Kongai Wiki
Tarot Card: The High Priestess
Type Item
Group Witches
Version 1.9
Effect Reduces male characters' chance to hit by 20%.

The Tarot Card: The High Priestess (specifically, Card #2 of the Major Arcana) is an item which can only be used by Witches. The Tarot Card reduces any male characters' chance to hit by 20%. This card has no effect on female characters.

Kongai Card Album Description[]

The High Priestess - Least effective against teenage male players unable to resist building a boob-filled Kongai deck. Will affect masculine robots, but not young villagers whose gender can't be determined by the high priestess.

Tarot Card: The High Priestess on Characters[]

Some non-obvious characters that are immune to Tarot are Popo, Amaya and B9. Whether that means these characters are female or just of indeterminate gender is up to the player.

Gorbax, Marvin and IBO-K9 are considered "male" enough to be affected by Tarot and Angelan "female". Cornelius's innate only prevents the reduction of damage and defenses, so he IS NOT immune to the effects of this card. But anyone equipped with an Origami Crane or a Polished Spyglass will remain immune to the effect of these cards.

Tarot card can cause buffs and healing to miss, even if they generally aren't thought of as "attacks."

This item is generally a metagame choice most similar to Elusive Feather. It is most useful against attacks that require setup such as Load/Fire Cannon because it puts a lot of pressure on the opponent to gamble if they miss... if they don't miss the unlocking attack (Load Cannon or Hide) completely! Gorbax also fits into this category as Tarot card will significantly hinder his ability to Machine Gun Arm without using Lock-on. It might also discourage characters with energy problems like Oxbox and Gunbjorn from nuking.

Unfortunately unlike the Feather, it is a lot easier to build a competitive deck with all women with this item versus a competitive deck with no Physical attacks whatsoever (the description per se even states so), as even the former male characters mentioned earlier can have their playstyle easily mimicked by a distaff counterpart (Like any of the Amazons) If you plan on using Tarot, you should accept the fact that sometimes it will be as good as an empty slot on your Witch (which is not good, considering that a Witch should have at least Coffin Nails, one of the stronger items in the game unless you don't have access to that card). In addition, 20% is not that huge amount considering how fragile the Witches are (that's 1 in 5!) and it is possible that you might entirely not see any benefit from this item, other than mental ones.


  • Agathe De Grey: This item will work assuming if the opponent has a bunch of Witch Curses on, but she should be better off with other items.
  • Eva Bovary: An okay choice, but there are better options. Note that if the hit rate decrease against male characters can actually be detrimental if you want to use Head Over Heels on them
  • Margo Curie: Can be useful, but usually not.
  • Sadie Trudeau: Can help play mind games with an enemy where missing his attack could cause death and an innate trigger by Sadie.
  • Sophie Merovingian: If it gains you even 1 more use of Circle of Shadows, it will have served its purpose, but generally Coffin Nails is a preferred choice.

Known Bugs[]


Full Art[]

Tarot Card- The High Priestess-0