Kongai Wiki

This is a presentation of a hypothetical game mode where every Kongai Character (With the exception of <undefined2> and Maverick Alpha's unlimited mode, which are mimics and will replicate the new moves as well as the pre-existing ones) has an extra attack (which may or may not be broken). All items can be used regardless of original faction and if at least 2/3 or 3/5 of a deck are members of the same faction, they all provide a member boost for each other which is stackable. Stages now provide neutral boosts for all players, but will have some consequences.

Secret Abilities/5th Move[]

Martial Artists[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Amaya Chi Drain 30 30 Dark 5 Close Steals half the life it drains.
Higashi Chi Mirror 0 10 Dark 10 Dual Reflects any dark magic back at the foe. Cannot be used 2 turns in a row.
Onimaru Sword Windmill 29x2 60 Physical 3 Far Has a high chance to knock foes out of battle.
Rumiko Herbal Preparations 0 25 Light 5 Dual All attacks now poison 4 damage for 3 turns. 30% chace to heal 25HP.
Yoshiro Dashing Strike 22 25 Physical 5 Far High chance for a critical hit.


  • Amaya's studies of the dark arts during her exile has gained her another considerable power, as she learns a new secret technique that enables her to survive in combat far longer than her limited HP can afford (by leaching it from her opponents).
  • Master Higashi now uses an ancient technique that's also employed by Ken Iga to repel dark magic (which was refined by Yoshiro to repel light magic instead), allowing him a more cheaper and easier way to counter against dark users.
  • Onimaru, now wisened up against tricksters and long-ranged hitters, now use a modern technique similar to Jason Gresham/Maverick X's Blade Toss (II). Instead of crippling an opponent's ability to change range (X prefers doing that to unleash a potentially powerful attack), Onimaru removes them from combat, allowing him the ability to avoid a disadvantageous confrontation.
  • Rumiko reunites with Jason at the Villager's sanctuary, who offer them a place of residence while he negotiates with them. During her stay, she was taught (and recorded) a technique originally passed down by word of mouth from a matriarch (the same technique Popo currently uses). This, combined with her skills of Ninjutsu, grants her both a deadlier edge and an ability to recuperate losses because of her fragility.
    • Shuriken Barrage now has a 25% chance to bleed 8 damage for 4 turns.
  • Yoshiro now uses a similar technique that his master Higashi taught and also uses, granting him more offensive capability at far range.


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Andromeda Bow Whack 18 15 Physical 6 Close Sets range to far.
Anex Queen's Order 0 45 Dark 4 Dual Interrupts slower attacks and causes enemy to attack self with close-range move. (Damage commanded is also affected by innate)
Ashi Fury 0 0 Dark 3 Dual All Axe attacks (Ax handle, Bleeding Slice & Signature Slice) are dark magic and deal +6 damage. Lasts for 3 turns.
Helene Shield Throw 26 35 Physical 5 Far Chance to stun.
Phoebe Deceptive Lash 30 30 Light 4 Dual Confuse the opponent for the next turn. +25% chance that their current item gets disabled permanently.


  • Andromeda covers up for her lack of "physical-ness" by initially kicking. However, when she discovered that it lacks the effectiveness of Phoebe, she settled for the next best thing.
    • Bow Whack was based off a removed attack (Kick).
  • Anex, inspired by Auger's ability as a cunning linguist, is now successful at inflicting fear into her opponents as a team leader. The fact that people can actually get scared of a slightly diminutive princess speaks wonders of Anex's ability to convey... things.
  • Ashi can now use the ability to empower her attacks with the (furious) Amazon spirit. This allows her somewhat of an advantage against light-users and those with high physical defenses.
    • Axe Handle now has a 25% chance to Stun.
    • Signature Slice now has a 20% chance to Crit.
  • Helene can't throw a sword as well as Jason, but she can do a "Captain America" with her shield. Crude, but rather effective, the adage of the Amazons.
    • Frenzied Strikes now has a 50% chance to inflict 4 elemental damage (depending on whether it's enchanted or not) for 2 turns
  • Phoebe covers up her weakness of being at close range... by confounding them with her elegant whip skills? We're not sure how effective they may be, but she should steer clear from the hapless victim after she strikes! Also, they may be missing something.

Tiki Villagers[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Juju Palm Strike 18 5 Physical 3 Close Ignores defenses.
Popo Sling Blast 10 40 Physical 7 Far Hit all foes.
Tafari Spear Strike 25 25 Physical 7 Close If Tafari is hidden, has a 25% chance of dealing crit damage.
Ubuntu Hex 8x5 30 Dark 4 Far Dark forces from the void rapidly strike the enemy, having a chance to inflict 20 shadow damage.
Zina Tiger Claws 22x2 50 Physical 7 Close High chance to crit. (Affected by Mistress's Command.)


  • Juju now uses a simple and convenient physical attack to cover his lack of offensiveness at close-range. He used to have a staff like Ubuntu too, but it was misplaced a while ago.
    • Palm Strike was based off a removed attack with a similar name.
    • Hex how has a 50% chance to inflict 20 shadow damage.
  • Popo now has a relatively safe and reliable option of attacking all opponents with their slingshot. However, it does leave the question of whether she should go for the low-damage and costly attack, or her more unpredictable and powerful signature?
  • Tafari, after a string of failures, reverts back to basic tactics with his spear. It's a cheap and reliable attack that's useful when low on energy.
  • Ubuntu has taken a page out of Juju's arsenal and applied it to his. While it's unchanged, at least Ubuntu now has another option of offensive capability at far range, a more instantaneous one.
  • Zina has also taken a page, this time from Ubuntu's arsenal. However, instead of providing buffs to others, Zina chose to maximize its damage output, with the slight drawback of energy cost.


