Chronicles of zphantom13 (v3)[]
Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.
Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.
Anyway, here's the 34th book of the Apocrypha Games (and the final chronicle of zphantom13), originally written by Kongregate's zphantom13 (May 7, 2010, sourced here).
Part 6[]
the meelee and the range part 1/2
anex:hey phobe
phobe:have you heard the news!?
unbunto:anex!! i have news
tafari anex!! we will tell you somthing
anex:ok ok one by one i know your telling the same thing let phobe say it
phobe:did you know the knights are gonna invade our village!
tafari:i have a plan ready
yoshiro:no tafari let my plan its improved and better
yoshiro: ok here is my plan anex and phobe will guard the gate
and tafari will trap them in the gate where anex and phobe will kill them
and ubuntu you will go ontop of the gate where you will summon your spirit and use tiger claws incase of meelee combat everyone got the plan?
tafari:wow we have the same plan but wheres your part?
yoshiro:i try to travel behind enemy lines and chi blast the fuck out of them
anex:ok we agree
phobe:lets do it!
knight rathbone:we will invade unto village and rule the country!!!!
amaya:i will stay behind lines and watch
knight rathbone:you can do that
onimaru:and i will charge them and kill everybody on my path!
higashi:i will cast my heavy chi blast and wipe everybody out!
ashi:i will slice and dice them charging with onimaru!
knight rathbone:the plan is agreed we will murder everyone we see >=)
later when the enemys invade
yoshiro:this is the fight we will remember we will not survive
yoshiro:i will go now behind enemy lines look at them they are approaching!
ashi:i will kill you all!
tafari:not on my watch you slicing bitch
ashi:taste my signature slice!
tafari:not if i hide!
ashi:not if i dodge
tafari:i trap
tafari:now ambush!
as when tafari ambushed ashi ashi fell down requesting asistance from onimaru onimaru jumped to kill tafari
Part 7[]
as then onimaru jumped to kill tafari but tafari suddenly stabbed ashi before tafari died
then onimaru saw anex and phobe anex and phobe suddenly attacked
onimaru:theres no way you can kill me!
onimaru stabbed them both to death
ubunto:we are gonna loose! i will cast my spirit to kill onimaru!
higashi:not if i blast the fuck outta you!
as then when they both casted at the same time they both died
yoshiro:looks like its all up to me
vannesa voss:not if i help you
knight rathbone:you shall both die!
yoshiro:i will kick your ass rathbone!
vannesa voss:i will take care of amaya
vannesa voss:not if i dodge!
vannesa voss stabbed amaya in the head amaya died
knight rathbone reflected the chi blast with his sword
yoshiro fell down
yoshiro:what the?!
vannesa voss:yoshiro!!!!!
onimaru:not if i help him haaaaaaugh!!!!!!!!!!!!
onimaru killed vannesa voss…
yoshiro:this just might work
yoshiro chi blasted knight rathbone and used reflect to hit knight rath bone’s bronze helmet
yoshiro:head in the blast isnt it?
onimaru:its the final battle…….
yoshiro:hup i jump n slice i chi and blast!!!!
onimaru:HAHAHA i upgraded my armour to absorb chi blasts
yoshiro:time kick ass
yoshiro suddenly kicked his feet with chi blast power
onimaru:what the?!
onimaru:i slice your feet open!
onimaru suddenly sliced yoshiro’s left foot
onimaru:now we are tied
yoshiro:chiblast punch rapid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
onimaru:did i forgot to slice those too?
onimaru sliced yoshiro’s right hand
yoshiro:if i must die then i must protect the city!!!!!
yoshiro casted chi blast on the sun and suddenly a BIG chi blast returned and kill them both
onimaru:yooou have learned weeeeel
yoshiro:muust kiill yooou
they both died