Kongai Wiki

Wave 12: Flash Games vs Mavericks[]

Avalon Barrett, the Femme Fatale[]

The much-respected and feared wife of Lance Barrett and (adopted) mother of Len Barrett. In her youth, she was the assassin known as the Snow Demon.


  • Health: 75
  • Physical Def: 4
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: 25% chance to stand down opponents for 1 turn when attacking or attacked (stackable).
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Rifle Cannon 50 65 Light 4 Far Small chance to crit.
Stiletto Hair clip 16 15 Dark 9 Close Ignores Dark Defenses. May deal 9 poison damage for 4 turns.
Kiss of Death 99 0 Physical 10 Close Uses a lipstick gun to instantly kill the current opponent. Can only be used once when Avalon's HP is below 30%.
Electro-Baton 30 30 Light 7 Close May stun for 1 turn and deal 6 shock damage for 5 turns.

Electric Man, Champion of Voltagen[]

In his original dimension, the entity known as Electric Man defeated a corrupt system to become their rightful Champion. He is a pure-breed fighting machine, with a deadly touch to boot.


  • Health: 80
  • Physical Def: 7
  • Light Def: 0
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: All attacks have a 20% chance to deal an additional 25% shock damage.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description Shock Damage Modifier
Flip Throw 15 15 Physical 5 Close Removes opponent from combat. +4
Quadruple Kick Combo 11x4 35 9 A multiple kick attack with a chance to interrupt. +11
Super Punch 40 40 5 High chance (25%) to crit. +10/+13
Death's Visor 20 15 Dark 5 Both Deals damage to two random enemies and heals for 50% of damage done. +5 to both

Xenon, Element 54[]

Xenon is the supposed rogue elemental that 113, 115 and 117 are pursuing. The awful truth? She's the first-born child of Maverick X and Nika.


  • Health: 70
  • Physical Def: 6
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: When resting, +50% chance to stand down opponent if attacked.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
X-Rod 24 25 Physical 9 Close 10% chance to deal double damage.
Triple Hitter 13x3 30 8 Chance to deal 13 damage to all foes.
Rod Beam 45 45 Light 5 Far Chance to regain 30 energy when used.
Parcel Package 60 55 5 Both Deals damage the next turn, regardless whether the original target switches or not.

Agent J. Greer, Unit Black[]

James Greer was a secret agent initially assigned to locate the missing CEO of GlobalTek Industries when the MegaCorp unleashed havoc onto the streets. Being one of the few survivors that were infected with the "heroic" mutagen variant that grants the hosts superhuman powers (a variant more advanced than the Maverick Zeroes as it grants them a nano-mechanical shell instead of bio-mechanizing the host), he rallied all the powered individuals (including the Lucero Family) to help take down GlobalTek Industries and protect the non-infected survivors.


  • Health: 85
  • Physical Def: 6
  • Light Def: 2
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: All damaging abilities have a 10% chance of force switching the target.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Grenade 50 50 Dark 4 Far Deals 10 Bleed damage for 5 turns to all benched opponent.
Explosive Bullet 20 20 Dark 8 Far Deals 4 burn damage for 5 turns.
Mutant's Claws 20x2 40 Physical 7 Close High change to force switch the opponent.
Health Syringe 0 30 Light 4 Both Heals 5 HP recuperates +2 HP for 5 turns and removes one debuffs on self and all allies. Cannot be used twice in a row.

Roy, the Hueman[]

A being made entirely of colors, he was sucked into our universe after saving his from black ink monsters.


  • Health: 60
  • Physical Def: 3
  • Light Def: 5
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: Drains 100% of opponents Health when an "anti damage effect" (Burn and Cold debuffs) is inflicted.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Fireball 26 30 Light 5 Far Burns 4 damage for 6 turns. Hits fleeing.
Iceball 32 40 4 4 cold damage for 6 turns. 50% chance to slow attacks by 3 for the next turn.
Wall of Fire 13 35 8 Close Attacks all opponents and burns 4 damage for 6 turns.
Wall of Ice 20 20 7 4 cold damage for 6 turns. 45% chance to interrupt all attacks.

