Divines, Dinos and.... more Mavericks (and a robot dragon)?
The Divines and the Traveller character's technically belong to Roxanne Kilgannon.
Wave 9: The Divine (Gold)[]
Just who are the people who are members of the Church of the Divine Theologists? Nobody knows when the group started or what religion they worship. Some say that they are a secret cult that prophesies the doom of the world. Other call them a society that controls the world behind the shadows. In truth, their function serves a much darker purpose, one that is incomprehensible to the mind of common mortals, for they would be driven insane and become enthralled by the Divine Theologists as cattle. Those with a higher comprehension, like people with spiritual or occult connections, or beings not from this mortal realm rightfully fear them.
The Church of the Divine Theologists are believed to the oldest and most powerful of four known secret societies (older than the Brotherhood of Knights!), and the only one still extant. Fueled by their crazed devotion in the form of prayers, chants, and human sacrifices, their end-goals are still unknown but what we know of it is they seek to control the world through their means, enslaving the faithful, and exterminating heretics.
Being responsible for the downfall of one of their enemies (House of Ching) and the others fell to their own hubris (Brotherhood of Knights and the Miraha), the Church of the Divine Theologists can finally revel themselves to the world, their goal being one that could threaten the balance of the cosmos, without the meddling of other powers.
Amos, The Mad Prophet[]
Amos doesn't really belong here; he's scared, bloodied, and battered. He's been chained under the sanctuary for so long, but now has finally been brought back to the real world again, and act as one of the church's metaphorical horsemen. They've sewn his hands together, and how they've finally convinced him to pray.
- Health: 70
- Physical Def: 0
- Light Def: 0
- Dark Def: 0
- Innate: Defenses change depending on the attack last used. All defenses last for 1 turn.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description | Defense Change |
Heavenly Feast | 18 | 30 | Light | 3 | Both | Steals all the life it drains, high chance to Crit. | 3/5/1 |
Deadly Famine | 11x3 | 35 | Dark | 7 | Chance to attack an extra enemy. | 1/3/5 | |
Earthly Shell | 25 | 25 | Physical | 9 | Chance to interrupt. | 5/1/3 | |
Scales of Life and Death | 0 | 15 | 4 | Increase defenses for all benched allies by +4 for 3 turns. | 3/3/3 |
Apollyon, Heaven’s Watcher[]
Worshiped by some, Apollyon is actually an omen for, and the inciting incident in, the Apocalypse. They lay events out, and grant the powers of heaven to select few. These few are tasked with conquering the world, killing anyone who hasn't already corrupted. Apollyon calls for the rupture's reciprocal.
- Health: 80
- Physical Def: 5
- Light Def: 5
- Dark Def: 0
- Innate: When inflicted by any elemental debuffs (Burn, Poison, Frost, etc), damage is increased by 30% for the debuff's duration (unstackable).
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Holy Sacrifice | 0 | 30 | Light | 6 | Both | User deals 24 Damage to self, attacks now deal +10 direct damage for 10 turns when active (Buff is removed when switched out). Unstackable. |
Samaritan’s Charity | 0 | 60 | 4 | Far | User force-switches (can be caught by intercept) and gives all current buffs and debuffs to the card that switches in. | |
Heaven's Arrows | 13x3 | 30 | 6 | Far | 30% chance to force switch target. | |
Hidden Swords of Imprisonment | 8x4 | 20 | Physical | 10 | Close | Deals 8 damage to enemies on switch in for 4 turns. Hits fleeing |
Apphia, The First Choir[]
Apphia sings only for her god, to bring about their desires of apocalypse. She joined the church with her older sister, but her devotion increased after her sister's passing.
- Health: 75
- Physical Def: 1
- Light Def: 6
- Dark Def: 0
- Innate: 50% chance when enemy use a dark attack, steal secondary effect for the next turn (proc% is always certain).
- Note: Wrath Points are a secondary currency that Apphia needs to perform certain moves, even if she has enough energy to do so (thankfully all her attacks are cheap). Wrath points are stackable and are unremovable.
Divine Wrath | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description | Wrath Points |
Lightning | 24 | 20 | Light | 10 | Far | Stuns for 1 turns. | -3 |
Flame | 17 | 25 | 6 | Close | Allies have a 30% chance to evade attacks for 3 turns. | +1 | |
Frost | 19 | 30 | Dark | 7 | Both | 30% chance to lower the opponent’s attack speed by 3 for 3 turns. | |
Fortune | 0 | 15 | Physical | 4 | Chance to perform the following:
+3 |
Bridget, The Enraged Nun[]
Revered as a child due to her acting as the vessel of the Theologist's god, Bridget was adopted into the nun's covenant. The constant cleaning, praying, and devotion to god has given her unnatural and holy strength. I wouldn't get too close to her if you don't want to deal with her fists.