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Ambrosia Scissor Kick 11x2 35 Physical 7 Far Changes range to close.
Cain Deathly Football 20 35 Physical 5 Far Ignores physical resistance (unaltered damage also affected by innate).
Cornelius Blood Crimson 20 35 Dark 6 Close Attacks target and a benched opponent, and steals half the life it drains.
The Marquis Blood Swarm 10 45 Dark 3 Dual Attacks all enemies and steals half the life it drains, and hits even a fleeing opponent.
Vanessa Inner Horror 30 45 Dark 2 Close Steals all the life it drains, but hitrate decreases by 5% for 4 turns. (ignores Dark Resistance due to innate, debuff stackable).


  • Ambrosia's lack of offensive capability afar forces her to improvise with gymnastics! Not only she can deal more damage with kicking, she can now close the gap can force change range, rather than being stuck with bleeding her opponents dry with Bleeding Ritual.
  • Cain on the other hand covers his lack of offensive capability afar with sports! It ignores resistance due to Cain's undead strength allowing him an alternative attack to Rush of Bats.
    • Rush of Bats is now undodgeable.
    • Tantrum is now Dual-ranged.
  • Cornelius now has the option of being able to heal himself, further refining his tanking skills and prolonging his survival (as well as giving it a more fancy name and making it target more than one victim). While's it's something he tends to avoid doing, being a somewhat vain and narcissistic master hypnotist, it's an option that exists... As a Vampire.
  • The Marquis rediscovers an ancient spell that can ensnare and drain multiple targets, granting him a layer of awesome difficulty by targeting others (it was then taught to Cornelius). This makes him an even more dangerous fighter overall.
  • Vanessa's continuous struggle against her inner darkness and her fight against it has left her desperate for other options. She can now drain more, but at the cost of aggression (by altering the hit rate of all her total attacks).


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Auger Sword Slash 30 30 Physical 5 Close A precise slash that has a 50% chance to restore 20 energy.
Balthazar Fuse Bombs 0 0 Light 10 Dual All Cannonball attacks (Fire Cannon and Shot-put) are now Light and have a 40% chance to burn 8 damage for 4 turns. Lasts for 5 turns. (Unstackable)
Darla Parry 0 10 Physical 10 Dual Reflects all Physical attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Ranec Ghostly Fireball 15 0 Light 9 Dual Interrupt lights attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Starbuck Cold Drink 10 10 Physical 9 Dual All attacks now have a 50% chance to restore 20 energy. Lasts for 3 turns. (Unstackable)


  • After Jason noted that captain Auger never uses his sword at all (he also didn't know it was called the "Captain's Mirror"), he now uses his sword. Turns out the good captain was exceeding proficient with it so he only uses it as a last resort, being able to keep up with Jason's similarly unnatural knife skills.
  • Historically known as a Carcass, these fiery Fuse Bombs were used to burn down buildings and other forms of defenses. Whoever gave Balthazar access to these weaponry will suffer heavily at their unfortunate mistake they have inflicted, proving they survived Jason's anger.
  • Darla has improved on her knife tricks, courtesy of Jason. Her new Parry move allows her to cover for her lack of physical resistance (and possibly steal an item during the kerfuffle).
  • Ranec reveals more of his undead powers as he can summon fireballs. Their light-interrupting properties ensures that he has something reliable to compensate for the lack of light resistance.
  • Starbuck's energy game has always been quite subpar, but sometimes a good drink cures all problems (the miniscule damage comes from the weaponized bottle of booze).


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Bestor Fire-storm 14x2 25 Light 6 Far Hits even a fleeing opponent. Now Bestor's all fired up!
Gunbjorn Ice Blast 0 20 Light 6 Dual Deals 20 Cold Damage. If the target was Bone Chilled, +70% chance to be stunned for the next turn.
Oxbox Stone Wall 20 20 Physical 4 Close Has a high chance to knock foes out of battle.
Rathbone Shadow Steel 20 20 Physical 2 Close Chance to deal 25 shadow damage.
Wei-Shan Wind of the East 0 25 Light 7 Dual Heals 15HP to yourself and all allies. Cannot be used two turns in a row.


  • Bestor's flames of courage will never be extinguished! Taking inspiration from fellow pyrokinetic Eva Bovary and one of Rumiko's Ninja Scrolls, Bestor is now stronger at far range, and his opponents can no longer escape his oncoming storm.
  • Gunbjorn now has a more tactical and safe option of freezing his opponents (as well as bypassing any weaknesses found with his Ice Shards), but requires time to set up. He is capable of stunning at both ranges if Bone Chill is applied.
  • Oxbox's new attack can not only remove disadvantageous foes from combat, but can also act as a finisher to his deadly Warhammer Ram+Smash combo, being a guaranteed kill.
    • Sandstorm should definitely work now.
  • Rathbone's powers have doubled since the last time we've last meet. Similar to Pilebunker, Rathbone can now deal physical damage with a lace of shadow damage, with his sword this time. However, twice the power = double the fall, as Rathbone is sacrificing potential HP he can drain...
  • Wei-Shan's versatility as a support fighter and staller is now on par with the likes of B9 and Margo, thanks to his new ability to heal others (rather than just remove their debuffs and heal himself).


