Kongai Wiki
Girdle of Iron Will
Type Item
Group Gray Items
Version 1.9
Effect 100% chance to avoid stuns, interrupts and critical hits

The Girdle of Iron Will is a general item which can be used on all of the characters. This item has a 100% chance to avoid stuns, interrupts and critical hits.

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Used best on characters with a slow, powerful move that they don't want interrupted. Cornelius and Juju are good examples, as are Onimaru and Andromeda. It's also good against stun or intercept-heavy opponents, such as Rumiko, Yoshiro, or Higashi.

Girdle of Iron Will on characters[]

"Immune" will appear above the character's art while in battle when it activates to prevent stuns or interrupts. It will also be noted in the game log. Highly useful item on characters with powerful moves that are easily interrupted.

Martial Artists[]

  • Amaya - Due to Amaya's low health bar, one stun usually kills her. Moreover, players may try to interrupt the slow Shadow Wrath, as it deals damage to all enemies.
  • Higashi - Higashi's Chi Blast can be interrupted by Lightning Arrow. However, this is the only useful application of the move as Open Palm is too fast to be interrupted.
  • Onimaru - Very powerful, because his slow and debilitating Double Slash can be easily interrupted.
  • Rumiko - Her attacks are already fast, so Girdle of Iron Will is not the best choice.
  • Yoshiro - His slowest attack is speed 8, and so is unlikely to be interrupted. His Chi Blast can be interrupted by Lightning Arrow, but that can be reflected by Chi Reflect.


  • Andromeda - Since interrupting or stunning attacks are rare on the far range, this item is unnecessary.
  • Anex - See above.
  • Ashi - Ashi's immune to interrupts, but not stuns. However, most stun moves and follow ups are weak against Ashi anyway.
  • Helene - Helene's moves are already quick, and she is immune to stuns. Most of the time, it is better to use a Valkyrie's Charm instead to avoid interrupts.
  • Phoebe - Her powerful far range attacks are pretty fast. It is not worth giving her this item just to prevent interrupting Hamstring and Deafening Crack (both cheap enough to spam indefinitely).


  • Juju - As Juju is very slow, Girdle of Iron Will is a good choice for him. However, as many stunning/interrupting moves are physical, it may be more effective to use Elusive Feather instead.
  • Popo - Their attacks are fast, so this is not the best item.
  • Tafari - His attacks are fast (except Leafy Trap). Girdle is not needed.
  • Ubuntu - His attacks are slow, so you may put Girdle on him. Much like Juju, it's usually better to prevent rather than cure since the Feather is more effective against physical attacks instead.
  • Zina - Tiger Pounce is already very fast. On far range, there are few interrupting or stunning attacks that affect Zina.




  • Bestor- Flame Sword Frenzy is speed 8 and you will rely on it to do damage, unless you are fighting Rumiko on a regular basis the Girdle isn't recommended.
  • Gunbjorn - The Girdle is a very good item for Gunbjorn. All of his attacks are slow and easily interrupted.
  • Oxbox - Good choice for Oxbox, all his attacks are slow and you need all the chances you get to deal damage.
  • Rathbone - Since he's already immune to interrupts you wouldn't need Girdle much at all.
  • Wei-Shan - Since Wei-Shan is mainly a support character, you will try to use him in strategic circumstances. Unless you fight with lots of Pirates, the Girdle wouldn't be a good choice.


  • Angelan Series D - Can be useful despite her quick attacks, as she can benefit from stun and crit immunities.
  • B9 - Will affect Electrifying and Pincer Grab. Not a bad choice.
  • Gorbax-Mark 2 - Omega Missile and Lock-on can benefit from the Girdle, but there are always better options.
  • IBO-K9 - This may prolong his health, but that's only about it. Better suited for other items.
  • MR-V1N - Since most of MR-V1N's moves are generally slow, this may be useful.


Full Art[]

Girdle of Iron Will-0