- Health: 60
- Physical Def: 2
- Light Def: 6
- Dark Def: 0
- Innate: This card’s attacks deals +1 for every point of resistance lowered (self and/or target).
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Answered Prayers | 0 | 20 | Light | 7 | Far | Light Attacks deal +5 damage for the next 4 turns. Stackable. |
Prophetic Screams | 31 | 30 | 10 | Sets range to close if the opponent's attack will deal damage. | ||
Holy Fists | 21 | 25 | 8 | Close | If it hits, the following may happen:
| |
Mortal Fists | 26 | 15 | Physical | 4 | 80% hit chance. Deals 8 defensive-ignoring damage to self if attack does not hit. |
Jacob, Exalted Exorcist[]
Jacob is the head of the sanctuary the Theologists gather at. He curses out demons and other evil spirits, and converts lost souls to the message of his god. He leads an army of mindless believers, and the other Theologists are the generals in this army.
- Health: 80
- Physical Def: 0
- Light Def: 3
- Dark Def: 7
- Innate: 50% chance when enemy use a physical attack, steal secondary effect for the next turn (proc% is always certain).
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Salt Lines | 5 | 5 | Light | 3 | Far | +5 Dark Defenses for all allies. Unstackable. |
Holy Incantation | 9x4 | 40 | Physical | 6 | Close | High chance to disable enemy proc for the next turn. |
Confessional | 18 | 20 | Dark | 5 | Far | The following has a high chance to happen:
Effects are unstackable. |
Bearer of Sins | 0 | 45 | 5 | Close | Switches the base resistances of both active cards for 3 turns or until at least one card is switched out or knocked out. 30% chance that this attack "Goes Beyond" (reaches speed 10+). |
Wave 10: The Dinos (Orange)[]
Dino #00000 (Trident), Class III: Three Horned King[]
So called named because of it's three horns, this formerly-docile Triceratops has been equipped with unusual and genetically enhanced bloodlust, making it attack enemies without hesitation.
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 8
- Light Def: 4
- Dark Def: 4
- Innate: 25% damage increase & light attacks for 3 turns, and +30 energy when enemy is killed
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Beak Bite | 22 | 25 | Physical | 5 | Close | High chance to Crit |
Pronged Toss | 62 | 65 | 3 | Removes opponent from combat. | ||
Trident Rampage | 35 | 45 | 6 | Far | Sets Range to Close | |
Frill Shield | 0 | 10 | 10 | Both | Reflects physical attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row. |
Dino #00042 (Alban), Class III: Utility Tail King[]
Modified to have a swiss-army tail, this Stegosaurus not only uses its tail to both stab and crush foes, it can also dish back damage when needed.
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 5
- Light Def: 6
- Dark Def: 6
- Innate: +1 speed for 4 turns after resting.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Front Stomp | 30 | 30 | Physical | 7 | Close | Stuns opponent for 1 turn. |
Plate Reflector | 0 | 15 | 10 | Both | Reflects light and dark attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row. | |
Wrecking Mace | 55 | 60 | 4 | Far | Deals 11 splash damage to benched opponents | |
Thagomizer | 22x2 | 50 | Dark | 8 | High chance to bleed 12 damage for 3 turns. |
Dino #01138 (Altair), Class II: Winged Monster King[]
Being a Pterosaur (specifically a Quetzalcoatlus) roughly the size of a light aircraft, this prehistoric dragon roams the skies unparalleled to all others giving it a huge mobility advantage.