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Angelan D Silencer Shot 22 20 Dark 6 Far An accurate shot that even hits fleeing characters.
B9 Charge Up 0 50 Light 4 Dual All multi-hit attacks now deal +1 damage and +1 strike. Lasts for 5 turns.
Gorbax Big Iron 25 40 Physical 5 Close High hit rate. Set range to Far, Increase Cost on Range Change by 5 for 1 turn.
IBO-K9 Mode Change: Human-Lupoid 0 50 Physical 10 Dual During wolf mode, damage is increased by +2 and dodge chance from all attacks are increased by 20%, but all attack speeds are -1. Lasts for 4 turns, can only be reused once the buff wears off and two turns have passed.
MR-V1N Anti-Life Equation 0 10 Dark 10 Dual Your target now takes 1 damage after every turn for the rest of the game. Can only be used once every 10 turns. Unremoveable and unstackable.


  • Angelan D's inability to attack the fleeing has been remedied thanks to borrowing a unique silenced pistol from Barrett's arsenal (the rather mundanely named "Silencer") and her built-in targeting system. Boring, but practical.
  • B9 suffers from a lack of output in damage, and thanks to Barrett's modifications, now has the most unique ability in the form of a strike-increasing buff (and a damage-increasing buff).
  • Gorbax was also affected positively by a modification from Barrett (again!), in the form of modular arms with hands. Now not only he can punch hard like Starbucks, but also cover for his ineffectiveness at close range (by changing it). Ironically, the attack was named after a powerful revolver.
    • Machine Gun Arm now has a chance to bleed 10 damage for 2 turns.
    • Gorbax also has a Boss Mode where all his stats are maxed out. His new innate is that every attack has a 10% chance of becoming free for the next turn when used.
  • IBO-K9 got a massive revamp (somewhat literally), this time with the help of not just Barrett, but RJ as well. His new body is modelled after RJ (who was also involved in the design and construction), and is more damaging and evasive than his previous body, but a bit slower.
  • MR-V1N obtains forbidden knowledge (from a Cosmic Key) in the form of an Anti-Life Equation! Unfortunately, MR-V1N's special ability/faulty personality chip design and hyper-computational power results it in having a much, much slower effect (as opposed to being instantaneous), where they slowly die a painful death (presumably out of monotonous boredom).


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Agathe Witch's Jinx 12 15 Dark 9 Dual A relatively weakened, but fast spell with a chance to deal 10 shadow damage.
Eva Fire Ward 45 50 Light 9 Dual Chance to interrupts all physical attacks.
Margo Red Mist 0 30 Dark 6 Dual Heals all allies for 20HP. May also heal 2HP for 5 turns. Cannot be used two turns in a row.
Sadie Adrenaline Boost 0 10 Physical 3 Dual Reduce Energy Cost by 20% for the next 3 turns. Unstackable.
Sophie The Lost Symbol 25 25 Dark 7 Dual Attacks a Random Enemy.


  • Agathe's ineffectiveness against direct combat can be remedied by this lightweight attack, during times where physical attacks aren't optimal. It also has a chance to deal extra damage.
    • Broom Strike now has a high chance to interrupt attacks.
    • Mark of the Witch is now a Doom attack, but it now shares the same stats as Touch of Doom.
  • Eva has a notable weakness against physical attacks (and attacking in general with anything damaging). While this is costly, having something that can not only deal a lot of damage, but also interrupt physical attacks (assuming they weren't already killed).
  • Margo lacks the ability to restore HP to others but only herself (like Wei-Shan, and unlike B9). Red Mist is a lingering potion that was concocted to work around those barriers (and maybe provide a little bonus).
    • Margo can now reuse Healing Potion once every 10 turns, but its effectiveness decreases by 50% for every use.
  • Sadie has awful mileage for something so petite/damaging, but Adrenaline Boost can easily provide a gamechanger during critical events.
    • Demon Claws is now undodgeable and has a very low chance to deal 5 bleed damage for 2 turns.
  • Sophie lacks any direct and instant attack without it requiring setup. The Lost Symbol remedies that, but could also attack a benched enemy, which may or may not be helpful.

Brawlers 1 (Baxian)[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Adrian Fire Palm 45 70 Light 5 Far May burn foes for 4 damage for 3 turns.
Daisuke Flying Knee 18 30 Physical 5 Far Sets range to close.
Francini Quick Jab 32 40 Phyiscal 9 Close Remove 1 buff from the opponent.
Master So Thunder Kick 55 50 Physical 4 Far Sets range to close.
Serena Crossfire Kick 5 20 Light 10 Dual Chance to deal 12 burn damage for 4 turns.
Delva SMG Aim 20 20 Dark 7 Far High chance to miss, but Triple Crit chance.

Brawlers 2 (Zaidan) and Dinosaurs[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Alban Rampage 36 45 Physical 5 Far Interrupts.
Altair Ptera Screech 0 10 Dark 3 Dual All attacks have a increased crit chance of 15% for 10 turns. May stand down opponent.
Assam Extend Arm 15 15 Physical 8 Dual A fast attack.
Dr. Holgar Spark Slam 11x3 35 Dark 7 Close Chance to reduce Physical Defenses by -10 for 4 turns.
Kaori Gridstorm 0 25 Light 3 Dual Deals 7 splash damage for 6 turns. Can't stack and can't be removed.
Mina Dino Kick 20 20 Physical 8 Close Chance to miss, but high chance to interrupt.
Norton Gun-butt 25 25 Physical 5 Close Increase enemy's range changing costs in the maneuver phase by 20 energy for 3 turns.
Tridant Front Stomp 35 35 Physical 6 Close Chance to interrupt attack.

