Kongai Wiki

The Fragmented Cards 01[]

Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.

Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.

Anyway, here's the 19th book of the Apocrypha Games, all these shorts are written by various authors from Kongregate. Hence the name of this book "The Fragmented Cards".

  • Freeriderdude1's Lost Segment (of which only a snippet was ever published) - Jun 23, 2008 (sourced here)
  • The fma1 Chronicles 03: Kong-AI (The Robot Chronicles) by fma1 - Jun 6, 2010 (sourced here)
  • Vampire Sucks II by puppylove4 - Aug 24, 2010 (sourced here) - A parody
  • A surprise encounter by Synbios - Apr 29, 2010 (sourced here)

Freeriderdude1's Lost Segment[]

In the world. The greatest things come free to all humans. But to some comes pain of what comes free. If you compare life to chess, you can make good moves or bad also when fate is decided you can’t change it. But some can. If you try hard enough you can, or it comes naturally. So remember you have control, no one else does. Our story begins before the beginning of the story. Once there were profits and priests. But when we needed them, they vanished. Leaving only a tome that’s kept secret and it says “Thou shalt all be blessed by thy hero’s we bestow on thy when thou needs them most. Every 500 years, 20 shalt be born and rid the world of dark… 20 shalt be born and cause thy dark.” When the people heard this they were pleased and angered on how they could do this. That’s when all hell broke lose. Wars started and people fought for a place in the 20. But they forgot the most important thing, you must be born with destiny of it. The wars ended when the real ones came and stopped them. Some liked it, others joined the dark. But when the first generation of them died, sadness and happiness happened around all of the Earth. They waited and waited. Sadness. Sadness for the next 2 generations of the chosen ones have come and gone. They wondered when, where, and who’d be the next. Some also didn’t want to have them. No one knew who was the next until the chosen ones have reached the age of fourteen. They are ranked on numbers, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. You might be confused on when I said “20 shalt be born and rid the world of dark… 20 shalt be born and cause thy dark.” Because there’s only ten girls and ten boys in each factor. I’ve been talking too much about the prophecy and stories. So lets move on to the stories beginning. It begins in a small town but skilled in art and battle called Oak vale in the year 1422. Just a little village that has a school, market plaza, and temple. It’s populated by about 400 and is very normal… except that six of the forty chosen ones are born there.

The fma1 Chronicles 03: Kong-AI (The Robots Chronicles)[]

A revolutionary military experiment has just been completed. An elite team of robot soldiers has been developped. “Finally,” said Martin, “after 30 years of work, they are finally completed.” Martin Curie was a successful scientist with a very shady ancestry. He completed the robots, but he was still working on a time machine to learn more about his past and his mysterious great great grandmother. But for now, he could be happy with himself.

The general arrived a Martin’s lab. He was at first not convinced that Martin had improved the design of military robots, but he soon changed his mind. “Angelan series D,” said Martin, “an extremely intelligent spy, maybe even smarter then we are. Gorbax Mark 2, a heavily armored war machine. The deadliest robot ever created. B9 an effective medic and good fighter as well. MIR-V1N, the best robotic replication of human emotion ever created and very skilled at sabotage. Last but not least, IBO-K9, a very loyal and very aggressive fighter.” “Impressive,” said the general, “how about a demonstration?” “Of course,” Martin said.

“Powering up in 3,2,1.” The robots came to life. They all demonstrated their abilites, the Martin shut them off and turned to the general, “What do you think?” “Amazing,” the general said, “we will put them into service immediately.” “There are still a few bugs to work out.” “Nonsense,” replied the general, “we’ll take them now. They are perfect the way they are. Dr.Curie, our price is set at 10 billion.” “All right. Take them.”

1 year later.

Martin Curie has completed his time machine project, just in time for the general to come to see him again. “Dr.Curie, please help us. Your robots are out of control. They’ve stopped taking orders from humans, or even from other military robots. They want to destroy everything.” “I knew it,” said Martin, “i made them too intelligent. There is only one way to stop them. We will have to send them to the past. Find a way to lure all five of them into this room, then i will activate the time machine. They will be sent 500 years into the past.” “But if we change the past, it will affect the present.” “There is no other way,” Martin said, “It’s the only way we can survive.”

