damage is better than none (though Null Matrix may be better off useful if you don't want things like Ring of Curses, Necronomic Tomes or Blood Vial ruining your gameplan).
MR-V1N vs Ranec[]
While MR-V1N has an advantage in durability (an uncommon occurance) and versatility, Rance unfortunately aces in speed and power, which can make this matchup a bit difficult for MR-V1N.
- Remember that MR-V1N's attacks can drain energy, reduce dark defenses, and slow down attacks. It should be noted that the usefulness of Energy Sap lessens as Ranec's two useful moves Two-sword Slash and Psycho Crusher are speed 6+, so most of the time Forlorn Poetry will have to be used in the hopes that it slows Ranec down first before Energy Sap becomes useful.
- Avoid using Indifferent Strikes if Ranec has switched in, it's most often a known mistake that people forget Ranec has 100% dodge against all physical attacks during his first turn.
- Depressive Mood may be useful in that it can make Ranec recieve full dark damage, but the chances of Rance dealing massive damage at both ranges are high unless he's low on energy, so it's heavily situational.
- All in all, if things ever go bad switch out (or try if Navigator's Sextant is active, so breaking it early may save you from later trouble).
MR-V1N vs MR-V1N[]
Depressive Mood and Forlorn Poetry are the two influencing moves here that can swing to your favor, so they should be used more often (they both have synergy, as without Mood, Poetry wouldn't nearly be as effective without damage).