Soldiers 1 (29A)[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Austin G. Acid Canister 12 30 Dark 3 Far Deals damage to all opponents. May deal 2 poison damage for 3 turns.
Goldy G. Plasma Cutter 11x4 45 Light 9 Close High chance to burn the opponent for 4 damage for 4 turns.
Diane Scrambler 0 25 Light 7 Dual Decrease hit rate of all enemies by 20% for 6 turns. Hits fleeing.
Jager Ammo Feed 0 10 Physical 3 Dual All your allies' attacks cost 0 energy for 3 turns.
Roberts I Baton Swipe 25 25 Physical 6 Close Chance to restore 25 energy.

Soldiers 2 (Hornet)[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Hiyoko Kick 10 10 Physical 10 Close Ignores damage. 3% chance to quadriple crit instead of normal crit.
Kaslana Gun-butt 16 15 Physical 9 Close High hit rate. Chance to stun.
Lopez AR Blast 15x3 40 Dark 7 Far Chance to deal 15 damage to all foes.
Roberts II Claymore 0 60 Physical 1 Dual Next turn, deals 40 damage to target and 10 damage to benched.
Unit X Chainsaw 40 35 Physical 5 Close High chance to bleed 2 damage to 10 turns.


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Angelan A Quick Rocket 20 20 Physical 7 Far If the user has been shaded, chance to Crit.
Lamia Shadow Slice 36 35 Dark 5 Close Chance to deal 5 Shadow damage for 4 turns.
Sapphire Tidal Orb 45 65 Light 8 Far Chance to deal 3 Cold damage for 4 turns.

Brothers of Kongai[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Kou Ice Shield 0 0 Light 10 Dual Reflects all Physical Attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Gon Shadow Barrier Dark Reflects all Light Attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Gai Earth Wall Physical Reflects all Dark Attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row.


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Cactus McCoy Popoca, Spirit Guide 0 30 Dark 8 Dual Heals user and all allies for 10 HP while removing one debuff. Cannot be used two turns in a row.
Dumbbell Throw Object ??? ??? ??? ??? Far Throw a random object (see below). Effects changes once used.
Ella Windstorm Volado Message 5x4 20 Light 5 Dual Increase critical hit rate of all allies by 25% for 8 turns.
Hex Hatfield Ruthless Command 0 40 Dark 1 Dual Dominates the Opponent.
Alpaca Jack Night Stick 18 15 Physical 9 Close Reduce the damage of single-hit attacks by 10 for 5 turns.
Malana Mire Scythe Blast 25 25 Light 9 Far If Scythe Shield is active, high chance to crit.

Battle Masters[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Battle Master 1 Lonely Heart 50 50 Dark 2 Far Chance to confuse the opponent for the next turn.
Battle Master 2 Breaking Limit 0 25 Light 10 Dual Attacks now deal +8 damage. Last for 3 turns.
Battle Master 3 Meteor Shot 20 0 Light 9 Far Interrupts Physical Attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Battle Master 4 Focus Shot 35 70 Light 6 Far Hits a random opponent.
Battle Master 5 Holy Shield 0 10 Light 3 Dual Increase defences by 8/2/2. Lasts for 3 turns.

Alpha Squadron[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Maverick α Mimic Attack 0 0 Physical 10 Dual Scans for a non-predetermined ability. Undodgeable.
Maverick β Bolt Smash 45 45 Physical 2 Close High chance to crit. Does not consume bolts as long as there's at least one bolt.
Maverick γ Hidden Feature 20x2 40 Light 5 Far Two laser blasts with a 1 in 5 chance to deal 20 bonus damage.
Maverick Δ Un-time 0 80 Dark 10 Dual Randomly resurrects both an ally and opponent card which has fallen. Can only be used once.
Maverick Fenrir Power Stomp 11x2 45 Physical 5 Far Hits all opponents. Sets range to close.
Maverick Raiju Maul Gorge 40 55 Dark 2 Close Steals half the health it drains. Chance to steal all life instead.
Maverick Taurus Gore 55 75 Physical 5 Far Chance to remove the opponent from combat.
Arisen Rose Arisen Rose Curse 0 0 Dark 3 Dual Reduce the target's damage and all defenses by 4 for 4 turns.
Maverick Trinity Conjure Item 0 80 Light 10 Dual Conjures a random item for any ally or themselves. Can only be used once every 5 turns.
Maverick ε Prediction 0 0 Dark Go Beyond Dual When activated, cannot be reused until switching out.
When Prediction used, the following effects may happen:
  1. If the target attacks, then there is a 25% chance that the incoming attack is reflected, 25% chance of dodging it and standing down the target, and 50% chance of being interrupted. If the incoming attack was interrupted, then there is a 33% either chance of Prediction commanding or dominating.
  2. If the target rests, so does Maverick Epsilon... and deals 10 damage, and disables switch out and intercept for the next turn.
  3. If the target tries to switch out, it prevents it (like Navigator's Sextant, but 100% chance) and Maverick Epsilon deals interceptive damage... then she disables switch out and intercept for the next turn.

