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MR-V1N is a passionate, energetic, and enthusiastic robot. He's a chilled out fellow who just so happens to be one of the strongest on planet earth... when he cares to be.

Type Character
Group Robots
Version 2.4
Health 70
Physical Def 2
Light Def 0
Dark Def 8
Innate Drains 40 energy when successfully swapped out.
Attacks Indifferent Strikes, Energy Sap, Forlorn Poetry, Depressive Mood

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Meh, what's the point...


MR-V1N Stats

Equippable Items[]

Robot Items[]

  • A66 Capacitor: Possibly the best item for MR-V1N depending on playing style; Alternative item of Omega Boosters.
  • Energy Core: Useful item, but doesn't have too much specialty when used on MR-V1N
  • Null Matrix: Situational.
  • Omega Boosters: Very useful item, boosts MR-V1N's damage output by a fair amount.
  • Z-Phase Converter: Useful item, MR-V1N can take quite a bit of damage due to his fragileness toward Light Magic and Physical.

General Items[]



  • The unique ability to drain the opponent's energy.
  • His energy drain ability can "soft interrupt" attacks that cost more than how much energy is left after the drain.
  • High Dark Magic resistance, second highest of all characters (Marquis Le Morte being the first).
  • Depressive Mood has good synergy with Forlorn Poetry, and affects all enemies.
  • Indifferent Strikes is somewhat spam-able vs. characters with little or no physical resistance.


  • Fragile to Physical attacks
  • No light magic resistance
  • All his damaging moves are pretty slow.
  • Deals low damage
  • Energy Sap is very costly, and it might not proc all the time.
  • Depressive Mood might not proc all the time, and is somewhat limited (only Dark Magic resistance being lowered).

Known Bugs[]

  • None


  • MR-V1N's Forlorn Poetry is the only attack in the game that has two different sound effects.
  • MR-V1N's name is an obvious reference to Marvin, The Paranoid Android from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Full Art[]

MR-V1N, the Synthetic Depressive