Kongai Wiki
General's Insignia
Type Item
Group Gray Items
Version 1.9
Effect Raises the attack power of all single-hit attacks of whichever character equips it by 4.

General's Insignia is an item which any character can equip. This item raises the attack power of all single-hit attacks of whichever character equips it by 4.

Kongai Card Album Description[]

The insignia needs to go on a character who relies on single-hit attacks, such as Yoshiro, Higashi, or Anex. It has particular synergy with Marquis Le Morte because his life draining moves benefit doubly from it.

General's Insignia on characters[]

Note that any buffs or crits are applied first, and then General's Insignia's +4 is added on top, i.e. Popo's critical Slingshot would do 64 damage rather than 66, since the +4 damage is not multiplied by the crit.

Martial Artists[]


This item has a bit of competition from Sharpening Stone where the damage increase is crit-based (which requires luck) instead of a stagnant buff.

  • Andromeda - Can be used to slightly increase damage dealt by her single-hit attacks.
  • Anex - Works well with Boomerang Chakkra to deal more damage to fleeing opponent. Affects Chakkra Slash and Power Toss as well.
  • Ashi - All her attacks are single-hit, which makes General's Insignia usually a good choice. However, since Ashi deals damage in large attacks and not chip damage, there are times where Sharpening Stone is the better overall choice despite the luck factor behind it.
  • Helene - Affects only the Sword Slash and Shield Bash. Not the best choice, use Sharpening Stone.
  • Phoebe - Can be used in order to increase the damage of the weak Deafening Crack and Hamstring attacks. Makes Power Lash kill any 60 HP character.


Maybe outperformed by Deadly Poison.

  • Juju - Affects Nothing. A poor item choice for Juju
  • Popo - Significantly increases the damage output of Knee Bash and moderately increases the expected damage for Poison Dart, but the damage is only added to Slingshot after critical hits (for a total of 64). Not awful, but not especially good either.
  • Tafari - A perfectly reasonable alternative to Deadly Poison for increasing Tafari's damage output, that is, if you don't have that particular item in the first place.
  • Ubuntu - Affects only Staff Strike. Not the best idea.
  • Zina - If you want Zina to make more havoc, use Mistress's Command. General's Insignia does not affect Tiger Frenzy or Eye of the Tiger.


The Insignia is sometimes more reliable than the Tomes, but is overall weaker than the latter.


  • Auger Blackboot - Affects Aimed Pistol only. Choose something else.
  • Balthazar Bomb-Britches - Can be useful since all of his attacks are single-hit. Key word's can, since Fire Cannon is already powerful enough (as it's affected by this item), but his other two attacks do tend to fall on the weak side, so extra damage for those two would be nice.
  • Darla Cross - Affects all but Quad Daggers, her commonly-used move. Steal a better item next if she was forced to take this item in the first place.
  • Ranec Vest - Does not affect Two-sword Slash, his most common attack. Bad choice.
  • Starbuck - A signature that's most definitely recommended, as this makes his other single-hit moves (i.e. except for The Old One, Two, which is already generous enough considering its Energy Energy cost and his innate) more bearable for their energy cost.


  • Bestor - Useless. Bestor's better off with the Ring of Bravery if he's that desperate.
  • Gunbjorn - Affects Cold Steel Axe and Helmet Ram. Useful if Ring of Bravery's not available.
  • Oxbox - His physical/main attacks are single-hit, but Oxbox's tends to be better off with other items. Use if you have nothing else.
  • Rathbone - Only affects Heart of Darkness. Situational-dependent.
  • Wei-Shan - Not really useful, since this only affects one of his attacks. Use Ring of Bravery instead if available.


  • Angelan Series D - Can be useful, though this can debuff off Surprise Attack, her main nuke (which although single-hit, should only be used infrequently).
  • B9 - Useless! (Unless you think you're a wiseguy...)
  • Gorbax-Mark 2 - Almost useless. Only benefits Omega Missile, which is overkill.
  • IBO-K9 - Will benefit some of his moves, but choose something else if possible.
  • MR-V1N - Not really useful, better off with Omega Boosters instead.


Full Art[]

General's Insignia-0