Kongai Wiki
Healing Salve
Type Item
Group Gray Items
Version 1.9
Effect Restores 2 HP every turn

Healing Salve is a general item, which all characters can equip. If a character has this item equipped, in battle, that character restores 2 HP every turn.

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Good on characters who can last a while. Juju, Higashi, and Onimaru can last, while Andromeda, Tafari, and Amaya can 'range dance' to maximize its use. The Salve can also help a lot in some mirror matchups, such as Cornelius vs. Cornelius.

Healing Salve on characters[]

Martial Artists[]

  • Amaya - With the changes to Shadow Curse in 1.9 this could allow her an alternative to Scroll based Curse lock. You would be able to get off 20 curses before running out of energy and would heal 40 HP.
  • Higashi - There are better items for him; his HP is already high and he has pretty good defenses, so he's likely not to have many HP-related problems. But it can be useful during occasional range dancing.
  • Onimaru - A good choice, it can be useful during a range dance.
  • Rumiko - Shouldn't be staying in long enough to benefit.
  • Yoshiro - Yoshiro has low defenses from the majority of the attacks (physical and dark), so healing each turn could be an interesting characteristic.


Note that while Healing Salve functions the same as Herbal Remedy, the latter will always heal more. Use Healing Salve if that's not available.

  • Andromeda - Useful especially if you need to stall (as Andro would be stalling often).
  • Anex - This will waste her innate. Use something else if available.
  • Ashi - Ashi's like a sponge for taking damage during combat.
  • Helene - Similar to Ashi, Helene will usually last for some time if the field.
  • Phoebe - Phoebe generally should be using other items to boost her offenses.


  • Juju - He already has a healing move, though it can still be useful to give you the edge in mirror matches.
  • Popo - OK option for a poison-based Popo, but better options exist.
  • Tafari - Can give him a few extra turns of staying power, but probably better off with Deadly Poison or Elusive Feather.
  • Ubuntu - OK option, as you're likely to be staying in for a while and range dance a lot, but it's unlikely to give you enough HP for an extra turn and thus Mask is probably better.
  • Zina - She's meant to kill not outlast. It can still be useful if the opponent gets stunned, but better options exist.


The Vampires usually have Drain abilities (for most of them at least) and the Necronomic Tomes and Blood Vial as alternative options.

  • Ambrosia Thorn - Ok on Ambrosia, but the Girdle, Tome or Vial are likely better options.
  • Cain Solomon - Wastes innate, like Anex.
  • Cornelius Constantine - Same with Ambrosia, but as mentioned in the description, the Salve could be useful in a mirror-match situation and Corny can't heal himself during combat.
  • Marquis Le Morte - Bad choice because the amount healed is negligible compared to his skills.
  • Vanessa Voss - Blood Vial is a better overall choice, but sadly, she doesn't have enough HP or defenses to stay in battle long enough to be worthwhile.


  • Auger Blackboot - Player's choice, Auger doesn't tend to have HP problem.
  • Balthazar Bomb-Britches - Player's choice. Like Auger, Balthazar is generally high in health, so it's optional. That, or the Captain's Grog Mug.
  • Darla Cross - Darla has poor stats, so this greatly benefits her in combat until she obtains another item (compared to Grog, where she can easily be killed without the latter activating).
  • Ranec Vest - HP isn't much of a concern, but having something that can compensate Ranec's abysmal defenses once his innate wears off may be worthwhile in the long game if he can't switch out.
  • Starbuck - Starbuck's generally okay with the Salve, though he shouldn't be staying on the field due to costly moves.


  • Bestor - Useful, as it can enhance Engulfing Flames's healing potential to +6HP.
  • Gunbjorn - Better than nothing if you can't get Hero's Flagon.
  • Oxbox - Can turn Oxbox into a suitable tank, but he's likely better off with other items, akin to Gunbjorn.
  • Rathbone - Similar to Gunbjorn, use if Hero's Flagon is not available. Rathbone is fragile enough that sometimes, the Salve isn't worth using.
  • Wei-Shan - Synergise's well with his innate, potentially fuelling his stalling potentials.


  • Angelan Series D - Situational dependent.
  • B9 - Great choice. Increases survivability, giving more time to heal allies.
  • Gorbax-Mark 2 - Can be useful, but Gorbax's innate will still likely kill him off if improperly used.
  • IBO-K9 - IBO-K9 can benefit from this, but only if he's stuck in combat (he's supposed to kill and avoid prolonged combat for his duration of battle, plus he has a kill-switch if things go south, which is a possibility).
  • MR-V1N - Z-Phase Converter is probably better in the long run. He can be a good staller, but his overall fragility means that Salve won't usually have a better lasting effect on him.


  • Agathe De Grey - She can't heal herself instantaneously, so this can help her cast a Witch's Curse and stay a bit longer.
  • Eva Bovary - She's likely going to be killed off before this has an effect. Choose something else.
  • Margo Curie - She's likely better off with something else, even though this can help her last she's pretty weak on dealing damage.
  • Sadie Trudeau - Similar to Eva, only use this if nothing else is available. Sadie herself is pretty bad (or good) as a glass cannon.
  • Sophie Merovingian - Similar to Agathe. Probably doesn't sound useful, but if you're lucky, it's better off throwing one last attack (like Circle of Shadows) and die later than not otherwise.

Full Art[]

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