killed_by_dante (v1)[]
Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.
Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.
Anyway, here's the 24th book of the Apocrypha Games, written by killed_by_dante.
Part 1[]
Once in a century, the Tournament among the greatest martial artists of all era would occur. For millenia, they used to fight only for honour and respect. As time stood by, none would accept to fight unless they won money and a reward. To this last tournament, the winner would earn an ornamental egg, which was said to be the source of luck, and money to spend them accordingly with his new luck. The battle has begun, and wrestlers have been fighting endlessly. All defeated, the final round came, against Yoshiro, an ambitious young man trained by Higashi and Rumiko, trained by Onimaru. The reward appeared, waiting to be earnt by this final battle. During the fight, a masked person appeared, and run towards the reward.
“Amaya is that you?” Screamed Higashi. “I told you to never come back”. “You forbid me to participate in the tournament just because i was jealous of your other students and i wanted you to be dedicated to me, that is why i attempted to kill Yoshiro. But this tournament has nothing to do with our past glory or guilt. It is among the greatest warrior alive. I have mastered the dark arts and became so much stronger since you ordered me to go away for ever. I deserve the reward.” She hit everyone in the arena with a shadow wrath run and stole the reward and all the artifacts being there from previous generations. “You are all tired from your previous battles arent you? I have foreseen this”. And a black smoke emerged. Everyone tried to hit her, but all their attacks would miss. She run away, Higashi tried to intercept her, but she had a flash powder with her. Everyone were exhausted from their battles, and couldnt hunt her. “Master, i will go to hunt her and bring back the artifacts”. Screams the ambitious Yoshiro. “No i will go” said Rumiko. " Why dont you go together?" “Never. We had a battle in the middle anyway. First one to catch her keeps the egg, and gets the honour to return the artifacts. Second one gets no medal.” “Go forth my student. This general’s insignia will make you stronger for the journey”. “Rumiko, use this scroll. It will help you develop your inner concentration.” And they left taking seperate ways.
Yoshiro travelled through leaps and bounds, in dismal circumstances. He would not kneel or rest till he found the thief.
He was sure Rumiko did as well. He would never let her win. The rivarly would only end in his victory. He was dedicated not to misprove the faith of his master Higashi.
Following the traces of Amaya, he was lead into a forest. They seemed recent. As he was venturing forth, he saw a red-haired girl. Before he manages to say anything, she attempted to attack him with her spike boots. He started attacking her too and wounded her, but she instantly kisses him, and her wounds were covered. Bleeding, Yoshiro run into the forest with the vampire woman chasing him. As the vampire run close to him attempting to choke him, she was hit by a chakram and was knocked out of the battle. As Yoshiro turned to thank his savior, he saw many women, that seemed eager to attack him. An archer shot him with a ligthing arrow and he reflected it back at her. Another one started rapid lashes on him, but he was not discouraged. One with muscles came close to him, but he managed to stun her and got away. She switched into the one with the chakram, and he emits a chi blast letting her scream from the burning. One more emerged holding a shield. Yoshiro hit her really hard, but his attacks did not seem much effective against her. He tried to stun her, but nothing would work. He felt she was really angry hitting him with frenzy strikes. He was lying on the ground helpless, crouching to get away.
As the shielded one was approaching to finish him, she fell into a trap. Yoshiro was wondering where did it come from. Suddenly she was hit by some darts that seemed poisonous. He saw a yound kid and an older man appearing from a bush. The one with the chakram threw it at the kid but she managed to dodge it. The rest attempted more physical attacks on them, but the place was full of traps and the poisons seemed quite strong, plus the kid could heal herself everytime she was hit. They run away hurt and wounded. Grasping and exhausted, Yoshiro could be just an observer. A woman with a tiger came along and mount him on the tiger, and lead him deep inside the heart of the forest. A man with a hawk costume approached and commenced healing his wounds. When he was fully healed, an elder man appeared and sat next to him.
-Who are you? Why did you save me?
