Wave 6 and 7 characters, featuring an assortment of characters from other unreleased stories. I should really get back to the story.
Wave 6: The Battle Masters (Pink)[]
The Battle Masters were a former rival group of Lance Barrett and his team of Mavericks, before becoming uneasy allies and eventually Barrett's secondary task force. Much like their primary counterparts, their true origins were initially unknown (being all orphans) and they were composed of misfits-turned-warriors each with a common goal. Their style is usually straight-forward and practical and most of them have at least one buff.
Battle Master 1 (Antares, the Leader)[]
The main leader of the Battle Masters. Yet another warrior with a sword, but they can hit pretty hard with it.
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 8
- Light Def: 2
- Dark Def: 2
- Innate: +25% chance to crit.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Star Strike | 8x5 | 40 | Physical | 8 | Close | Five slashes done to evoke the shape of the pentagram, with a chance to remove a buff from the enemy. |
X Strike | 17x3 | 50 | Physical | 4 | Close | Three powerful slashes. |
Air Strike | 28 | 30 | Physical | 6 | Far | Changes Range to Close |
Power Up | 0 | 15 | Dark | 3 | Both | All blade attacks become dark and have a +40% chance to inflict 3 cold damage for 4 turns. Lasts for 3 turns. |
Battle Master 2 (Jinzha, the Lancer)[]
Despite being the Lancer, Jinzha uses a spear as their main weapon. It seems to have some mystical powers, being able to make clones of the user.
- Health: 80
- Physical Def: 3
- Light Def: 4
- Dark Def: 4
- Innate: Attacks have a 20% chance of being +1 speed faster.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Deadly Thrust | 12 | 20 | Physical | 8 | Far | High Critical hit chance |
Rotating Spear | 18 | 35 | Physical | 7 | Close | Reduce single hit attack damage by 10 for 4 turns |
False Copy | 0 | 30 | Dark | 7 | Both | Increase dodge chance of all attacks and interceptions by 35% for the next turn. Unlocks Cosmic Spear. |
Cosmic Spear | 57 | 60 | Light | 5 | Far | A torrentuous barrage of Spears. |
Battle Master 3 (Neith, the Chick)[]
Welding the powerful Phoenix Wings, the alluring Neith can break hearts, but she can't be scorned.
- Health: 75
- Physical Def: 0
- Light Def: 7
- Dark Def: 3
- Innate: Attacks have a chance to deal 2 shock damage for 5 turns.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Falling Star | 8x5 | 30 | Light | 8 | Far | Chance to disable range chance. |
Celestial Light | 50 | 50 | Light | 2 | Far | Chance to crit. |
Triangle of Light | 13x3 | 40 | Light | 5 | Far | Undodgeable. Chance to hit a random opponent. |
Shield Up | 0 | 5 | Physical | 7 | Both | Increase all defenses by 5/1/1. Lasts for 4 turns. |
Battle Master 4 (Leonard Skynyrd "Len" Barrett, the Kid)[]
A kid who looks suspiciously like a younger clone of Lance Barrett (and also uses dual pistols as well), with both history of the barretts being heavily inter-twined in the past.
- Health: 65
- Physical Def: 2
- Light Def: 4
- Dark Def: 2
- Innate: If an attack was missed, dodged, or evaded by the target, 50% chance that they will receive the same amount of damage the next turn.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Meteor Cannon | 50 | 40 | Dark | 3 | Far | Deals damage the next turn as his blasters overdrives. |
Destroy Shot | 20 | 25 | Dark | 7 | Far | High chance to miss, but high chance to triple crit. |
Machine Cannon | 6x6 | 30 | Dark | 9 | Far | Chance to interrupt. |
Crazy Gun | 0 | 25 | Dark | 5 | Both | All attacks now burn 3 damage for 5 turns. May heal 20HP. |
Battle Master 5 (Shaushka, the Brains)[]
The most powerful member of the Battle Masters, both Shaushka and Sanzu Iga are one of the many descendents of Tessian settlers (Jason also included), and are famed for their powerful abilities. With the ability to convert sunlight into mini-stars, she ain't a slouch for sure.
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 2
- Light Def: 8
- Dark Def: 8
- Innate: Immune to Stats-lowering effects.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Light Meteor | 12x4 | 45 | Light | 9 | Far | A rapid spray of light. |
Sun of Paradise Type I | 60 | 65 | Light | 3 | Far | Deals 15 light damage to all enemies. |
Sun of Paradise Type II | 20 | 60 | Light | 5 | Both | Deals damage to all enemies. |
Holy Light | 0 | 10 | Light | 3 | Both | Remove energy costs for all allies and all benched allies receive no damage for 3 turns. |
Wave 7[]
An odd-squad of characters were involved (note: Summoned by Jason) in the final war against Symbol.
