- Reduces the character's damage. A sort of fusion between Defense Reduction and Hit Rate Decrease.
Causes of Damage Reduction[]
- Margo Curie's Heartache Cocktail - 95% chance to reduce damage by 2 for 3 turns.
- Item Tiger's Claw - 100% chance to decrease enemy damage by 2 when you attack or intercept per hit.
- Wei-Shan's Crippling Palm - Reduce single hit attack damage by 10 for 4 turns.
- Marquis Le Morte's Blood Burn - 95% chance to reduce damage by 3 for 5 turns.
- Cornelius Constantine's Blood Burn - 95% chance to reduce damage by 2 for 5 turns.
- Rathbone's Heart of Darkness - 50% chance to reduce enemy damage by 2 for 3 turns.
Resistances to this debuff[]
- Cornelius Constantine is immune to stat-lowering effects.
- Any character equipped with Origami Crane or Polished Spyglass is immune to stat-lowering effects.
- Sacred Candle grants a 50% chance to avoid any debuff, including damage reduction.
- Juju's innate has a 20% chance to dispel any debuff at the start of a round, including damage reduction.
- Dodging the attack, the attack misses or preventing the attack which causes the debuff in any way.