Kongai Wiki
Circle of Shadows
User Sophie Merovingian Version 2.4
Damage 15 Type Dark
Cost 35 Speed 6
D/C 0.43 Range Close
Hit% 100% Proc% 100%
Effect Deals 15 damage to all enemies and self. Costs no energy if cast last turn.
Description None



  • Hits all enemies and fleeing
  • No miss rate.
  • Switching out against it isn't usually a good move.
  • Great move when the enemy is unable to kill Sophie.
  • Can be used to guess what the enemy's unrevealed cards are.
  • Can be cast repeatedly with no energy cost if attack was used last turn


  • Deals 9 dark magic damage to self (become higher up to 15 if her dark resistance has been lowered)
  • Only can cast when close range
  • Becomes less energy-effective near the end-game once the casualties start piling.

Known Bugs[]


Scheduled changes with next versions[]