Kongai Wiki

The fma1 Chronicles 07: Return of Piracy[]

Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.

Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.

This is a continuation of Book 18.

Anyway, here's the 36th book of the Apocrypha Games, all these shorts are written by Kongregate's fma1 over many dates.

  • Part 1 (sourced here) - Aug 13, 2010
  • Part 2 (same as above) - Aug 23, 2010
  • Part 3 (see Part 1) - Aug 25, 2010
  • Part 4 (see Part 1) - Aug 29, 2010
  • Part 5 (sourced here) - Sep 22, 2010
  • Part 6 (see Part 5) - Sep 26, 2010
  • Part 7 (see Part 5) - Sep 29, 2010

Part 1[]

“Who could have done this?” Starbuck said. “That’s not important right now,” Darla said, “We need to find a way to help him.” Augur was laying in his bed, weak and dying. He was poisoned and the pirated had no idea who did it. “There has to be some way to stop it,” Balthazar said. “There is,” Ranec said, “A powerful artifact known as the periapt of poison. It is said to be able to reverse the effecs of any sickness.” “Well, where is it?” Darla said. “It is in the posession of the witches.” “Great, the witches again. Last time someone got us involved with them, I was almost killed.” “But this is different,” Starbuck said, “Our captain is going to die if we dont get this artifact.” “I guess we have no choice,” Darla said, “but this time, I’m not going there alone.” “I will go with you,” Ranec said, “You two need to stay here and keep an eye on the captain.” Ranec and Darla left quickly, headed towards the witches’ hideout.

Part 2[]

Darla and Ranec reached the witches hideout and were hiding in the graveyard near it. “How will we get in?” Darla said. “Let me deal with that,” Ranec said. “No, don’t use the psycho-” before Darla could finish they both disappeared in a flash of light and were teleported to the inside of the hideout. Darla fell to the ground almost unconcious, “I hate traveling with that thing, it makes me feel so weak.” “It’s not meant for mortal bodies, but it works. Now let’s find the artifact.” Soon Darla and Ranec reached a room where they saw the periapt of poison hanging on one of the walls. “Well that was easy,” Darla said. Darla put the artifact in her bag and she went with Ranec out into a hallway where they were spotted. “You again? I thought you would have learned your lesson last time.” Margo threw a vial of poison at Darla. It hit her and shattered but nothing happened. There was a glow coming from Darlas bag. “It’s the artifact,” Ranec said, “It is protecting you from the poison.” Darla threw three daggers at Margo and they all found thier target. Darla and Ranec started to run down the hallway. Margo pulled the daggers out of her body, pulled out a vial, drank the potion, then ran after them. “Now would be a good time for the-” Ranec and Darla dissappeared in a flash of light, leaving Margo confused and shocked.

They reappeared at the pirate’s hideout. Darla passed out from the force of the psycho crusher. Ranec took the artifact from her bag and placed it in Augur’s hand. Within seconds the artifact’s magic cured him. “Not a minute too soon,” he said, “Now we need to find who did this.”

Part 3[]

“Did you figure it out yet?” Starbuck said. “Yes,” Augur said, “Look at this. I found it on the floor near my bed.” Augur pulled out a dart. “It had traces of poison on the tip. It was those villagers who tried to poison me.”

Augur did not know that he was being watched. On a tree branch near by, a woman sat quietly listening to Augur. “This is perfect,” she thought to herself, “He thinks it was the villagers. But my mission still isn’t complete. I still have to kill him, but now probably isn’t the best time. I will have to wait. I want to do this covertly. When they go after the villagers, their hideout will be unprotected. I’d like to know more about the curing properties of this artifact.” The woman waited patiently for the pirates to leave. The pirates took a long time preparing, but they eventually left, leaving behind only one man to guard the hideout. The woman decided to wait longer. Only a few minutes later, the man who was assigned to guard the hideout fell asleep at his post. “Now is the time,” the woman thought to herself, “My master will be pleased to receive the powerful artifact.” She jumped down from the branch, and entered the hideout.

Part 4[]

The woman didn’t take long to find the artifact. She grabbed it and started to leave. Suddenly, something flew by her and broke down a wall next to her. She turned around to see the man now awake. “Who are you?” Balthazar said. “It wont matter to you,” Rumiko said, “because you will be dead.” Rumiko pulled out four shurikens and threw them at Balthazar. They all found their target and Rumiko headed back to the martial artists’ hideout. Balthazar was still alive, but barely. “At least it looks like i put up a fight. Augur won’t have to find out that i fell asleep.”

meanwhile at the martial artists’ hidout

“You took longer than usual,” Higashi said. “Augur Blackboot isn’t dead master.” Rumiko said. “The pirates took some kind of cure-all artifact from the witches and it cured Augur of the poison.” “A cure-all artifact?” “If you don’t believe me, here it is. I took it from the pirates hideout. They thought it was the villagers who tried to kill Blackboot, so they left to go after them. It was easy to get past the guard. I slipped in and got it.” Rumiko gave the artifact to Higashi and he examined it closely. “I sense something. This amulet is full of magic. I don’t know if it is light or dark, but it is definetley powerful. We can use this. This may be even better than killing Blackboot.”

