Kongai Wiki

The fma1 Chronicles 08: The Summoner Uncovered[]

Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.

Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.

This is a continuation of Book 20.

Anyway, here's the 37th book of the Apocrypha Games (and the last Chronicles of fma1, but not his last piece), written by Kongregate's fma1 over many dates (sourced here).

  • Part 1 - Sep 30, 2010
  • Part 2 - Oct 8, 2010

Part 1[]

2 days later

Popo sat alone thinking about Zina. She felt a mixture of sadness for his dead mother and rage toward the witch that killed her. She looked up and saw Ubuntu walk towards him. “Popo,” Ubuntu began, “you no longer need to be upset. Everything can be returned to normal.” “How?” Popo asked. “The death mask,” Ubuntu replied. “It has the power to revive the dead. All we have to do is reach Zina’s body, then the death mask can revive her.” Popo’s sadness was gone, and in its place came great hope.

The villagers gathered together to create a plan. Tafari stood and began to say his plan, “Ubuntu shall carry the death mask, and the mask must be protected at all costs. We cannot let the witches have its power. Juju and I shall search for Zina’s body while Ubuntu and Popo will confront the young witch, who will hopefully help us find out where Zina’s body is.” Popo liked the thought of confronting Sadie. She still wanted revenge and she saw this as a perfect opportunity. Tafari continued explaining the plan, but Popo didn’t pay attention to the details. She knew her part: to face the witch that killed her mother.

Part 2[]

The villagers entered the witches hideout quietly. “Remember the plan,” Tafari said. Ubuntu and Popo walked through a long corridor and encountered Sophie. She put her hand out and began to chant a spell. Suddenly beams of energy shot from her hand. Ubuntu tried to block the energy with his staff. “Keep going,” he said to Popo, “Find Zina.” Popo ran along another corridor. She checked every room, both nervous and determined to face Sadie. She kept searching until finally, she found Sadie. It seemed as if she had been waiting for her. Sadie looked Popo in the eye,“Hello little sister. Have you come all this way just to die? We were ready for you. We know why you are here. Your friends will not survive. They will all be killed quickly. You will not be so lucky.” Popo was not afraid. The demon appeared and fired powerful magic bolts at Popo, but she dodged them fearlessly. With each attack Popo dodged she got closer to Sadie, until finally he got close enough to throw a knee into Sadie’s chest. Sadie dropped to the ground and Popo stood over her. This was the moment that she was waiting for. This was the revenge that she wanted. She pulled out a single poison dart, but before she killed Sadie, she saw the fear and confusion in her eyes and suddenly had a strage curiosity to Sadie’s motives. With the dart held to Sadie’s neck, Popo asked a simple question, “Why?”, she said, “Why did you do it?” “Your people cursed me for life,” Sadie said, “because of them I was cursed with this creature inside me. They destroyed my life and left me to die. They did this to me. I am cursed because of them.” After hearing this, Popo realised something. Sadie was not evil, just very confused. “It is not a curse,” Popo said, “They gave you this great power. Whether it is a curse is up to you. It is your power. What do you choose to do with it?” When Sadie heard this, she thought back. She remembered all the times that Agathe had told her that she was cursed and that she could never be accepted. It was Agathe who made her believe that she had to kill the villagers. She remembered the times that Agathe used her to destroy her enemies, convincing her to do it because Agathe made her think that this was all her power was good for. Sadie realised how wrong Agathe was. Sadie concentrated her power and a beam of energy flowed out of her body. The beam twisted through hallways until it reached where Zina’s body was hidden. The beam surrounded Zinas body and lifted it into the air. The beam returned to where Sadie was. Popo stepped back. She had no idea what was happening. “What is going on?” she said. “You were right,” Sadie said, “It was Agathe who convinced me that this was a curse. This is my power and what i do with it is up to me. This is the only thing i can do that could make up for what Agathe made me do.” The beam of energy became more intense and a green glow emmited from Zina’s body, which was still floating above the ground, and from Sadie’s body. The beam of energy continued to become more intense and as the glow around Sadie became weaker, the glow from Zina’s body became brighter. Popo then realised what Sadie was doing. “You don’t have to do this,” Popo said. “Because of Agathe, I have made many wrong choices in my life,” Sadie said, “but this is the only way to make it right. Thank you.” Sadies voice became weaker. The green glow disappeared. Sadie’s eyes closed and Zina’s eyes opened.

Ubuntu walked in, weak and injured. “Zina is alive?” he said. Popo told Ubuntu everything that had happened and Ubuntu was amazed. Popo took the death mask from Ubuntu and placed it on Sadie’s body. The mask creeated a powerful red glow and slowly dissappearead into the air. Sadie opened her eyes and sat up weakly. She looked up and her eyes met Popo’s. “Thank you, sister. You have showed me who my true enemy is.” Suddenly there was a loud explosion. “Save the emotion for later,” Ubuntu said, “We need to help the others.”

Outside the hideout in the graveyard Tafari and Juju wer barely holding out against Agathe, Margo, and Eva. Sadie walked out of the hidout and unleashed the demon. “This is it,” Eva said, “They don’t stand a chance.” Tafari and Juju prepared for the worst, but looked on with amazement when Sadie unleashed the demons full power on Agathe. The deadly magic knocked out Margo and Eva, but Agathe was still consious. “What is wrong with you?” she said. Sadie didn’t respond. She unleashed all of the demons magic and a green glow began to grow between her and Agathe. “What are you doing?” Agathe said. The glow became more intense and an opening appeared. “What is going on?” Tafari said, “Is that a black hole?” The vortex grew larger. “All these years, you have been lying to me.” Sadie said. “This is not a curse. It is my power and I am the one who chooses what I do with it.” “What are you doing?” Agathe said. “I could kill you,” Sadie said, “but you don’t even deserve that.” The nether vortex became even larger and a powerful beam fired out of it and engulfed Agathe. Agathe screamed as her power was ripped from her body. “What did you do?” Agathe said. “Your power is gone,” Sadie said, “and you will live the rest of your life under the demon’s curse. You will suffer, but you will not die. You don’t deserve to die.”

The villagers returned to their hideout with Sadie. Sadie was very happy. Thanks to Popo, she was no longer Agathe’s slave. She could finally be truly accepted. Her new goal in life was now to make things right. “Thank you Popo,” she said, “You have helped me more than anyone ever has.” “Remember,” Popo said, “it is your power, your life. Only you control it.”

The end