Task Force Barrett[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Avalon Point 44 17x2 30 Physical 6 Far Hits Fleeing.
Kenta Spinning Scythe 20 45 Physical 5 Far Chance to deal extra damage to a random opponent.
Sword Throw 35 2 Ignore defenses.
Lance B. Pistol Whip 12 10 Physical 7 Close Chance to stun.
Natsuki Baton Beam 16 15 Light 10 Far A fast light attack with a chance to crit.
Rina Cannon S: Reckless Pulse 58 55 Light 2 Dual Chance to deal 15 Light Damage.
Sanzu Ghaster Cannon 0 20 Dark 10 Dual Drains 2 HP from target after every turn for the rest of the game. Unremoveable and unstackable.
RJK Polymorphic Alloy 0 0 Physical 10 Dual Scans for a non-predetermined ability. Undodgeable.
Note: Unlike Scan Attack, the mimicked abilities from Polymorphic Alloy and Mimic Attack are nearly completely unaltered from its original form (with a few exceptions), so it rather acts like a steal except they aren't actually stolen. Mimicked abilites, unlike scanned abilities, are always available for six turns until used, when they revert back into Polymorphic Alloy.

The chances work similarly as Alpha's unlimited form:

  • 40% chance that he mimicks an ability from the opposition (13.33% chance in 3v3 and 8% chance in 5v5 for each enemy)
  • 30% chance that he mimicks an ability from his allies (15% and 7.5% chances for each ally in 3v3 and 5v5 respectively)
  • 30% chance that the ability he mimicks are from fighters who aren't present in this game.

Locked attacks no longer need to be unlocked, meaning that attacks like Ambush, Surprise Attack, Fire Cannon, and Consume Glyth can be performed freely if mimicked.

Load only attacks (Load Cannon and Gauss Load) when used will automatically convert to it's unlocked form (Fire Cannon and Gauss Slam) as long as the load only attacks was activated within its six turn limit. Once activated, the converted ability's availability (ha!) will be reset to six turns.

Precision Strike and other abilities with prerequesite effects are no longer bound to them, meaning that their effects work normally like all other abilities.

X Squadron[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Hanako Contact: First Friend 0 30 Dark 9 Dual Bleeds 5 damage for 3 turns (unremovable).
Nika Contact: Significant Other 15 35 Dark Far Hits all opponents on deck.
Steven Contact: The Other Fellow 25 25 Light Far May drain 25 energy.
Yui Contact: Robot Savior 10 20 Physical Close Opponents' hit rate decreased by 25% for two turns.

Note: If Maverick X is on the team and is alive, Contact abilities can also force-switch to him during the same turn.


User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
054 Xenon Mist 0 80 Light 10 Dual The target that is affected by this attack is now controlled by the user for 5 turns. Disabled for 10 turns after the control period ends. Undodgeable.
113 EMP Blast 11x4 40 Light 7 Dual Chance to stun.
115 Red Judicator 45 45 Physical 3 Close Chance to deal 20 Anti-matter damage.
117 Grav-Slam 58 60 Physical 3 Close Force-switches the Opponent.

Maverick Society[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Maverick Zero ♂ Dermal Plated Shield 0 20 Light 10 Dual Increase all defenses by 2 and +33% chance to reflect all attacks. Lasts for 6 turns.
Maverick Zero ♀
Sun WuKong Divine Intervention 0 60 Light 5 Dual Counts down for 3 turns then deals 99 damage, unless switched out.
Unit Black Counter Strike 15 15 Physical 10 Close High chance to reflects all attacks for 50% damage received. Cannot be used twice in a row if reflected.
Zhuge Liang Bowang Wind 25 25 Dark 7 Dual Attacks a Random Enemy.

DS Ohm-mobular[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Ω-Mobular Overcharge 0 30 Dark 5 Dual All attacks now shock the opponent and self for 4 damage for 6 turns. May heal 20 HP.
Dinx Angel Power Gauntlet 30 30 Dark 6 Close Chance to regain 20 energy during that turn.
Shadow S.W.A.T. The LAW 40 40 Dark 3 Far A rocket-propelled grande that ignores defenses. Chance to switch out the opponent.

House of Ching[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Ce Ching Card 02: The Ninja 11x4 40 Physical 7 Dual This attack does not buff Card 64. This attack is reusable.
C. Ebinax Low Dash Punch 21 20 Physical 9 Far Ignores Defenses.
C. Grandog Claw, Claw, Bite 11x3 30 Physical 9 Close Small chance to bleed 9 damage for 4 turns.
Luka Lucky Fan Throw 22x3 80 Physical 2 Far Hits all opponents, even the fleeing.
Tarot Card: Wheel of Fortune V2 0 ??? ??? ??? Dual If this attack is used in V2 mode, it works the same way as the original attack.
Nox Oracle Do As Told 0 45 Dark 6 Dual Interrupts slower attacks and the target has a 50% chance of either being commanded or dominated. If the opponent switches out, deals 10 undodgeable damage.
The Traveller Ret-Gone Gun 0 0 Dark 10 Dual Dooms opponent for 99 turns. When the target is either killed after 99 turns or by other means, activate The Traveller's innate (if still active) and remove the card and item for the rest of the game (meaning that the card cannot be resurrected). Can only be used once.