Alice Lucero, Maverick Zer♀[]
Former college classmates and current significant other to Brian Lucero, Alice Lucero (née Claire) was also affected by the same Globaltek nanomachines that zombi-fied others. Being also named Maverick Zero as her nano-armor is a near replica of her husband's, she uses her enhanced abilities close-ranged (as well as her power gloves, flashbang grenades, and a .44 handcannon) to complement Brian's heavy and slower firepower.
- Group: Maverick Society
- Health: 80
- Physical Def: 2
- Light Def: 3
- Dark Def: 3
- Innate: Deals 4 shock damage every turn at close range (Static Shock).
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Power Punch | 20 | 20 | Physical | 5 | Close | Chance to Crit. |
Electro Punch | 65 | 80 | Dark | 5 | Close | Chance to deal 4 shock damage for 3 turns. |
Flash Bang | 18 | 25 | Light | 5 | Far | Chance to Stun |
Point 44 | 26 | 35 | Dark | 8 | Far | Chance to Interrupt. |
Dinx Angel, the Prodigy[]
Currently a child protegy and amateur sleuth, the step-brother of Jago Mannix would eventually take his place as the Maverick Ohm-Mobular. But for now, he has to contend with finding his missing friends Cole Clark and Gina Adams, his missing cousins Timmy and Lilly Twynn, a shady school janitor Dan Hillbert, millionare burglar Richard Fox, and Savio Falcon and the lost treasure of Ergotten...
- Group: Defense Squadron Ω-Mobular
- Health: 55
- Physical Def: 3
- Light Def: 6
- Dark Def: 0
- Innate: 100% Dodge when switching in.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Decoder | 0 | 10 | Physical | 10 | Both | Reflects all attacks by 50% damage and debuffs (and absorb the remainder). Can't be used twice in a row. |
Bar n Knife Combo | 11x2 | 20 | Physical | 8 | Close | Bleeds the opponent with 3 damage for 6 turns. 25% chance to stun. |
Lucky Penny | 18 | 0 | Light | 10 | Far | Small chance (1%) to cripple the opponent by reducing single hit attack damage by 10, multi-hit attacks by 5, and speed by 1 for 4 turns. The chances of proc increase by a multiple factor of 2 for every use and the effects are stackable. |
Ergotten Bomb | 60 | 75 | Dark | 2 | Far | Deal 10 splash damage to all benched opponents. |
Dragæder D2-Unit, Mech Slayer[]
When the evil sentient mecha from the future Sharidon S2-Unit arrived to present day and hijacked 24 mechas created by shady millionare Preston Levardis, Dragaeder also travelled to the past with his pilot Kirin. Teaming up with budding pilot and engineer Sayako Campbell, they form a task-squad dedicated to disabling these rogue mechas. But what is Levardis's greater intentions...
- Secondary Group: Maverick Society
- Health: 100
- Physical Def: 10
- Light Def: 10
- Dark Def: 10
- Innate: Regenerates +5HP and +5 Energy every turn (doubled if rested). Cannot equip items.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Ground Punch | 9 | 25 | Physical | 6 | Both | A deadly quake erupts and attacks all foes, with a 33% chance on interruption. |
Dragæder Claw | 20 | 20 | Physical | 10 | Close | A fast slash with a small chance of removing the foe from combat. |
Dragæder Fire | 11x2 | 65 | Dark | 6 | Far | Attacks all foes, with a chance to deal 10 burn damage for 2 turns. |
Dragæder Cannon | 62 | 75 | Dark | 4 | Far | A projectile fired from a unique rifle (about the size of a turret). |
Ella Larsen, Maverick ε[]
The first person Ed/Maverick Alpha meets, Ella Larsen (née Gutiérrez) involvements in his future role against the war against The Overlord and the Gronuk forces was yet unrealised, but without her help as Maverick Epsilon, the world would have been a much worser place...
- Group: Maverick α Squadron
- Health: 80
- Physical Def: 3
- Light Def: 1
- Dark Def: 1
- Innate: 25% chance to stand down when switched in.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Precision Strike | 26 | 25 | Physical | 8 | Close | Chance to bleed 5 damage for 3 turns. |
Tessian Hellfire | 11x4 | 40 | Light | 9 | Far | A swarm of alien darts. |
Stun Orb | 18 | 20 | Light | 9 | Both | High chance to stun. |
Aku Soku Zan | 48 | 50 | Physical | 3 | Close | Chance to Crit |
Jago Mannix, Rescue Unit Ω-Mobular[]
After a false death and a recruitment course, Jago Mannix becomes the first prototype of what would be known as a Maverick, surpassing that of Maverick Alpha and around the same time, the Maverick Zeroes. As a Rescue Unit, he's tasked with saving lives and apprehending fugitives in high-risk situations where oridinary law enforcements cannot touch.