-Im Ubuntu, supporter of the equality of access and sick and tired of the modern world and its commercialisation that spreads everywhere making everything lose their true value. I live in this forest gathering and creating information and knowledge that will be spreaded equally to everyone so cooperation can be encouraged in order to advance to..
-Can we go to the second question please?
-You did not come into this dangerous forest just to take a walk, did you? Considering the way you fought, you are quite well trained, and considering your dedication to travel alone risking your life, you must have been chasing the thief of artifacts.
-Amaya? You know her as well?
-She was there pretending to be wounded. She said she had just won the tournament of martial artists, and after he left all his rivals attacked her together for revenge and to steal her reward. She claimed that she managed to get away but they would definitely come here, so Tafari set the traps for anyone that would come. Juju went to find more healing potions, but the thief suddenly releases some magics, and we could not hurt her. The reward seemed to bring her quite luck. She instantly found the location of our Death Mask and a magical tiger claw, stole it and run away. She was hurt by the tiger, but not discouraged.
-Great she has the egg to bring her luck, the jade figurine to make her more endurant and now a magic mask and a weakening claw. Why would she need all these? Why did you trust me?
-We assume she needs all these to give them to the vampires for some reason that we dont know yet, that is why she followed the way to a graveyard, where Ambrosia emerged. The poisons did not work against her, so Popo returned hurt, but she kept chasing them and she fell to you not interested in Popo anymore. She came to us and told us you saved her, and we saved you to appreciate it, seemed like you were worth it.
-So i guess were even. I have to continue my journey.
-I want to come with you and hunt the thief together.
-No Popo youre staying here. Let him go. In order to be even, return us the mask when you catch the thief.
Yoshiro agrees and returns to his hunt. He was sure that Amaya would be at the Vampire temple, the lair of their leaders. After all, thats where the traces have been leading, and he had no doubt that she was working for them. He wanted to travel to the place, and alone he could not afford to build a boat. He could not return to the school to ask for a boat or any help, he had to settle everything alone to prove his worth to Higashi. He searched and found a pirate’s nest and asked for someone to transport him. He found Captain Auger, who seemed to have the monopoly, and they agreed on the money and started the journey. He drunk with them during it, and told them about his trial and cause and how a great warrior he was and how he could beat anyone in a fight and how trustful he was to earn the strength gaining item Insignia for his journey. He drunk too much till he fell to sleep.
Part 2[]
The next morning, he woke up with a headache, in a deserted island, with all his money missing but still having the general’s insignia.
“What am i doing here? And why didnt they steal my artifact and only my money? If they forgot about it, they are the worst pirates ever. Or i must have been smart enough to hide it during my sleep. I really dont remember anything. Now i have to find someone in this island.” He started wandering, until a rapid steam of shurikens was thrown to him that he managed to dodge.
-Rumiko? What are you doing here?
-You? I was following Amaya to the vampire’s temple and i asked from some pesky pirates to go me there as the greatest warrior alive on his duty. They made me drink stole my money and left me there, but they didnt even steal my focus scroll!
-Seems like its their hobby, they did the same to me. Dont worry i told them the truth about who is the greatest warrior alive.
-You think its you? We left a battle in the middle anyway!
Rumiko hits gain yoshiro with the shurikens and he emits a chi blast. She goes close and they start fighting each other, Rumiko attempting to stun him and hit him with the darts and yoshiro hitting her every time before she hits him. They ended up stunned together. Suddenly a voice emerged from nowhere.
-Who enters my domain?
-What are you a ghost that woke up from the noise? Get back in your grave!
Rumiko threw the shurikens but they passed through him.
-A..that was unexpected.
-The dead do not suffer the living to pass. I will not let you get to the treasure.
-We dont care about the treasure we just want to ..
The ghost slashed twice Yoshiro and he felt like his arms were too heavy and had to use much energy to move. Rumiko eviscerated and teleported away, but she felt a light coming through her like crushing her soul and bridging their distance.