Kongai Wiki

axlkoegoskyeg (v2)[]

Now for something different. I have decided to chronicle all possible Kongai Fan Fiction that still remains (given that the official Kongai Forum also had fanfic that was now sadly purged) on this website so that none may further succumb to destruction. The reason I decided to name these blogs "the Apocrypha Games" is that firstly, Kongai is a game (duh!), secondly, "apocrypha" refers to the fact that these stories are at best dubious to Sirlin's official "canon" of Kongai (even tough there isn't that much in the first place) and finally, "apocrypha" also means that these stories are not canon to my attempt at fan fiction (Project Kongai). I have neither used any ideas from these stories (hopefully mere coincidences if any similarities ever show up), since my story has 1. The concepts have been planned out meticulously long ago before I found these. 2. Features original characters from my other concepts Mavericks. And 3. Most of these stories would have some direct conflict with any lore I would have proposed.

Note that the fanfic here has been unaltered, bad grammar and all.

Anyway, here's the 41st book of the Apocrypha Games, written by Kongregate's axlkoegoskyeg (Nov 19, 2010), sourced here.

Part 2[]

Sadie was at her house, with her parents sleeping. Everything, was at peace, when she heard a sound, downstairs, and her father going down. Curious, she decided to go investigate.

What she saw there… she would never forget.

There was a woman on the door, with the body full of tatoos. But not any tatoos… they more rather reminded arcane seals. She knew, because she herself was a witch.

Since she was a child, she noticed that she was different. She could do things that others cannot. Nothing really powerfull, just some basic heals and illusions, the last ones used to play tricks. But she could feel the power in her, just awaiting to be released.

The father asked:

Who are you?

She touched him, and a gliph, burning, emerged in his skin. When she made a movement with her hand, the gliph exploded, reducing his father to a bunch of ashes.

Father Sadie yelled. Her father always loved her, once she reminded him of his mother, Eva, also a witch. She went away on a misson-to stop the dark forces araising, she sayd- and left Sadie with her father,, who understand nothing of magic and married another woman. However, they were very kind and compreensive with her. After all, she was theyr daughter, happem what happen. And now he was dead. Her stepmother saw the scene, and she was going to call the police, but she sayd another word-that one she knew. It was Pain on the ancient language of the witches. She started yelling with her heart acelerated, her blood burning…until she died as well.

Father…Mother…What did you did with them! Sadie yelled, and she was going to cast a spell of her own, even knowing she was no match. But she didnt had time even for this, because that odd witch raised her hands, and a circle of shadows, coming from her body, striked in a explosion, demolishing the house. In her last effort, Sadie used the last of her strenght to cast a shield around her. Then, she passed out.

When she woke up, she was on the ruins of her house. Her family is dead. Her house destroyed. And…What in the hell was that stench?

When looked behind, and she saw two very different woman. One of then was with the hole body covored by leather, so she could only see her eyes. The other one was very short, fat, and apperently the fountain of that smell that even hurt a bit.

-Who…Who are you?

-We are witches. Agathe, that is who I am, and sophie, the one in my side.

-We saw what happened to you, and we think we can help you now. Teach you to unleash you full powers. You seem to have a lot of potential on you.

The memories of the cruel witch killing her father and destroyng her house was still clear in her mind

-I already had enought of magic.

-But magic is in you, child. There is no way running away from it, because it is part of you

-I said NO!.

A moment of silence. And then, the witch in the leather clothes said:

-We can help you bringing your parents back…

-What did you said?

-We know a little ritual that can help bringing then back. If you wouldnt care, we would like to teach you. Unless you really hate magic that much…

Saadie thought about it. Even if it was a lie, all her life had been lost forever. So, what would that cost?

-All right. Teach me.

Part 3[]

-Are you sure that is gonna work? asked Sadie

-Yes, of course, said Agathe. The ritual is very simple: this circle on which you are standing is like a portal to the spirit word. When you say the words, the portal will open, and a spirit shall arise and bind itself to you. Then, you will gain the power you require to bring your parents back.

Sadie said the words, and the summoning circle started glowing so strong, that the glow went across the walls to the heaven. From the portal, a beast emerged: made of green light, he was humanoid, but terrible ddesfigurated, as if it was the Demon attemp of reproduce man

When Agathe saw Sadies face, he said

-Dont be afraid of the power, child. Embrace it.

The demon entered Sadie corpse. And she felt…

She felt the power across her body, that infinite demonic power all across her body. And it was good. Now, she could have her revenge.

But why was she thinking about revenge? Magic is not meant to hurt people, but to help then. She saw the dark side of magic just sooner today, and she could not repeat that achievment.

But the demon was powerfull…More powerfull then her… Suddenly she realised that her corpse did not belong to her anymore. Now, she was his eternal puppet.

All in the sudden, Eva came up, teleporting in using a void of fire, and said:

-What do you think you are doing with my daughter.

-Just showing her full potenciall…Giving her all power we deserve…Think that you never had the courage to do.

Eva stared, scared.

-Wait-do you mean you…

-Yes. And the ritual has beem completed. There is nothing you can do about it now. Now, Sadie, could you get rid of that annoyance

-What? No…

But she didnt finished the sentence. She already felt the demon tryng to leavbe her corpse and attack Eva. She tried to hold it, but it was stronger then her. When she saw, it had leaped out of her body and attacked Eva with itsw claw, severily wounding her right arm

-Sadie, cant you reckognize me? It is me! Your mother!

-Sorrie, mother…But he is too strong…

The demon was rising his arm again, when Eva rose her good arm and threw a huge blast of fire on the demon. The beast yelled, more rather by rage then pain, once the flames could barely hurt his spectral body. Eva teleported away, in a vortex of flames satng:

-You will pay for what you did to my daughter

Now, Sadie was confused. She didnt have where to go, or who to help her. And, even if she had… Well, now it was too late. She was already…

Sadie trudeau, the Summoner.