- Group: Defense Squadron Ω-Mobular
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 6
- Light Def: 3
- Dark Def: 3
- Innate: Shock effects heal Ω-Mobular.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Kalogun | 26 | 35 | Light | 9 | Both | Chance to Crit. |
Kalosaber | 20x2 | 40 | Physical | 7 | Close | Chance to Interrupt |
Extinguisher Foam | 12 | 45 | Physical | 6 | Far | Attack all enemies. |
GiGattler | 14x3 | 70 | Dark | 5 | Far | Hits a random opponent. |
Marina Mannix, Shadow S.W.A.T.[]
After the false death of her partner (as police and lovers), a younger Marina Mannix (née Taylor) resigned and acquired a prototype S.W.A.T. armor and went after Jago's "murderers". However, they would butt heads via Ω-Mobular and eventually, Jago will have to give...
- Group: Defense Squadron Ω-Mobular
- Health: 75
- Physical Def: 3
- Light Def: 3
- Dark Def: 3
- Innate: Deal 5 damage to all opponents and slows by 1 when switching in for that turn (Smoke Out).
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Heavy Revolver | 10x4 | 50 | Physical | 9 | Far | Hits even the fleeing. |
Stun Gun | 20 | 20 | Light | 8 | Both | Chance to stun the enemy for 1 turn. |
S.W.A.T. Baton | 30 | 30 | Physical | 5 | Close | Chance to restore 20 energy. |
Shield | 0 | 10 | Physical | 10 | Both | Absorbs incoming attack and reflect debuffs, but has a chance of not working (90% hit-rate). Can't be used twice in a row. |
Persephone, Nox Oracle[]
Stop the press, it's a Yomi character!!! Why her and not Grave Stormborne? Because she actually has significance to the main plot.
A long time ago, long before Ce Ching IV was given a deck of cards by his freemason grandfather, their ancestors were hedonistic and somewhat tyrannical, yet held great power as freemasons due to their skills in magic and other forms of sorcery. They had a powerful grip on the world until a catastrophe occurred.
A plague from the oldlands spread onto the world and claimed innumerable lives, including all those of the Clan of Ching like Ce's parents and his grandparents. Because Ce Ching III (Ce IV's grandfather) believed that the plague was their undoing punishment, he gave his grandson on his deathbed their most powerful weapon created (the deck of cards aforementioned) on the instruction that to achieve the perfect rank of the last Card Grandmaster of Kongai, he must redeem the Ching name by repairing the damage done by them to the world.
The experience of the plague scarred Ce Ching IV mentally and the fear of it led him into the search of immortality whilst on his journey. He would have nearly succumb to the effects of the disease had it not been for an encounter with the Persephone, the Nox Oracle. After a series of favors which we will not describe in the full, Ce Ching IV was cured by Nox Oracle and was also gifted the power of immortality as long as he was commited to finishing what he promised to his grandfather. Eventually he succeeded in redeeming the name and discovered the cause of the plague (which we will cover another day), at the cost of wiping it out from the annals of history (which was so successful that no mortal today has knowledge of any of their feats). Even Ce Ching IV abandoned his name and rank, taking the name of Xander Hades in tribute to his savior.
That was well over 300 years ago and up until today he had been living a simple existance. When a dark force from outer space threaten the world yet again, Hades, with Jason and his allies summoned the Nox Oracle to counter off this otherworldly being. However, one bad situation can lead into another and even Persephone needs Jason and Xander's help as yet the same cause of the plague returns from the void...
In truth, the Nox Oracle has the ability to master the emotions of others and herself, and no once can say otherwise.
- Group: House of Ching
- Health: 80
- Physical Def: 8
- Light Def: 2
- Dark Def: 3
- Innate: Immune to Dominate, Command, Confuse, and Stand Down.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Rapid Lashes | 11x3 | 30 | Dark | 7 | Far | Chance to Crit. |
Power Lash | 40 | 80 | Dark | 5 | Far | High chance to confuse the opponent for 2 turns. |
Rising Pleasure | 11 | 40 | Dark | 8 | Both | Attacks all foes. Chance to stand the current opponent down the next turn. |
Bare Your Soul | 0 | 10 | Dark | 10 | Both | Disable the current opponent's innate for 5 turns. Doesn't stack and cannot be removed. |