- Health: 70
- Physical Def: 5
- Light Def: 4
- Dark Def: 4
- Innate: 20% chance to dodge all attacks.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Ptera Dive | 10 | 40 | Physical | 9 | Far | Attacks all benched opponents. |
Beak Toss | 35 | 50 | 7 | Both | Interrupts oncoming attack. 35% chance to remove combatant from opponent. | |
Beak Slash | 18 | 15 | 6 | Close | Stun for 1 turn. May bleed 2 damage for 7 turns. | |
Wing Storm | 14x3 | 45 | Light | 5 | Both | Reduces Hit rate and Proc rate of target by 20% each for 3 turns. |
Dino #09001 (Ryu-Oh), Class IV: Tyrant Lizard King[]
As the last of the Tyrannosaurus, the former King of Beasts aptly lives up to the title with his ferociousness and strength,
- Secondary Group: Bosses
- Health: 100
- Physical Def: 10
- Light Def: 10
- Dark Def: 10
- Innate: All attacks have a 50% chance to bleed 3 damage for 4 turns.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Dino Drop Kick | 28 | 45 | Physical | 8 | Close | Interrupts and removes one buff from enemy. |
Tail Swipe | 20 | 35 | 10 | Both | A very fast attack with a 20% chance to miss, but 25% chance to triple crit. | |
Mega Bite | 30x2 | 55 | Dark | 4 | Close | Two very damaging attacks. |
Tyrant Slaughter | 40 | 75 | 5 | Both | Hits a random opponent. |
The Traveler, from the 5th Dimension and Beyond[]
Bio 1 (The Traveler I)[]
Long since abandoning their own kind, the Tessian known only to the universe as "The Traveler" is a renegade hailing from the house of Zaggoroth who rejected the stuffy norms to travel the cosmos. During their many adventures, The Traveler's encounter with the Gronuks made them the better person they are today. However, a war with a mysterious Warlord from an alternate dimension, of which The Traveler won at great cost, left them disillusioned with all life, forcing themselves to retire to Earth, their favorite planet. A chance encounter with a Maverick might bring that old joy back...
Bio 2 (The Traveler II)[]
An orphan who claims to have no memories of his origins or his parents, the human who would succeed the last member of the house of Zaggoroth's title as "The Traveler" not only travels throughout the Maverick universe, but to other universes beyond the scope of reality. Being responsible for hailing the non-Kongai and Maverick characters into this universe to combat a great calamity, his arrival on this Earth reveals his true goal of searching his origins and parents.
- Group: House of Ching (Both)
- Health: 80
- Physical Def: 3
- Light Def: 3
- Dark Def: 3
- Innate: 20% damage increase and 20% crit increase for all Driver/Cosmos attacks when an enemy is killed
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Tessian/Cosmos Driver | 0 | 20 | Physical | 10 | Both | Reflects 50% of Damage countered. 20% chance to 100% reflect, but disables this attack for the next turn. |
Driver/Cosmos Screech | 5 | 25 | Light | 9 | Hits all opponents. 33% chance to Stun. | |
Driver/Cosmos Beam | 7x5 | 30 | 4 | Far | Hits fleeing opponents. | |
Mind Wipe | 0 | 50 | Dark | 6 | Close | Interrupts slower attacks and either Command or Dominate the opponent. Cannot be used twice in a row. |
Wave 11: Maverick α Squadron (Rainbow)[]
Prince Erebus, Maverick β[]
The former crown prince of Tessia, former rival to Ed, and now current tactician and no.2 of the α Squadron. Wields a mean crossbow and zweihander with each hand!
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 5
- Light Def: 4
- Dark Def: 0
- Innate: All attacks are free for the first 2 turns after changing in.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Power Slash | 30 | 30 | Physical | 5 | Close | Increase Cost on Range Change by 20 for 3 turns |
Piercing Bolt | 20 | 20 | 8 | Far | Ignores Resistance. Hits fleeing opponents. | |
Explosive Bolt | 15 | 15 | Light | 7 | Hits all opponents, with chance bleed 3 damage for 5 turns. | |
Sleeper Bolt | 0 | 25 | Dark | 4 | Both | Drains 5 energy and 5 HP for 6 turns. |
Enki, Maverick Δ[]
A Maverick who was in stasis for 100 years (which was a great shock when he was unintentionally revived). His specialty in time manipulation means that his fights can be won long before his opponents can see the outcome clearly.
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 5
- Light Def: 2
- Dark Def: 2
- Innate: 50% chance of dodging all slowed attacks.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Time Lash | 11 | 30 | Light | 5 | Both | Hits all opponents and slow their attacks by 1 for 5 turns. |
Stable Time Loop | 0 | 35 | 6 | If this attack hits first, reflects enemy attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row. | ||
Time Boost | 0 | 20 | Physical | 4 | Increase the attack speed of all allies by 1 for the next 5 turns. | |
Time Crash | 32 | 40 | 7 | Close | Slows opponent's attacks by 5 for the next turn. Chance to interrupt if it hits first. |
Rin, Maverick Trinity[]
A Maverick originally from space beyond. Despite looking the most human, she is capable of bending reality to her own choosing. While this can be difficult to achieve in the heat of combat, summoning energy orbs with nasty side effects tends to work in her favor for the time being.
- Health: 70
- Physical Def: 1
- Light Def: 1
- Dark Def: 1
- Innate: 10% chance to copy the opponent's innate (innates stack unless duplicates).
