Kongai Wiki

The old witch's song apply fully to Margo Curie. Unlike some of her contemporaries who have questionable mindsets, she would rather play it safe with marketing strategies and concoctious products.

Margo Curie
Type Character
Group Witches
Version 1.9
Health 70
Physical Def 0
Light Def 4
Dark Def 2
Innate 90% chance to cure all debuffs on allies when resting
Attacks Acid Splash, Heartache Cocktail, Hallucinogenic Incense, Healing Potion

Kongai Card Album Description[]

Dissatisfied with the potency of over-the-counter potions, Margo transformed her basement into a bathtub-brewing laboratory.


Margo Curie Stats

Equippable Items[]

Witches Items[]

General Items[]

  • General's Insignia: Both Margo's attacks are single damages, but better off with something else
  • Girdle of Iron Will: Poor item for Margo, but prevents interruption of Hallucinogenic Incense.
  • Healing Salve: Not too bad of an item, although Margo is better off with another item due to Healing Potion.
  • Mindreader's Chalice: An unusual item for Margo, although intercepting for players who avoid Hallucinogenic Incense is useful.
  • Stoneheel Totem: Useful of fighting mono-rangers.
  • Yellow Rock of Cowards: An alternative version of Sigil of Heartache, useful for those who avoid Hallucinogenic Incense.



  • Healing Potion can heal to full HP once and any attack the same speed will do 30 damage because Margo has 70hp but she heals 100.
  • Attacks inflict debuffs
  • Can prevent a player from controlling their character
  • Very good Innate.
  • Attacks are mostly energy-efficient.


  • Direct combat
  • Physical damage
  • No physical resistance

Known bugs[]


Changes scheduled with next versions[]

Version Number[]


Full Art[]

Margo Curie, the Potion Brewer