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The big thing to know is that every item you pick should either shore up the weakness of a character or enhance a strength. Any item that does neither of these should be considered a bad item for that character.

An example of a good Match up is Andromeda and the item Stoneheel Totem. Andromeda has only far ranged attacks, with the ability to reduce her movement cost by Five. Stone Heel totem Increases the cost of motion for enemies by five. This combo does the double duty of shoring up Andromedas weakness by making it harder for you opponent to move, and enhances a strength by allowing her to keep the enemy at bay.

An example of a bad pairing is trying to match up Tafari with Mindreader's Chalice. Tafari shoves your opponent into a corner by preventing your opponent from switching. Mindreader's Chalice Boosts the damage of intercepts and gives you back 30 energy when you intercept successfully. This item is normally a solid (if juvenile) choice for an item, but Tafari renders it useless since your opponent can't switch out anyways.

RECAP: A good item for a character shores up a weakness, or enhances a strength. If the item does neither for a character, no matter how cool the item is, put it on someone else, or better, don't use it at all! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

This article also lists characters and their suggested items.

Martial Artists[]





Brotherhood of Knights[]



Darla's Item Guide[]

This part is a comprehensive guide on the effects of all items (aside from Pirate and general items, see the main page) that Darla can obtain via her Innate (10% chance of stealing enemy item) or her attack Parrot Pilfer. As Darla can steal multiple items, some items may also even complement each other. Note that this guide is only hypothetical, as most of the time it is up to the player's choice if said stolen items are suitable to their style and her items will disappear if stolen back or disabled.


Martial Artists[]

  • Caltrops: Darla's more likely to switch out on the opponent then the vice-versa happening, preferably after stealing items, but most players would usually switch out from having their valuable items stolen or to avoid Parrot Torpedo, so this would only become useful if that's the case. Otherwise, Yellow Rock of Cowards is a far superior option.
  • Flash Powder: Darla's low HP and abysmal resistances means that others will usually want to kill her off by intercepts before she has a chance to switch and recuperate on the bench. Flash Powder helps to prevent that if you tend to see a lot of intercepts while switching, or botched intercepts while the opponent's switching, especially from Yoshi or Rumiko.
  • Jade Figurine: Will increase her health to 85 HP which can be useful in some situations, but her lack of defenses means that even with the bonus, she will still die fairly quickly (like Yoshi or Rumiko) unless she can obtain other items that aid energy, health or defense, like the Scroll, Blood Vial or Bracers.
  • Origami Crane: Similar to the Polished Spyglass, Darla already has high enough hit rates that make these items redundant. Give it a miss (pun intended).
  • Scroll of Inner Focus: Darla doesn't tend to have Energy Energy problems, but it makes Parrot Torpedo and Quad Daggers more efficient (as Darla usually excels at far range), alongside Parrot Pilfer (which should be used infrequently). Having lowered Poisoned Blade to 15 energy may help her escape from difficult scenarios by gaining enough energy to change range after poisoning. Also synergises quite well with Stoneheel Totem.


  • Herbal Remedy: A better version of Healing Salve if obtainable. Since Darla is quite fragile and has much potential, it helps her last longer than with the Salve while enabling her to stall and steal items (and weaken a tricky Amazon). If paired with either Salve and/or Blood Vial, Darla can either heal 3-5HP on combat and/or 3 HP on bench if alive.
  • Reinforced Breastplate: Although rare to encounter due to its redundancy amongst the Physical defense-heavy Amazons (unless Rumiko's on your team, since this item's strong enough to null most multi-hit attacks), if obtained, Darla could easily become a deadly hit-and-runner with increased resistances against most characters. Resists change to 4/3/3 if by themselves.
  • Sacred Candle: Can be useful to avoid debuffs like Commanded or Interrupt, although Darla's probably better off with items that aid damage or her survivability first, much like Andromeda.
  • Sharpening Stone: Player's choice. Darla could easily one-shot kill most character with Parrot Torpedo, her strongest move and become a perfect bench finisher against weakened opponents.
  • Valkyrie's Charm: Okay choice. Most of her attacks are at least 5+ speed, but can be useful in some matchups when Quad Daggers becomes as fast as Crippling Shot or Lightning Arrow (the latter attack which is nearly useless against Darla aside from a cheap shot since she has no light-based attacks).


  • Deadly Poison: Useful on all of Darla's attacks, especially Poisoned Blade and Quad Daggers as it increases the amount of debuff damage by 10 (for both of the moves). Also makes Parrot Torpedo and Parrot Pilfer a bit stronger to carry out (the nightmare fuel of a poison-coated parrot aside). Unlike Necronomic Tomes, it won't heal you but it has a higher chance of procuring damage. Great if paired with another item that grants healing (like Tomes).
  • Death Mask: Aside from a funny glitch, throwing one last Parrot Torpedo or Poisoned Blade is better than just dying, especially if it does help turn favors towards you. A much better Captain's Grog Mug.
  • Elusive Feather: Much like Ubuntu, Darla has no defenses towards physical attacks, and the Feather would help increase her survivability once the fight becomes physical.
  • Quickening Powder: Not that useful. Most of her usual attacks are quick enough to usually hit first. There are better options (like the aforementioned Charm) if you can get them first.
  • Tiger's Claw: Maybe helpful in some cases (like Rumiko in particular), but otherwise only steal this item if you already have something else better that can complement it (like Breastplate). Increases resists to 2/4/4 practically if by themselves.


