Kongai Wiki

killed_by_dante (v4)[]

Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.

Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.

Anyway, here's the 25rd book of the Apocrypha Games, written by killed_by_dante.

Sourced from here, May 3, 2010.

Part 7[]

-Where did that trap come from? Only one would..Tafari?

All the tiki villagers appeared among with the tiger.

-Popo informed us that you could need help. We came here to offer you some, seems like you have other company.

The vampires did not seem to give up. Juju and Ubuntu started the curses on them, causing them to lose slowly their life as allies were becoming stronger. All the vampires fell down, and rose again.

-Why don’t they just die?

-Phylacteries. They will keep bringing them back to life. We have to find a way to ..

-Give me that.

A parrot emerged and stole the phylacteries off them. He turns them to a woman.

-Darla? What are you doing here?

-As the female martial artist escaped, she stole the money we gained from the island. We started looking for her and we came to take them back. Then we found a vampire that told us she would lead us here from a safe as long as we help her to avenge someone she is rival with.

-Vanessa? What do you want again?

-Yes Ambrosia, at last the way to avenge you is clear.

-Whats wrong between you two?

-Before we die as young girls, we used to be the best friends..From my side. I have always been finding good boyfriends, that were telling me they did not care the way i look like and my body but only for my character,and she has always been stealing them from me!

-Its not my fault im a femme fatale! They were all falling in love with me with the first sight!

-You want to kill her just because she has been stealing your boyfriends?

-To top it off, when marquis bit her and she turned into a vampire, i went close to stop her blood from spoiling and she choked me! I run away and turned to a vampire as well, and now i can never find a boyfriend!

-Dont we have a battle we have to finish?

Vanessa seemed quite strong against the vampires. She was emmiting light attacks, that would hurt them greatly. One by one, they fell weak and not able to fight anymore.

-Now we have to fight the artifacts. Each one takes his own. Pirates, i don’t know about your money but ..

-We did not come here for nothing, and were not leaving with empty hands. For our effort, if we don’t find our money were getting YOUR artifacts.

-But were not responsible for this.


Part 8[]

Yoshiro was hit by a cannon shot. The pirates apparently did not want to discuss about the battle.

-Which side am i on now? Im only interested in Ambrosia, but as i came with them now..

The robust one loaded his cannon once more and fired on them. The parrot would steal their items, the ghost now on their side was not wounded much and the others would fight them with great haste. The rest were all wounded and tired by the battle from the vampires, and the pirates would prevail.

-As usually we are the strongest. Now someone go look for the ..

Suddenly a chi blast was thrown, and the captain reflects it back and makes an entrance.

-What can you expect from a globetrotter, always ready to deal with magic. Where did that come from?

Rumiko, Higashi and Onimaru came from the entrance.

-Rumiko? You brought help?

-Yoshi, they did not expect me to fight the vampires alone. You found so many companions, yet you fail again. Nice going.

-But the pirates came.

-Yes, after Darla set me free and gave me the key to the chest to get the money, i returned to the school to inform my master about the location of Amaya. Higashi heard me and said he was going to save you, apparently you needed it.

-No i am worthy myself.

-You did what Darla?

-Settle down boys, were getting our money back now and many new stuff right?

-Right. That’s what i like about you, youre alwas profitable. Get the ghost that can pass through walls and your pet, and go look for the thief he must be somewhere there. Me Balthazar and Starbuck will deal with the newcomers. Vanessa thank you for the help, you can deal with the stunned vampires, torment or anything else.

The battle between Rumiko Higashi Onimaru Balthazar Starbuck Auger had started. Onimaru dealt with Starbuck, Higashi with Balthazar and Rumiko with Auger. Rumiko must have told them, about their tactics, and their moves were planned, while the pirates were caught off guard by the powers of the martial artists. They were stil quite strong and powerful, and the battle did not seem to end.