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Change of Heart | 15 | 40 | Dark | 5 | Both | Copies the opponent's innate, giving you their power. |
Rain of Orbs | 8x5 | 35 | Light | 10 | Far | 30% chance to inflict any of the following debuffs on the opponent for 8 damage for 5 turns:
Energy Orb | 50 | 50 | 5 | 50% chance to inflict any of the following debuffs on the opponent for one turn:
| ||
Bound Armor | 0 | 20 | 3 | Both | Increase resistance by 3/3/3 for 5 turns. |
Rohan Augustus, Maverick Raiju[]
Originally the second Maverick β, Rohan, father of Ronan is another tessian who fought alongside Ed during the wars against the Gronuk and the Stronghold Overlord. Having given his axe to his son, the ever-trusty Maul Hammer brings in a new definition of pain into the game.
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 9
- Light Def: 1
- Dark Def: 6
- Innate: All Maul attacks' damage increased by +5 and energy costs are decreased by 20 energy for 4 turns after every kill.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Maul Slam | 25 | 25 | Physical | 9 | Both | Hits all opponents. |
Maul Smash | 65 | 80 | Physical | 5 | Close | Removes opponent from combat. |
Maul Ram | 25 | 40 | Physical | 4 | Far | Increase energy costs for range change by 20 for the next turn. |
Wolf Howl | 10 | 20 | Dark | 9 | Both | High chance to Stun for 1 turn. |
Deirdre Augustus, Maverick Fenrir[]
The mother of Ronan, Deirdre Augustus once saved the life of her future husband. Her reward for her efforts against the Gronuk wars resulted in her becoming the second Maverick γ.
- Health: 80
- Physical Def: 7
- Light Def: 1
- Dark Def: 1
- Innate: 20% chance to dodge Light and Dark attacks.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Wolf Howl | 5 | 5 | Light | 9 | Both | Decreases accuracy of opponent's attack by 20% for 5 turns. |
Claw, Claw, Bite | 14x3 | 35 | Physical | 7 | Close | Chance to bleed 5 damage for 3 turns. |
Spinning Heel Kick | 22 | 20 | Physical | 7 | Close | Chance to stun. |
Gorge | 25 | 40 | Dark | 4 | Close | Steals all the health it drains. |
Aleph-adad Ba'al, Maverick Taurus[]
Once hailed as the destroyer of Tessia, the former Gronuk commander has now repented and fights against his former assimilators as the second Maverick Δ.
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 8
- Light Def: 8
- Dark Def: 0
- Innate: 25% to avoid all debuffs, except Doom.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Heavy Gauntlet | 25 | 25 | Physical | 9 | Close | Chance to stun for 1 turn. |
Mourning Star | 50 | 50 | Physical | 4 | Chance to bleed 12 damage for 3 turns. | |
Ground Fire | 11x4 | 40 | Light | 7 | Far | Deals 11 damage to all opponents and chance to burn them for 4 damage for 6 turns. Hits fleeing. |
Geoclasm | 15 | 35 | Physical | 6 | Both | Attacks all opponents and interrupts oncoming attacks. Hits fleeing. |
Ista, The Arisen Rose[]
She was once a human being, who was cursed to become eternal in life as stone. Now that Maverick α converted her curse into a boon, she repays her debt by becoming the second Maverick Trinity
- Health: 85
- Physical Def: 8
- Light Def: 0
- Dark Def: 8
- Innate: 50% chance when enemy use a light attack, steal secondary effect for the next turn (proc% is always certain).
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Tombstone Drop | 20 | 20 | Physical | 5 | Both | High chance to stun or interrupt for 1 turn, whichever takes priority (Stun first).
If Girdle is activates, then 50% chance to |
Poison Mist | 20x2 | 40 | Dark | 5 | Close | Poisons 5 damage for 4 turns. Has a chance to attack an extra enemy. |
Rose Thorns | 7x5 | 30 | Physical | 7 | Far | Hits fleeing. |
Mandrake Bloom | 0 | 60 | 1 | Deals 55 damage to close-ranged enemies. Lasts for 5 turns. |
Zaggredor, King Above of all Beasts[]
Maverick α's former Mech, as well as being one of the possible guardians of the cosmic keys.
- Health: 100
- Physical Def: 10
- Light Def: 10
- Dark Def: 10
- Innate: Dragon Mist deals 3 damage to opponent every turn.
Attacks | Damage | Cost | Type | Speed | Range | Description |
Dragon Beam | 70 | 85 | Light | 4 | Far | An undodgeable death ray. |
Double Fireball | 25 | 55 | 7 | Hits target and a benched opponent. | ||
Cosmic Charge | 0 | 10 | 3 | Both | All light attacks now burn 12 damage for 5 turns. Lasts for 4 turns. | |
Dragon Claws | 26x2 | 40 | Physical | 5 | Close | Disables range change on target. |