Wave 13: Another Epic Battle Fantasy[]

When a silly video game series meets an as-of-yet to begin legendarium of superheroes... They're not happy that they're limited to 4 abilities, but they each have (mostly) unique buffs and debuffs to make up for their lost arsenal.

Oh and Tessian Goku appears for some reason.

Anna, the Ranger[]

Hailing from Greenwood Village, this greenhead archer uses her determination to help her team... But haven't we done this before?


  • Health: 75
  • Physical Def: 5
  • Light Def: 4
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: Bless (grant immunity to all debuffs, including Delayed Attacks and Doom) all allies for 4 turns when resting.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Piercing Shot 25 25 Physical 9 Far High chance to crit.
Arrow Storm 13 45 Physical 5 Attacks all opponents.
Razor Leaf 11x4 35 Dark 7 Both Chance to hit benched opponents for 11 splash damage.
Refresh 0 30 Light 4 Heals 20 HP and Bless self for the next turn. Cannot be used twice in a row.

Lance, the Gunner[]

Not to be confused with Mr. Barrett, who shares the same first name. Although the fact that they are both gun nuts with access to high-grade weaponry makes the resemblance more confusing.


  • Health: 80
  • Physical Def: 3
  • Light Def: 0
  • Dark Def: 7
  • Innate: Attacks have a 10% chance to Radiate (Prolong all debuffs when active, as well as making Delayed Attacks and Doom instant) for 5 turns
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Gun Crush 30 30 Physical 7 Both +15% chance to radiate target when used.
Bullet Hell 40 40 Light 4 Far Chance to burn 7 damage for 3 turns.
Plasma Field 14 35 4 Attacks all opponents with a chance to stun and deal 3 shock damage for 2 turns.
Antimatter Flux 62 70 Dark 3 Chance to deal 5 Anti-matter damage for 5 turns.

Matt, the Fighter[]

The classic, kleptomaniac JRPG hero personified. That assuming they're also a happy-go-lucky, foolhardy and extremely omnivorous sword-slinger who hits first, and questions later.


  • Health: 85
  • Physical Def: 8
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: 10% chance of stealing enemy item.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Cleaver 11x5 45 Physical 8 Close 5 deathly slashes with a chance to bleed 4 damage for 3 turns.
Steal Item 12 20 5 Steals enemy's item, giving you it's power.
Revenge 15 50 Dark 3 Deals 40% more damage for every 6 HP lost. 10% chance to "Go Beyond" for 1 turn.
Heaven's Gate 28 30 Light 7 Both Chance to deal 8 light for 4 turns.

Natalie, the Red Mage[]

The team mage, best known for her ginger hair and voluptuous... figure. She might not be able to handle a punch or dish it back, but she can sure prolong her enemy's pain.


  • Health: 70
  • Physical Def: 0
  • Light Def: 5
  • Dark Def: 5
  • Innate: 10% chance to Sharpen (prolong all buffs for that duration) all allies and self for 4 turns when attacking, resting, or intercepting.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Fairy Bombs 8 25 Light 6 Far Attacks all opponents with a chance to triple crit.
Heal More 0 55 3 Both Heals 20HP on self and allies and increase team's crit rate by 20% for 8 turns. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Sharpen 0 0 4 Sharpens all allies and self for 3 turns. 50% chance to reduce energy costs for all allies to 0 for 1 turn. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Syphon 0 50 Dark 5 Stands down opponent for the next turn and steal all buffs. Can only be used once every 5 turns.
Duel Form (Boss Mode): Restores 10 extra energy per turn (30 in total). Rest function no longer gains energy but allows the interchanging of abilities. Can be activated once every 7 turns. Health is doubled. Takes up two card slots when used.