The Divine[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Amos Pestilence Ring 12 20 Dark 7 Close Deals 12 damage to all enemies and self. Extends durability of user's defenses for 1 more turn.
Apollyon The Seven Seals 7x7 35 Light 8 Dual Deals 7 splash damage on benched opponents with a chance to remove one buff to all affected.
Apphia Song of Apphia 0 50 Light 10 Dual Increases the attacks by +2 and critical hit rate by 10% for all allies for 10 turns. Stackable. Requires 5 Wrath Points to activate. Costs no energy or Wrath Points if cast last turn.
Bridget Unhuman Fists of Faith 21x2 60 Physical 9 Dual Chance to reduce the enemy's light defenses by 10 for 4 turns.
Jacob Rise of the Revelation 0 0 Dark 3 Dual Chance to reduce the enemy's dark defenses by 10 for 4 turns.

Flash Fighters[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Andy Law BBP Meteor Arm 40 40 Physical 6 Close Hight chance to interrupt, but high chance to miss.
Cutie Pants
Electric Man Running Boot 24 20 Physical 7 Far Sets range to close and increase range change cost by 20 for the next turn. (Shock damage modifier +6)
Fancy Pants
Fireboy Planet Waves 25 35 Dark 7 Dual Summons burning meteorites. If done at close-range, chance to heal Fireboy for 10HP. If done at far-range, chance to attack a benched opponent.
Megan Winged Helm and Wings of Haku 0 20 Light 4 Dual Increase all defenses, damage and ability speed by 3. Lasts for 5 turns.
Phil Eggtree Riddle Ability ??? ??? ??? ??? Dual Selects one of five effects at random. Effects changes once used.
Roy Yellow Mode 0 0 Light 10 Dual Increased dodge chance from all attacks by 20% and Burn and Cold debuffs heal Roy for 6 turns. Unstackable and range-change is disabled for the user during the buff's duration.
Watergirl Geb 25 35 Light 7 Dual A sentient Water Hand. If done at close-range, chance to heal Watergirl for 10HP. If done at far-range, chance to attack a benched opponent.

EBF Fighters[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Anna Mighty Oak ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Mighty Oak does one of four effects at random. Effects changes once used.
Lance Ion Cannon Dark
Matt Death Metal Dark
Natalie Genesis Light
Annihilate Physical
NoLegs Godcat Light/Dark
Phyrnna Absolute Zero Light
Roku Dragon Bomb Light

Team Mahou[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Baccarat Ranger Time Stop 0 0 Dark Go Beyond Dual Attack twice when active (with both attack's speed "Go Beyond), but range change and switching out is disabled for the turn after. Disabled for the next 10 turns.
Maverick GT North Star Technique 1x100 100 Physical 10 Dual All strikes have a 50% chance of missing, but they ignore defenses, undodgeable and will regenerate 1 energy and HP for every hit landed. If the opponent survives, they're then forced switched. Disabled for the next 10 turns, unless Doomed.
Maverick Mahou Requiem Power 0 0 Light 10 Dual 90% chance to remove all debuffs (excluding Doom). Cannot be used twice in a row. Costs 1 Charm Point.
Requiem Power Grand 0 0 Light Go Beyond Dual Resets both user and current opponent the way they were before the round started. Requires 50 Charm Points to activate and will only show up once this condition is meet.

Team Vinnie[]

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Kiro Renegade Dash 60 75 Physical 8 Far Can only be used if Yuuma's Blade is active. Will deplete the buff is used.
Shorty Shorty's Drone ??? ??? ??? ??? Dual Drone does one of four effects (see below). Effects changes once used.
Vinnie Precision Shot 25 25 Physical 7 Dual If innate is active, +50% chance to crit.


Note that all Boss characters take up two card slots and cannot equip items, except for characters in Dual Boss Mode.

User Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
<Undefined> World Breaker 50 45 Dark 7 Dual Chance to reduce enemy's damage by 10 for 3 turns.
BHAGAVAN Temporal Thunder 30 40 Light 9 Far Chance to deal 4 shock damage for 5 turns.
Dragæder Electron Blade 40 40 Light 7 Close An energy sword with a chance to crit.
Gunball Thrusters 0 15 Physical 4 Dual Increase the speed of all abilities by 5 for 10 turns. Unstackable.
Ryu-Oh Tyrant Roar of Fury 0 40 Dark 3 Dual All attacks now deal +7 damage for 4 turns. Unstackable. May force switch opponent.
Ubermensch Bloody Roar of Vengeance 0 30 Physical 6 Dual Lowers hit rate of all opponents by 10% and damage by -4 for 5 turns, hits fleeing.
Valkyrie Tank Nuke 75 80 Dark 1 Dual Counts down for 3 turns, then inflicts Nuke debuff to all fighters for the rest of the game (Nuke debuff is unremovable and undodgeable). Damage is also undodgeable.
  • Nuke debuff: 2 Poison and Burn damage, and reduction of 1 in defenses and damage to all opponents. 1 Poison and Burn damage to self and all allies. Debuffs are stackable.
Zaggredor Power Bite 0 40 Dark 2 Close Drains 12 damage for 4 turns. Unremovable.