Part 5[]

The pirates returned from the villager’s hideout, defeated and back where they started. “Maybe Balt should have came with us,” Darla said. “We couldn’t leave the artifact unguarded,” Augur said. “But if it wasn’t the villagers,” Starbuck said, “then who did it?” “We’ll find out,” Augur said, “besides…” Augur was shocked when he saw Balthazar, barely alive with 4 shurikens in his chest. “Balthazar, can you hear me?” Augur said. Balthazar groaned weakly. “What happened? Darla, get the artifact and bring it here.” “The artifact is gone,” Balthazar said weakly, "It wasn’t the villagers who tried to kill you. It was the ninja. The poison dart belonged to her, and she attacked me out of nowhere and took the artifact. I tried to stop her, but… " Balthazar passed out before he finished.

meanwhile at the witches hideout

“What do you mean they escaped!?” Agathe was very angry and whenever she was angry, the others would avoid her, but that was not possible for Margo who had allowed the pirates to escape with the artifact. Margo began to respond, “The theif came with a ghost like being. The ghost seemed to have some kind of teleportation ability. They dissappeared before i could stop them and they didn’t leave anything behind that i can use to find them.” “Listen to me,” Agathe said sternly, “You will find them, and you will recover the artifact, or else it is you who will dissappear. Do you understand?” Margo nodded and walked out slowly.

Part 6[]

Margo quietly approached the pirate’s hidout. She had come alone, the other witches wanted no part of Agathe’s anger if she were to fail. As she looked towards the hidout, she saw the pirates leave, heading to find the martial artists. Margo moved fast and entered the hideout, looking everywhere for the artifact. She found nothing but she had a plan to find out where the artifact went. She found a piece of clothing in the hidout. She ripped part of it off and placed it inside of a vial of liquid. The vial began to glow, and it would lead her to the pirates and hopefully the artifact.

meanwhile at the martial artist’s hidout

Onimaru was outside alone, practicing his techniques in the air. Nearby, Darla sat on a tree branch, watching him. She threw a poisoned dagger at him, the dagger lodged itself in his armor, but didn’t reach his body. Onimaru looked up at the branch. Darla jumped down from the branch and threw more daggers, which again had no effect. Ranec appeared in a flash of light. He and Onimaru drew his swords and looked each other in the eye a long time until one of them attacked…

The other martial artists had spotted the flash of light that Ranec had created. “They must be here to get the artifact back,” Rumiko said. "If you want to keep it away from them, Yoshiro said, “them maybe you shouldn’t be wearing it when you go to fight them.” “Relax, we can handle this.” “Don’t get overconfident,” Higashi said.

Onimaru and Ranec were evenly matched swordsmen,neither letting the other have any opportunity. Augur attempted to end the battle quickly with a single gunshot, but it didn’t penetrate onimarus armor. Balthazar had the same idea. Onmaru was holding his swords above him, pushing against Ranec’s. Balthazar fired a cannonball at Onimaru and it barely missed his body, but knocked his swords out of his hands. Ranec prepared to finish him off, but as he raised his sword, a beam of light struk him and he was knocked back. Onimaru looked up to see the other martial artists coming to his aid. “About time you got here.” Onimaru picked up his swords and turned to Rumiko, “Why are you wearing that thing? We’re supposed to keep it away from them.” “Don’t worry,” she said, “They will never get it back.” “Maybe they won’t, but i will.” Rumiko looked up to see Margo standing on a branch.“You will never get it,” Rumiko said to Margo, she turned to the pirates," and neither will you."

Part 7[]

Margo threw down a vial from the tree branch. It hit the ground and released a cloud of gas, blinding the pirates and the martial artists. She threw a second vial into the gas cloud, creating a massive fireball. Higashi saw Margo’s sillhouette through the cloud and fired a chi blast at her. Margo jumped from the branch and landed between the pirates and the martial artists. She pulled out a vial full of a black liquid. She threw the vial onto the ground and black smoke swirled around her body as she began to chant a spell. Everyone else stepped back, not sure what to expect. When Margo finished the spell, a wave of darkness spread around her. Everything stood still, frozen in time. Margo went to Rumiko’s petrified body and took the periapt of poison from her neck. Before she left, she threw another vial onto the ground. The vial shattered and a red gas remained frozen in place where she dropped the vial. She ran into the forest with the artifact. The spell wore off after what Margo experienced as a few minutes, but for everyone else only an instant had passed. To them, Margo was standing there one second and gone the next. It took Rumiko a while to realise that the artifact was gone. The red gas from Margos potion floated in the air, then expanded violently. The martial artists were protected by a chi sheild that Yoshiro created at the last possible second. The pirates were saved by Ranec’s split second decision to transport them all away with a psycho crusher.

Margo arrived at the witches hideout. She handed the artifact to Agathe. “I must admit,” Agathe said, “I didn’t think that you could do it alone.” “It was easy with my new spell,” Margo said. “I can’t believe that your time freeze spell actually worked,” Sophie said with an obvious tone of jealousy. “The important this is that we have it back,” Agathe said, “and no one will ever be able to steal it again.” Agathe chanted a spell and the artifact glowed with a green aura. “Any outsider who ever tries to steal it will fall under the witches curse.”

The End.