Secondary Abilities[]

A Natalie from an alternate universe appears, one where she trades magic for technological might.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Giga Drill 18 30 Physical 7 Both Ignores Defenses. May increase team's single hit attack's damage by 2 for 8 turns.
Big Bullet Bob 25 35 8 Far Chance to miss, but high chance to crit.
Sawblade 20 20 9 Chance to interrupt physical attacks.
Electron Gun 0 70 Dark 2 Confuses opponents for the next two turn.

NoLegs, the Cat[]

Sure, we have sentient dogs, a dragon and dinosaurs, but what about a cat? Well so they say; "Meow meow meow meow, nya nya!"


  • Health: 55
  • Physical Def: 2
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: 30% chance to dodge all attacks.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Shadow Strike 17x3 40 Dark 9 Close Chance to interrupt light attacks.
Sword Dance 25 25 Physical 9 If the target dies, hits a benched opponent.
Reflex 0 20 10 Both Increase all dodge chance by 50% for 2 turns. Unlocks Swordplay.
Swordplay 55 55 10 Can only be used after Reflex is activated.

Phyrnna, the Composer[]

A heavenly lady from a world of sounds. This guardian angel serves to protect the innocent, but to induce mild inconvenience to those on a lesser moral standing.


  • Health: 65
  • Physical Def: 3
  • Light Def: 8
  • Dark Def: 3
  • Innate: +5HP and remove 1 debuff when resting.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Bubble Ring 5x5 20 Light 4 Far Chance to Radiate opponent for 5 turns.
Ice Storm 11x3 25 5 Chills opponents for 5 damage and slows by 1 for 4 turns.
Divine Divide 16x2 35 7 Close Chance to interrupt dark attacks
Phyrnna's Blessing 0 30 8 Both Heals all allies and self for 10HP and Bless for the next 2 turns. Cannot be used twice in a row.

Roku, Not a Saiyan[]

A Tessian who is both a fan of Dragon Ball and Epic Battle Fantasy. Her current goal is to complete a list comprised of many accomplished warriors by friendly wager.


  • Health: 75
  • Physical Def: 6
  • Light Def: 3
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: All ability's properties are enhanced when innate is active for 4 turns. This can be activated by resting.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description 1 (Innate inactive) Description 2 (Innate active)
Dragon Barrage 12 40 Light 3 Far Attack all opponents. + Undodgeable.
Dragon Blast 40 50 5 Burns opponent for 3 damage for 4 turns. + Chance to remove opponent from combat.
Psychic Ripper Disc 20 20 7 Both Decreases all single-hit attacks by 3 for 8 turns. +Decrease all multi-hit attacks by 1 damage and 1 strike for 8 turns.
Mach Punch 11x4 35 Physical 9 Close 25% chance to ignore defenses. +25% chance to ignore defenses.

Valkyrie Tank, Not a Car[]

Looking like something straight out of Death Race 2000, the Valkyrie N2 is a dual-propulsion tank that serves as Lance's end-all for any troublesome pest control.


  • Health: 100
  • Physical Def: 10
  • Light Def: 10
  • Dark Def: 10
  • Innate: Regenerate 10 HP and 20 Energy every turn (doubled if rested). Cannot equip items.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Honk & Rev 0 0 Physical 10 Both Unlocks Ram & Slam for the next turn. 10% chance to force switch opponents. Disabled for two turns after activation.
Hailfire Rounds 12 45 9 Hits all opponents.
Ram & Slam 65 80 5 Far A brutal attack that has a high chance to force switch the current opponent and stand down the next opponent for the next turn.
Cannon Turret 45 65 Light Chance to deal 9 splash damage to all opponents.
Note: Valkyrie Tank's Honk & Rev's proc of Force Switching adds +10% for the rest of the round for every Ram & Slam activated. This buff stacks at a maximum of four times, meaning that a fully upgraded Honk & Rev has a 50% chance of Force Switching after four uses of Ram & Slam.