Throw Object[]

When an object is thrown by Dumbbell, these items each have an equal chance of spawning. The item chances reset when the current item is used.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Description
Airborne Mine 20 20 Light 4 Chance to deal 10 burn damage for 4 turns.
Barrel Rocket 24 30 Light 8 Undodgeable.
Boulder 40 40 Physical 5 Chance to stun for 1 turn.
Bramble Bush 7x5 35 Physical 10 Chance to bleed 2 damage for 5 turns.
Chicken 15 25 Physical 9 If this attack hits first, 50% chance to interrupt.
Idol Statue 25 45 Physical 2 Ignores defenses.
Mine Cart 58 60 Physical 3 Removes the current opponent from battle.
TNT Skull Barrel 50 50 Dark 1 High chance to crit.
Wasp Nest 6x6 35 Dark 6 Chance to deal 1 poison damage for 10 turns.
Wooden Crate 13 30 Physical 7 Splinters deals damage to all opponents.

Riddle Abilities[]

When Phil Eggtree's Riddle Ability is active, one of five abilities in the group may be used. All attacks change after being used

Attacks Heal Cost Type Speed Description
School Cookie 25 40 Physical 5 Heals self.
Chocolate Pudding 40 50 Physical 10 Deals 40 splash damage to opponent and 10 to benched opponents because of Chubb.
Chloro-Fill 0 25 Dark 9 All attacks now have a 25% chance to ignore resistance.
Pink Gumball 0 10 Physical 9 Decrease energy costs of all allies to 0 for 3 turns.
Zack Kelvin 0 15 Light 9 Deals 3 burn damage for 5 turns to all opponents.

Shorty's Drone[]

When Shorty's Drone is active, one of three/four abilities in the group may be used. A fourth ability may be useable if the circumstances are meet.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Description
Rapid Fire 19x2 40 Physical 10 Undodgeable.
Taser Blast 0 50 Light 4 Chance to confuse the opponent for the next turn
Armor Piercing Rounds 0 25 Dark 3 All allies attacks now have a 50% chance of ignoring resistance for the next 4 turns.
Shorty's Last Stand 50 80 Dark 5 Unlocked if Shorty's HP is below 30%/23HP. Deals 10 light damage to all opponents and kills Shorty.

Mighty Oak[]

When Mighty Oak is present, he has one of four abilities that Anna can possibly use.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Arm Shot 26x2 40 Physical 4 Far Disables opponent's ability to change range for the next turn.
Shield Stab 17 20 7 Close Decreases the damage of opponent's attacks by 7 for 5 turns.
Mighty Stomp 0 25 7 Dual Reduces hit rate of all enemies by 20% for 6 turns, hits a fleeing opponent.
Sharpen 0 30 5 Dual All bow-based attacks (Piercing Shot and Arrow Storm) now have a chance to Bleed 4 damage for 3 turns and Stun for 1 turn. Lasts for 4 turns.

Team Buffs[]

Buffs work if at least 2/3 or 3/5 of the active team are from the same faction. Their are usually two associated buffs that will stack if the pre-requesite conditions are meet. Their buffs affect non-member allies if present, but can be further enhanced if a gray character is substituted.

Faction (and allies) Members 2/3 or 3-4/5 buff 3/3 or 5/5 buff
Martial Artists Higashi, Rumiko, Onimaru, Yoshiro, Amaya Energy gain +5 during combat and benched. All attacks now have a 50% chance of ignoring damage.
Amazons Anex, Ashi, Andromeda, Helene, Phoebe Damage increased by 1 for every 5% HP lost. 20% chance of absorbing an attack. Procs can still occur.
Villagers Juju, Ubuntu, Popo, Tafari, Zina Raise the maximum HP by 5. 100% dodge on all physical attacks when switching in.
Vampires Cornelius Constantine, Cain Solomon, Ambrosia Thorn, Marquis Le Morte, Vanessa Voss Health gain +5 during combat and benched. All attacks now have a 25% chance to deal 10 damage and drain 10 HP.
Pirates Auger Blackboot, Ranec Vest, Balthazar Bomb-Britches, Darla Cross, Starbucks All defense stats and speed are permanently increased by 1. Raise the maximum HP by 5.
Knights Bestor, Wei-Shan, Gunbjorn, Oxbox, Rathbone +20% chance of dodging attacks by female characters. Deal +1 extra damage. Increase Crit Rate by 10%.
Robots Angelan D, Gorbax, B9, IBO-K9, MR-V1N When one of your fighters die, the remaining survivors gain back 25%/33%/50%/100%HP (depending on the number of the survivors) and full energy. Except for K9, when one of your fighters die, deal 20 splash damage to all remaining opponents. If K9 is at close range and he dies, and Self-Destruct wasn't used, it is activated. If K9 is at far range or benched and he dies, buff works as normal with only 20 splash damage.
Witches Agathe De Grey, Eva Bovary, Margo Curie, Sadie Trudeau, Sophie Merovingan +20% chance of dodging attacks by male characters. Immune to energy manipulation (energy drain and cost increase). All attacks now have a 25% chance to gain +20 energy.
The Descendents Sapphire Morgan, Maia Hawkins, Angelan A Deal +3 extra damage for all attacks. Decrease the speed of your opponent's attacks by 1.
Brawlers Adrian Butler, Danny Daisuke, Guy Francini, Samuel So, Serena Stamford, Delva Sattler +25% chance to crit. All attacks have a 50% chance of becoming free if used last turn.
Assam Olajuwon, Dino #37564, Dorian Holgar, Kaori, Norton Weller
Soldiers Anthony Jager, Austin and Goldy Gresham, Diane, Remus Roberts, Delva Sattler, All attacks now have a 33% chance of being undodgeable. All attacks now have a 25% chance of disabling an item permanently.
Lydia Hiyoko, Charlotte Kaslana, Henry Lopez, Randell Roberts, Unit X
Task Force Barrett Kenta and Sanzu Iga, Natsuki and Rina Imahara, Avalon and Lance Barrett, Ronan Kirk All attacks now have a 33% chance of interruption. If you interrupt an attack or if you were interrupted, 50% chance your opponent will stand down for the next turn.
χ Squadron Jason Gresham, Nika, Hanako Akase, Steven Matthias-Butler, Yui All attacks now have a 10% chance of force switching. 25% chance to increase speed by 4.
Bosses BHAGAVAN, Symbol, Ubermensch All attacks now have a 10% chance to inflict doom via 1 damage every turn. Gain +10HP and remove 1 debuff when switching out.
Brothers of Kongai Kou, Gon, Gai 90% chance to cure all debuffs on BoK fighters every turn When benched, +3 HP every turn and they cannot be damaged.
House of Ching Ebinax, Luka, Ce Ching IV, Grandog, Persephone, The Traveller Card 53: Knight of the Easterly Wind - Heal 4HP and remove 1 debuff to all fighters when resting. Card 59: The Enviro-Control Robot- Deal 10 damage to all opponents when resting.
Maverick α Squadron Maverick α, Maverick γ, Maverick ε 25% chance to either invert non-damaging buffs or reflect them (except for stuns, interrupts, and crits).

