- Increases the character's health once, up to their maximum. This buff is removed as soon as the health increase occurs.
- Regenerates a portion of health over the course of time. May not be removable unless a Disable debuff occurs (Recuperation).
Causes of Heal[]
Type 1[]
- Juju's Healing Touch - 100% chance to restore own health by 25. Cannot be used twice in a row.
- Popo's Herbal Preparations - 30% chance to restore own health by 25.
- Item Captain's Grog Mug - Restore 25 health when the wearer has 30% or less health. Single use only.
- Item Hero's Flagon - Restore 10 health when the wearer switched out.
- Marquis Le Morte's innate - Restores 20 health when switching out.
- Margo Curie's Healing Potion - 100% chance to restores 100 health. Disabled after one use.
- B9's Protect Family - 100% chance to restore 10 health to user and all allies. Cannot be used twice in a row.
- Wei-Shan's innate - Restores 4 health when resting.
Type 2[]
- Item Healing Salve - Restores 2 health of user at the end of each turn.
- Item Herbal Remedy - Restores 3 health of Amazon user at the end of each turn.
- Item Blood Vial - Restores 3 health of Vampire user when on bench.
- When benched, inactive characters regain 1 health after every combat phase.
- Technically Bestor's Engulfing Flames is this for him due to his innate - Restore 4 health/turn for user for 4 turns.
Known Bugs[]