The Fragmented Cards 02[]
Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.
Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.
Anyway, here's the 22nd book of the Apocrypha Games, all these shorts are written by various authors from Kongregate. Hence the name of this book "The Fragmented Cards".
- Ranec's Demise by Gaiaix (Aug 3, 2010 (sourced here))
- KeroroGunsou333's minimalist story 1 (Aug 13, 2010 (sourced here)) - Yes, minimalist stories are a thing
- The fma1 Chronicles 04: Eva by fma1 (Nov 21, 2010 (sourced here)) - A bit of a writer's block in my opinion
- The fma1 Chronicles 05: Rathbone and Amaya (Nov 22, 2010, see above source)
- KeroroGunsou333's minimalist story 2 (Nov 20, 2010 (sourced here))
Ranec's Demise[]
The enitre crew gathered on the deck, the duel was about to begin….Starbuck stood at the wheel, holding the captain’s pistol. Balthazar’s voice boomed loud, as if fired from his trusty cannon “The captains duel will now begin. This will be a sword duel, no items, or help from the crew. This will be a deathmatch, the rules are simple..the winner becomes the captain.”
Ranec and Auger stood facing each other swords drawn, waiting for the other to make the first move….they stood for what seemed like an eternity to the crew, until Ranaec charged at Auger, attempting to sweep his swords at auger’s legs. Auger skillfully dodged the sweep, stabbing ranec in his right shoulder, causing him to become furious with his first mate. Ranec twisted around, skewering auger in his stomach, loosing inhuman amounts of blood. Auger fell to the deck, clutching his stomach, unable to stand and fight his captain. Ranec approched the fallen pirate, raising his dual blades high above his head, ready to end the pitiful pirates life….as ranec’s swords fell, Auger could hear something…jingling, he looked up and he noticed that ranec had attached some dubloons to his coat and hat..he forced himself to roll out of ranec’s way, and stabbed him in the kneecap, causing the captain to fall. With both pirates down, the crew looked on in horror as Auger stood up despite his gaping wound hindering him greatly…“You do not deserve to be captain if you need to cheat in a duel” Auger said, becoming dizzy from blood loss, fainting to the deck….The crew gathered around their fallen comrade, infuriated by Ranec’s foul play. Ranec slowly stood up, wanting revenge on Auger for wounding him, Ranec forced his way past all of the members of his crew, approching the body of Auger…with swords raised, he swung down with full force, intent on ending the poor man’s life. All of the members of the crew looked away, afraid to see Ranec butcher his fallen opponent, they waited a while before looking, afraid to see what happened…..there stood Darla, she was in front of Ranec, with both of his swords plunged into her body. All of the crowd stood shocked in amazement, Darla had sacraficed her own life to save Auger’s…“FILTHY WHENCH!” screamed Ranec, tossing her body aside, “If ANY of you interfere, you will meet the same fate!” Ranec screamed at the crew. Again, Ranec raised his swords to kill the stark breathing body of Auger…He swung, this time sure no one would interfere…he was wrong. As the crew looked away, Starbuck fired the captain’s pistol, hurtling Ranec off the side of the ship. The crew stood in amazement, for no one would expected that the deckhand was capable of anything other than swabbing the deck. Balthazar’s voice boomed louder this time, with a tear in his eye for his fallen love “The winner has been decided, your new captain is Auger Blackboot!” As the crew went to help their new fallen captain and Darla, Ranec’s lifeless body sunk to the bottom of the ocean….“nO….NoT yEt……..I…WaNt…..REVENGE!” Ranec’s body started to glow, his skin peeled away, down to his bare bone, his swords turned a deathly purple, and the fallen captain rose again…intent on taking back his ship……
2 Weeks Later
“Captain? Are you awake yet?” asked Darla, “It’s time you pick your first mate”…..Auger slowly limped his way out to the deck, were his crew had gathered to meet him. “As you know, i must pick a new first mate….does anyone want to volunteer or nominate?” The whole crew called out “STARBUCK!” “STARBUCK!” “STARBUCK!” “Yes, i agree with you all, Starbuck! come here” Starbuck strode towards the new captain proudly, swearing he would make himself stronger, because he wanted to protect his new family more than anything.
KeroroGunsou333's minimalist story 1[]
“Ello Higashi”
“Ello MLM”
The fma1 Chronicles 05: Eva[]
Eva was sitting alone when Agathe came to her. “It’s about time you learned something more powerful,” Agathe said. She handed Eva a small spellbook. Eva opened it and started to read. “It is an ancient ritual,” Agathe said, "Once you have completed it, your power will grow much stronger.
Eva was working on the spell alone. It had been many hours, but she was almost finished. She looked at the last ingredients on the page and she knew what she had to do to get them. The final and most important ingredients for her to become stronger were men’s tears, crushed hearts, wrinkled love letters, and rain-soaked roses. “This should be interesting,” Eva said to herself.
The fma1 Chronicles 06: Rathbone and Amaya[]
Rathbone had barely been able to stop the knights when they attacked his hideout. He had to find a new place to go and fast. He went alone into the forest and came across a natural cave. The cave was halfway up a high cliff. Rathbone began to climb until he finally reached the openeing. He walked into the cave and saw a dark figure sitting alone inside. He drew his sword and approached the person slowly. The person turned around and, after spotting Rathbone, unleashed a powerful attack. Rathbone took the full force of the dark magic, nearly passing out. In front of him he saw a masked warrior surrounded by a dark glow. “Who are you?” said the warrior. His voice was distorted behind the mask. Rathbone decided not to fight the warrior. He thought it would be better to gain an ally. “I am Rathbone,” he replied, “I come from the knights’ kingdom not far from here. They are my enemies and they have discovered my hideout. I went into the forest to find a new hideout and came across this cave. Who are you?”
“My name is Amaya. I think we can benefit each other. I have enemies here as well. If I help you defeat your enemies, then I want you to help me defeat mine. I was once one of them, until they exiled me. They were afraid that i was more powerful than they were.” “You remind me of myself,” Rathbone said, “if you help me, then I will help you.”
“Good,” Amaya said, “So who are these knights anyway?” As amaya spoke, she removed her mask. “You’re a woman?” Rathbone said suprised. “Does that really matter?” Amaya said, “We need to make a plan. There knights will be defeated, then you will help me defeat the martial artists and if you try anything, I will kill you.” “Don’t worry,” Rathbone said, “When the knights are gone, I will help you deal with these martial artists.”
Amaya had no idea that Rathbone was taking advantage of her. She was cautious, but she was not prepared for what Rathbone was planning.
KeroroGunsou333's minimalist story 2[]
Pedobear: Hello
Saddie: AAAH
Pedobear: Don’t be scared :3