The fma1 Chronicles 01: the Summoner[]
Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.
Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.
Anyway, here's the 17th book of the Apocrypha Games, all these shorts are written by Kongregate's fma1 over many dates. You'll see a bit more fma1 stories as we go further,
- Part 1 - Sadie (Apr 29, 2010 (sourced here))
- Part 2 - Margo (May 2, 2010 (sourced here))
- Part 3 - Popo (May 3, 2010 (see above source))
- Part 4 - Tafari (May 5, 2010 (sourced here))
Part 1 - Sadie[]
Many years ago, the village was attacked by a strange beast. The warriors of the village were powerless to stop it, the demon’s magic was too strong. Even the powerful magic that Juju and Ubuntu used was not enough to kill the demon. They had only one choice: to seal the demon inside a human. Ubuntu managed to weaken the demon with his magic, but he knew it wouldn’t last long. On the day before the demon attacked the village, a child was born. Ubuntu decided that the only choice he had that could ensure the survival of the villagers was to seal the demon inside this child. The demon was weak, but it would regain its strength quickly. Juju and Ubuntu had to ppreform the spell quickly. They channeled all their magic and sealed the demon in the child. The demons wouldn’t be able to unleash its power while it was inside a human. The human would be able to control the demon if it was inside them, or that’s what they thought.
The spell didn’t take long to complete. After the demon was sealed into the child, her skin and hair turned pale. The parents were worried, but Ubuntu believed that the demon’s power would remain suppressed. He was wrong.
2 years passed. The child was beginning to grow and everyone forgot about the demon, until it became clear that sealing the demon in the child was not good enough. The demon released itself from the child many times. The demon could never completely leave the child, but it was able to cause destruction with its magic. Another year passed and the demon’s power was not controlled even though it was sealed in a human. The village council had only one choice: the child was to be left to die, if the demon’s host dies, it too will die. The child was to be abandoned in a far away forest.
In the forest, the demon was keeping its host alive by draining the life force of animals. In the forest was a girl about 14 years old. She was the apprentice of a powerful magician and was in the forest to collect herbs for potions. She managed to stumble across the demon’s host. She was shocked to find this abandoned child, so she brought the child back with her.
When the girl’s teacher saw the child, she could sense the demon’s magic. She new that this child could help her if she learned how to control this power in her. 10 years passed. The magician taught her students. The orphan learned to control the powerful dark magic sealed inside her, and her other student became very skilled in brewing potions. A sisterly attatchment grew between the 2 students, and the teacher was like a mother to the orphan. When she finally gained control over the demon, the orphan felt very proud of herself. But life was hard for her. She was always shunned. She wanted to find her real parents, and to get revenge for what was done to her.
Part 2 - Margo[]
Margo finally figured out how to help Sadie to get her revenge. With a small blood sample from Sadie, she can create a potion thet Sadie can use to track her parents and get revenge for what was done to her.
Sadie was sitting alone when Margo walked in. “this potion will lead you to them. are you ready?” “Ive been ready for this for years,” Sadie said.
Popo was sitting alone by a campfire, thinking about the stories his grandfather told her about a demon that attacked the village when she was young, about a lost sister that had died in the forest, but she never knew the connection between the two stories.
Popo heard a noise in the bushes. She prepared her slingshot and waited. Out of the bush came a young girl. Popo had no idea who the girl was and she was cautios. “Who are you?”, Popo asked, with her slingshot still drawn. The girl came closer and a green aura began to glow around her. “Who are you?” Popo asked again, this time with more fear than confidence.
Sadie stayed silent and came closer, the green aura began to glow brighter. Popo fired her slingshot, but missed. Before she could get off another shot, the demon appeared from Sadie.
Part 3 - Popo[]
The demon’s arm shot out and grabbed Popo, then it held him against a cliff. “Where are they?” Sadie yelled. “Who?” asked Popo, who was now filled with fear. “Where is the one who did this to me? Where are my parents who left me to die? Where are they so i can get revenge for what they did to me.” “The village,” Popo said, “they’re in the village.” The demon dropped Popo to the ground and disappeared into Sadie’s body. Sadie began walking towards the village. She took out Margo’s potion, which was glowing with a blue aura. As she approached the village, th aura became brighter. She was close.
Sadie appeared in the village. The first to see her was Ubuntu. He looked at her for a long time until he finally realised who she was and what she was doing in the village. “It’s impossible,” Ubuntu said, “You died ten years ago.” Sadie didn’t say anything. She summoned the demon and it began to destroy everything in sight.
Meanwhile, Popo was lying on the ground, weak and afraid after her encounter. She thought once again about her grandfather’s stories. The demon and the lost sister. She began to make the connection. She realised that the child that the demon was sealed inside and her lost sister were the same person. She wondered why Tafari and Zina had kept this hidden from their own daughter.
Part 4 - Tafari[]
The demon was destroying everything in sight. Everyone had evacuated the village and only the warriors stayed behind. Sadie took out Margo’s potion and the glow was very bright. Suddenly a man charged at Sadie with a spear. Sadie moved quickly and the demon grabbed the man. At that moment, the potion glew very brightly. The vial cracked, then shattered. “Its you,” Sadie said,“you did this to me.” A tiger jumped out of nowhere and began running towards Sadie. The demon grabbed it and threw it into a bush. A woman jumped out of the bush to avoid being hit, then the demon grabbed her. Tafari and Zina were in the demons hands, Sadie was ready to get her revenge. Popo was hiding in a bush. She knew that she had only one chance. She fired a poison dart at Sadie. When the dart hit, Sadie was not affected at first, but she soon felt lightheaded and she passed out. Tafari walked to Sadie’s unconcious body, “This time, we have to make sure the demon is dead.” He raised his spear above Sadie. He thrusted the spear down, but before he connected with Sadie’s body, a blast of magic hit him and he flew into a rock. Out of the trees came an old woman with a broom. She grabbed Sadie and they dissappeared.
Back at the hideout, Sadie began to regain conciousness, “I was so close” she said. " Don’t worry" Agathe said, “Next time we will help and you will have your revenge.”
“I will kill them. I will get my revenge.”