Kongai Wiki
Kongai Wiki

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Welcome to the official Kongai Wiki!
The wiki about Kongai that anyone can edit.
406 articles since January 2011!

Tournament News Feed

Currently Running Tournaments
No AoE Kongai Tournament
Latest Tournament News
Still signing up.
Recent News


New Tournament: No AoE Kongai Tournament Host: anonymouselbow
Starts: TBA SR Req: Open
Ends: TBA Reward: A customized Stand of your own choosing.
Groups: Open
Characters: Open
Items: Open
Other Rules: No AoE attacks.
Description: Since Kongregate has been posting a 500 error for approximately the past month which causes disconnects to Kongai games and seems to be strongly related to the use of AoE powers (eg. Zina, Amaya, Bestor, etc.) it's time for a tournament in which those powers cannot be used. Play with a random deck or build your own, but don't use the AoE powers that cause disconnects. Please test your decks before matches to see if the power you want to use leads to a disconnect. There may be disconnects related to patterns or powers other than AoE but the point is to avoid powers that cause disconnects. Will figure out a rule by consensus for what happens if a disconnect occurs during a game. Tournament format to be determined based on number of entrants, but likely we will have a Group Stage and a Final Stage. Join us here if you haven't already. Sign up here
All news


Kongai images remastered (8/18/2022)
All of Kongai's full card images have been remastered thanks to the efforts of GRAG from Discord. They have been updated onto this wiki.
Fan fic? FAN FIC!?/Content more questionable than The Black Book and Necronomic Tomes (8/10/2022)
The Kongai Apocrypha Games, a series of 44 originally blog-based fanfics written by various players/users from Kongregate, which have been archived and complied onto this wiki by admin Lucero Impact for future reading (yayy?).
Kongai Revival (6/8/2022‎)
This Discord Server (admined by Anonymouselbow and Matrix4348) has found a way to play Kongai after the Death of Flash, go check it out! (Play the game here.) The old Discord Server is here. Also there are tournaments that are now up and running by Anonymouselbow.
Farewell to Flash and Kongai (12/20/2020)
With just eleven days until Adobe Flash is no longer supported and twelve more days after that until Flash essentially shuts down, we might as well say goodbye to Kongai first before it's too late. So farewell to Kongai then, and perhaps you may return again (under my directive, hopefully). It's sad, but it's true, the show must go on and I'll be seeing you... (Egad, used three references in the last sentence, oh well.)
State of the Game (11/3/2020)
As of September 2020, Kongai is bugged with decks, skill rank, win and lose counts are not displaying properly. High-scores will keep count of players wins and losses. The 3 starter decks and Random All (My Cards and All Cards) can only be used when playing in practice. Decks can't be built and playing multiplayer doesn't work at this time. Attempting to do either displays an error. If this game never gets fixed, every player stats for skill ranks, wins, and losses are final.
Badges (10/26/2020)
All badges have been removed from Kongai. Players who earned any of these badges before the removal still keeps them on their profile. This info has been updated on Kongregate Wikia as well.
End of Adobe Flash Support (6/20/2020)
As Adobe plans on ending support of Flash Player by December 31, 2020, this greatly affects Kongregate and Kongai. Our current plan now is to preserve this wiki as a future reference.
Abilities Fully Integrated (1/27/2011)
We've just finished redoing every last ability page. Now they've got all their information neatly organized in a box on the right, and are properly categorized. Some of them may still need content, however, and any help is appreciated!
Slow Loading (1/24/2011)
We've been experiencing sluggish page loading and occasional DB lockups. Wikia has assured us that this is due to a software upgrade, and should go away soon. You can see a discussion on the topic here.
Over 200 Articles! (1/11/2011)
I just noticed we have over 200 articles now! The number of Kongai-related articles on Kong Wiki was estimated at 250, which means we're probably pretty close to done importing! We still need most of the item pages, and probably a few mechanics pages too.
And for those of you who celebrate: happy 1/11/11!
All Characters Imported! (1/6/2010)
Have a favorite character? We've just finished importing the last of the Character pages from Kong Wiki, and some of them need help. Visit your favorite Character's page and see if you can improve it!
Kongai Wiki is Founded! (1/4/2010)
We're brand new, and we need lots and lots of experienced Kongai players to help add content!

Featured Character - Vanessa Voss

Vanessa Voss
Vanessa Voss is deadly to those who deal in dark magic, but dark magic might well be the death of her.

Featured Item - Healing Salve


Good on characters who can last a while. Juju, Higashi, and Onimaru can last, while Andromeda, Tafari, and Amaya can 'range dance' to maximize its use. The Salve can also help a lot in some mirror matchups, such as Cornelius vs. Cornelius.

Featured FanFic - Kongai: the Apocrypha Games - Book 18

Helping out

The community portal is a great place to learn about the wiki. You can view a list of things that need to be done on the To Do List (Mostly redundant).