The robots were lured into the room and the time machine was activated. The robots dissappeared. “I wonder what will happen to them,” Martin said.

Meanwhile in the present.

There was a massive flash. It was seen by everyone. All the inhabitants of the surrounding areas went to see what happened. At the site of the flash there was a large dust cloud. Suddenly, a burst of machine gun fire came from the cloud. Everyone quickly returned to their hideouts. No one had any idea what had happened, but everyone knew that they were in danger.

Vampire Suck II[]

My life was more troubled than you could imagine. All i did was keep my reputation well and play in the championship games. One day, as i sat down at my clique’s lunch table, i saw somone. a girl with darker skin who seemed careless to the rest of the world. i had only seen her once before, in my biology class. Even then she ripped up her mid-term because it was pink. Anyways, at lunch she sat alone. One person attempted to sit there but she bit him. Then he bit my girlfriend and the lunchroom broke out into chaos. But I didn’t mind. i was gonna break up with her in a few minutes. I fled the scene as fast as possible only to find my football coach, Mr. Le Morte. he was an elderly man probly in his 170’s and hated light. Go figure. As i ran past him into the boys bathroom i sprinted into a stall. Once there, i stood upon the only working toilet, jumped vertically twice, then ran back to the lunchroom. The place had been trashed. even the lunch lady had been ripped to pieces. And suddenly a was scared out of my mind. The new girl, Vannessa strutted by me after showing K-9 teeth that looked very much like fangs. obviously they weren’t fangs though. I mean, an elephant can’t even jump unless you’re playing Achievement unlocked on your laptop. I forgot where i was going with this… As i left the wreckage once more, i was knocked unconcious. After writhing in pain for what i supposed to be an hour, i regained consiousness and my vision was red. all i could see was clifford the big red dog! I asked for his autograph and flipped him off from an odd urge, i realized two pencil sized holes in my forehead. Vannessa told me to play football with clifford and forget she even existed. For the next few days i attepted to commit suicide with the help of Piers Morgan from Americas got talent but even he couldn’t kill me nor my spirit. Of course life was fine and i lived until the Robots took over and sliced my head off. at least i ended a great death. who can say they were killed by a robot besides future players of kongai?

if you’re wondering about my championship game results, STOP WONDERING!

A Surprise Encounter[]

“They will never find out. They can NEVER find out.”

Darting through shadows and illusions, the ninja flitted through towns, while the pursuers followed relentlessly. There was no rest, no respite, only the endless chase. Amaya knew for certain that the hunt will never end.

The ninja had come to the temple, masked and garbed in dark clothing, to train under the tutelage of Higashi. Respecting privacy, the members of the dojo had no problem with the newcomer asking to conceal its identity from even their eyes. For years, it had been that way, as they trained in the mountains, waiting for the call to battle.

Until one day. Yoshiro and Rumiko had gone to the hot springs to cleanse their battle-worn bodies. To their surprise, they saw Amaya walking towards it, still wearing the concealing battle armor and mask. The ninja was also carrying various bathing paraphernalia, so Amaya’s intentions were clear.

Their curiosity finally getting the better of them, the two martial artists used their mastery of Hiding-From-The-Wrath-of-Higashi to stalk the newcomer. One thing had bothered them since Amaya’s coming: was this ninja a boy or a girl? They never saw the newcomer remove the mask, even when sleeping. Whenever they ate, Amaya would pick up the plate of food, vanish for a few minutes, and return with empty plate in hand. Would this be the first time that they could see his – or her – face?

As the hot springs were shared by both genders, there was only one large bath of rejuvenating hot water. Mist floated in the air, further aiding the two’s attempts at stealth. From nearby, they could see Amaya’s figure as it rested contentedly in the waters. Suddenly, Yoshiro stepped on a branch, and Amaya quickly stood up in a flash. As water cascaded, they could make out flowing black hair and a lithe figure. Unfortunately, they were not able to determine Amaya’s gender, as they only saw the back of the ninja, and the mist further concealed the body. Also, the person had covered its body quickly in layers of towels, covering more of its body features. When the person turned towards the source of the noise, however, they could make out a flash of the most beautiful grey eyes they have ever seen, before Amaya teleported away from the bath.

From then on, the two had one resolve, and gave chase.