  • Blood Vial: Suitable alternative to Herbal Remedy. Darla's fragility means that with the Vial, she is able to last longer while on the bench, like Vanessa.
  • Gem of Souls: Assuming the Vampires didn't get to you first by stealing Darla's innate, this item could be unusually useful once activated. Having the ability to obtain a really strong innate like the Marquis (who gains 20 HP whenever he switches out), MR-V1N (who drains 40 energy when successfully swapped out), even Tafari (no switching for the opponent when active) or Cornelius (stats decrease immunity) with the Gem of Souls (if possible) may change the tide of an entire battle. Keep in mind that Darla does not get any additional innates that the killed card has acquired earlier through Gem of Souls prior to being stolen.
  • Necronomic Tomes: Suitable alternative/complement to Deadly Poison. All of Darla's ranged attacks are physical (and her close-ranged attack is dark), so having the ability to regain HP after attacking greatly counters her lack of resistances. The chances of that proc are smaller than that of Deadly Poison, but it's still worthwhile if you have it (and Poison) in your inventory.
  • Phylactery: Like the Death Mask, if by any chance the Phylactery procs, Darla might have another chance of throwing in one last Parrot Torpedo or Quad Daggers. A matter of taste, really.
  • Ring of Curses: Similar to Vanessa, Darla might not benefit from this item due to her fragility but is overall not a bad choice either. Situation dependent.


  • Bracers of Righteousness: With Reinforced Breastplate being mainly compromised by its rarity/redundancy, the Bracers are usually better than nothing when increasing stats if obtained, especially if there are Vampires or other dark users lurking around. Changes Darla's resists to 1/3/4 if by themselves.
  • Elemental Prism: Useless. Like Rathbone, Darla has no light attacks or buffs and her default 2 light resistance would make little to no difference if facing Bestor or Eva Bovary. Choose something else if you can.
  • Knight's Emblem: Has its uses when obtained, especially if paired with stats-increasing items. Darla is prone to be easily weakened on the bench due to her lack of stats.
  • Hero's Flagon: Player's choice. Darla (being somewhat of a high-velocity fighter) is more likely to switch out after obtaining an item, so healing when switching out can enable her to hit-and-run and steal another item more safely. A suitable substitute/complement for the Herbal Remedy and/or Blood Vial. Using this with Flash Powder makes a guarantee coin-flip chance of escaping an intercept and activating the Flagon.
  • Ring of Bravery: Okay choice. Although she's better off with more defensive items, since most of her attacks are weak a little bit of extra damage can help go a long way. Can be


  • A66 Capacitor: Can be useful, but Darla is unlike to have less than 10 Energy Energy as most of her attacks are at reasonable costs. Generally, she should be switched out after switching in and obtaining items, so most of the time, she should have at least 40 energy.
  • Energy Core: Situation dependent. The immediate boost might come in handy, but Darla doesn't tend to have energy problems to need it in the first place (unless you intend to abuse Parrot Pilfer).
  • Null Matrix: An interesting choice. Having the ability to disable your opponent's items while you choose is like being in a candy store without the danger/sugar. Might come in handy if obtained.
  • Omega Boosters: Useless. Only benefits Poisoned Blade, which can already deal Poison damage for 2 turns. Use the Tomes and/or Deadly Poison, as they also boost her physical attacks.
  • Z-Phase Converter: Similar to the Energy Core, Darla's energy game is usually okay so this item may not be that useful (plus her fragility means that she could be KO'd before she can use her accumulated energy). If you're needing to stall and having to take damage due to a lack of energy to steal other items, this item would be okay in general.


  • The Black Book: Definitely useful if obtained. Theoretically, Darla can use The Black Book by intercepting first (to activate the book so her victim/target can't switch during the next turn) before using Parrot Pilfer next to obtain the valuable item of interest.
  • Coffin Nails: Similar to the Death Mask and the Phylactery, Darla is much capable of dealing more damage than she can bear or taking someone else's item after it breaks (especially if she still has at least 50 HP), even if it means having an ally cushioning the killing blow. Decent Choice.
  • Periapt of Proof Against Poison: A matter of taste, really. There are other things that can heal Darla more quickly, but if your opponent keeps on bombarding you with Poison Darts and the likes, then you should consider giving the Periapt a try. (You'll be surprised how much it could change the whole field!)
  • Sigil of Heartache: Situation Dependent. Similar purpose and results to Caltrops, usually superseded by YRoC.
  • Tarot Card: The High Priestess: Meta-game choice. Maybe useful, maybe not, depends on who you're fighting. There are better options like Coffin Nails or Bracers though.