Kongai Wiki
Elemental Prism
Type Item
Group Knights
Version 2.4
Effect When you use a light magic attack or buff, or get hit by a light magic attack, 30% chance the Prism deals 6 elemental damage to all foes. Doesn't work while on the bench.

Knights-only item. When active, there is a 30% chance that light-based attacks deals 6 extra elemental damage to all foes. This won't work when hit while on the bench.

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Due to their respective number of light magic attacks, the Elemental Prism is most effective on Bestor and least effective on Rathbone.

Elemental Prism on characters[]


  • Bestor - Bestor has all light attacks, making this especially useful.
  • Gunbjorn - Ice Shards is a pretty useful attack - if you plan on using it a lot, can be useful, otherwise not very good.
  • Oxbox - His main moves aren't Light, so this item isn't very useful.
  • Rathbone - Unless he's facing Bestor or the likes, this item is practically useless. Rathbone has no light attacks and has no light resistance, making it hard for him to take enough attacks for Prism to be worthwhile.
  • Wei-Shan - Wei-Shan won't be using his two light attacks more than every few turns. Has much better options, considering his role.

Known Bugs[]

  • When this card was released with the 2nd set of Kongai cards, the card had the same effect as the Ring of Bravery. If you activate a light magic attack, it has a 30% chance to deal 3 damage to the enemy instead of dealing 6 damage to all enemy characters. (Archived here)

Full Art[]

Elemental Prism-0