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4. The Man Who Never Died

In the small rural village of Hikaze, somewhere in Japan, nothing always happen. Well when I mean nothing, it's that nothing strange or interesting ever tends to happen, usually in the form of gossip at the local bar, per se the standard of a backwater lot. All of the people who lived there were content that it stayed that way and got on with their daily business.

One morning, the locals had something to talk about. A red sports car that was parked outside the bar, and it had only three seats! Nobody knew who owned that particular car as many who lived here were unlikely to have the means or need to afford such a impressive car (and most of the local people were middle age or elderly anyway). They gossiped and speculated on who the owner could be, but nothing else new seem to have came out of those conversations and eventually they left as quickly as they gathered.

One such detail the gossipers didn't check on was the local museum. Hardly anybody visited that place and at most only a few people were there at a time, usually to browse through the library or chat to the curator. Today, an unusual vistor had apparently lodged himself there. He had been there since the crack of dawn, and had been doing an extensive amount of research, with books astrewn, but neatly opened and stacked. He had been looking for something... Something which appears to have been lost to time, but whatever it has been, there was nothing much books could do to help that.

Meet Ken.

Ken is a Maverick, much like Jason is. However, unlike Jason who is officially contracted though the Maverick Agency, Ken is a Maverick originally assigned by Barrett Industries (actually a conglomerate formed under the common banner of W. Lance Barrett, a playboy with an IQ of 150+) as a formerly-officially sanctioned super security force. Today, he works as an independant agent for the Mavericks, which no even to their knowledge is actually a mere guise.

Not realising the time was 12 noon, having dosed off out of a combination of fatigue and outright boredom, he suddenly jolted to find himself facedown on a desk in a pile of books. Not wasting a moment, he tidied the desk and replaced the books back on the shelves. As he left to get something to eat, he pondered why he had woken up in the first place. He has a dream, of a man in green (or black, possibly) about to encounter a bit of trouble...

This is a recollection of Ken Iga, 26th of April, year unnamed.

A mixture of smoke and oil choked Jason back into the world of living as he fazed himself. He was cursing as he double-kick the jammed canopy from the pod. Pulling himself out of the flaming wreck, he spotted the distinct coast of the island. Fell too short, Jason thought. Looks like swimming is the only option. As he quickly started making a dash toward land, it wasn't even 100 meters until the pod combusted into oblivion. No point going back for supplies now, Jason snarked as he pushed on.

As he clambered from the sea onto the sandy bar, Jason caught his breath for a few moments as his adrenaline was starting to ease off. Standing up, he could still see a smoking column from the distance, knowing that the explosion would have caught the eyes and ears of any Amazon on the entire island. It then suddenly dawned on him that half his helm have been blown clean off during the initial crash, with only half a visor obscuring his face. The battle suit was also shredded, with only the lower half intact, pants covering his dignity. Any supplies he had with him on the suit are gone, save for a bayonet, a single-use zip gun with a few preloaded ammo, and a transformation device... Yes! The transformation device that was given by the Mavericks! He was wearing it on his right hand like a vambrace. At least it should work, right?...

Jason attempted to transform. Nope, nothing happened, probably the salt-water affected the circuits. What a disappointment! At least he was still alive, but without any provisions or other gear, the chances of success was slim. Well, at least he also has his combat knife, which he luckily found before the pod exploded.

What now?