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They say Gorbax fears nobody, regardless if they're a shield-bashing seamstress or a child with a slingshot. However, even with all the fancy toys and dermal plating, he secretly fears a certain armored law enforcer...

Type Character
Group Robots
Version 2.4
Health 85
Physical Def 8
Light Def 3
Dark Def 0
Innate Can use HP for energy costs
Attacks Machine Gun Arm, Lock-on, Omega Missile, Death Blossom

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Extremely powerful yet somewhat clumsy, Gorbax must lock on to targets before unleashing his arsenal with any reliable accuracy.


Gorbax-Mark 2 Attacks

Equippable Items[]

Robot Items[]

  • A66 Capacitor: Even though Gorbax often has his energy below 0, this won't help much as his attacks are mainly nukes, including a strong hits-all attack, and the opponent can easily influence the game to force Gorbax to eat large amounts of his own health to use this item.
  • Energy Core: Good choice if not choosing not to use Gorbax's innate. Better than Z-Phase Converter against hard-hitting characters.
  • Null Matrix: Situational. Can be useful for disabling emblems.
  • Omega Boosters: OK choice. Although this rebounds off Machine Gun Arm, it allows Gorbax to practically demolish any benched characters that have little or no Light Magic Defense.
  • Z-Phase Converter: Possibly the best item on Gorbax, as it doubles the effectiveness of his innate. That is if he isn't fighting another tank.

General Items[]

  • General's Insignia: Only affects Omega Missile, which is powerful enough as it is.
  • Girdle of Iron Will: Can be useful, due to the slowness of Omega Missile and Lock-on, but there are better choices.
  • Healing Salve: Good choice despite Gorbax not being usually suitable as a Tank (Gorbax can still die pretty quickly, however).
  • Mindreader's Chalice: Use if it fits your style, most people will switch against Gorbax because of his very damaging attacks.
  • Stoneheel Totem: Only useful against mono-rangers.
  • Yellow Rock of Cowards: Use if it fits your style. Note that Gorbax should be switching often.



  • The most powerful character in terms of just raw power.
  • Very high physical defense
  • Death Blossom is the most powerful of all bench-hitting attacks.
  • Machine Gun Arm is a very cheap and powerful attack.
  • Energy is usually not an issue for Gorbax
  • High health
  • Long-range combat
  • Innate triggers a unique (de)buff called Life Conversion, where his HP is converted into energy.


  • Vulnerable to Dark Magic attacks
  • Needs to use Lock-on every few turns to have a solid hit rate. Otherwise, use him like Popo (which admittingly is still not a good idea since he has a 55% chance of not dealing any damage at all).
  • All damage received by Gorbax is more or less doubled, because the more HP you lose, the less of it can you afford to convert into energy, which Gorbax desperately needs most of the time. This makes him usually unsuitable (but otherwise still possible) for tanking.
  • Death Blossom is also the most expensive of all bench-hitting attacks.
  • Machine Gun Arm becomes pretty much useless against characters with high physical resistance, which make the two very costly attacks Gorbax's main attacks.


  • Gorbax-Mk 2's build bears similarities to the Enforcement Droid Series 209 (ED-209) from the Robocop series.
  • His Death Blossom attack is a reference to the film The Last Starfighter.

Known Bugs[]


Full Art[]

Gorbax-Mark 2, the War Machine