This means that stats-lowering debuffs will instead increase states (Damage Reduction -> Increase Damage) while non-stats-lowering debuffs are reflected.

Resist all damaging debuffs (elemental debuffs and bleed)
Maverick Society Maverick Zer♂, Maverick Zer♀, Cactus McCoy, Dragæder, Sun Wukong, Unit Black, Zhuge Liang 33% chance to dodge intercepts. Your opponents deals 2 less damage.
Cowboys Dumbbell, Ella Windstorm, Hex Hatfield, Alpaca Jack, Malana Mire When resting, increase the defenses of allies and self by 1 for 10 turns. Stackable. All units deal +50% more damage when under 30% HP.
Battle Masters Antares, Jinzha, Neith, Len Barrett, Shaushka Every 5 turns, deals 10 damage to all opponents. Damage is done first before turn. 30% damage increase for 3 turns when an enemy is killed.
Defense Squadron Ω-Mobular Dinx Angel, Shadow S.W.A.T., Rescue Unit Ω-Mobular 20% chance to reflect incoming attacks. Poison, cold, burn, and elemental effects heal you instead of damaging you.
Elementals 54, 113, 115, 117 Deal +2 anti-matter damage every turn. Deal +2 anti-matter damage every turn.
EBF Fighters
Flash Fighters
Team Vinnie
Team Mahou
The Divine

Stage Effects[]

All stage effects are stackable and are exempt from immunity mechanics.

Stage Name Faction Buff Debuff
Pantheon of the Greats Amazons Holy Grounds: Light Attacks deal 2 more damage and are 1 speed faster. Blessed Grounds: Dark Attacks deal 2 less damage and are 1 speed slower.
Warring Battlefield Knights Soldiers of Fortune: Proc chances increased by 20%. Weariness: Gain 5 less energy when resting and after every turn.
Hidden Glade Martial Artists War Spirit: +10% chance to Crit on all attacks. Binding of Peace: All attacks deal 1 less damage.
Le Savante Pirates Easy Tiding: Gain 5 more energy when resting and after every turn. Rocking Boat: Physical Attacks deal 2 less damage and 1 speed slower.
Industrial Plant Robots Concrete Jungle: Physical Attacks deal 2 more damage and are 1 speed faster. Deadly Machines: Lose 1 HP every turn.
Hall of the Shadows Vampires Gift of the Night: Dark Attacks deal 2 more damage and are 1 speed faster. Cursed Realm: Light Attacks deal 2 less damage and are 1 speed slower.
The Sanctuary Villagers Spirit's Blessing: Gain 1 HP every turn. Spirit's Curse: Proc chances decreased by 20%.
Necromancer's Circle Witches Revenant: All fighter have a 25% chance to survive a fatal hit with 1 HP. Voodoo Child: When attacked, 10% chance to be interrupted and either commanded or dominated by the opponent for that turn.

Boss reduced stats[]

In the interest of fairness, these boss characters have their stats decreased and their abilitie's damage are reduced by 20% and energy costs by 10. They can now equip grey items and items belonging to their respective faction.

User New Faction Reduced Stats
<Undefined> X Squadron Health: 85
Defenses: 5/5/5
Innate: Heals 1 HP for every turn (+2 HP whilst benched).
Perfect Avici clones have 85HP and can now equip all items regardless of faction.
BHAGAVAN Brothers of Kongai Health: 85
Defenses: 4/5/5
Innate: (Unchanged)
Dragæder Maverick Society Health: 85
Defenses: 8/0/3
Innate: Can convert HP into Energy.
Gunball Flash Fighters Heals: 85
Defenses: 9/1/1
Innate: (Unchanged)
Ryu-Oh Dinosaurs Health: 85
Defenses: 5/2/2
Innate: (Unchanged)
Ubermensch Brawlers Health: 80
Defenses: 4/4/4
Innate: (Unchanged)
Valkyrie Tank EBF Fighters Health: 85
Defenses: 7/0/0
Innate: Increase all defenses by 2/3/3 when resting for 4 turns (Unstackable).
Zaggredor α Squadron Health: 85
Defenses: 8/8/8
Innate: (Unchanged)