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Wave 14: Shockwave Flash Players and a Diplomat[]

Andy Law, the King of Death[]

Andy Law was once an average kid. Until one day he was given his first taste of bloodlust as a lawless mercenary. Unsatisfied with his own universe's offers, he seeks his next challenge in the World with Mavericks armed with his BBPlayer Drone.


  • Health: 80
  • Physical Def: 8
  • Light Def: 2
  • Dark Def: 2
  • Innate: Damage increased by +2 if opponent and/or self is bleeding.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Ground Slam 10 30 Physical 9 Close Deals damage to all opponents and self. Costs no energy if cast last turn.
BBP Macrogun 13x4 40 Physical 8 Far 25% Chance to bleed 8 damage for 5 turns. 50/50 chance to miss.
BBP Rocket 70 75 Dark 2 Far Deals 10 splash damage to opponents. 50/50 chance to miss.
BBP Boost 0 20 Physical 1 Both All BBP attacks have an increased hitrate by 45% and have a 50% chance to bleed 3 damage for 10 turns. Lasts for 5 turns.

Cutie Pants Girl, Stick Figure Heroine[]

Swinging her way into Kongai is Fancy Pants Man's sister Cutie Pants Girl! Rather than getting into direct confrontations, she can ask her newfound friends to do it for her!


  • Health: ?
  • Physical Def: ?
  • Light Def: ?
  • Dark Def: ?
  • Innate: Mantles the HP, innate and defenses of another fighter (apart from self, but she can team up with her brother), as well as her OCP attack randomly selecting on one of their four/five moves.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Kitten Kaboodle 40 40 Physical 2 Both Ignores defenses. Has a 30% chance to set range to opposite side.
Obey Cutie Pants! ??? ??? ??? ??? Commands ally to attack opponent with a random move based off the mantled ally.
Cutie Pants Command! 0 40 Dark 3 Interrupts slower attacks and makes opponent attack self.
Cutie Pants Tantrum! 45 1 Dominates opponent to attack team.

Fancy Pants Man, Stick Figure Hero[]

Jumping into Kongai is the legendary Fancy Pants Man himself! He and his sister have been warped into this reality as part of their new adventure!


  • Health: 70
  • Physical Def: 5
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 2
  • Innate: All Fancy Pants attacks will turn light and deal +30% damage for every opponent killed for 4 turns.


Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Large Pencil 20x2 35 Physical 9 Close High chance to crit
Fancy Pants Kick 15 15 5 High chance to remove opponent from combat
Fancy Pants Roll 52 45 4 Far High chance to stun
Fancy Pants Stomp 25 25 7 Both Chance to deal physical damage to a benched opponent

Fireboy, Pyrokinetic[]

An entity that embodies the element of Fire, he and his partner Watergirl have arrived to this new world solving puzzles and seeking treasure.


  • Health: 70
  • Physical Def: 0
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 10
  • Innate: Deals 4 burn damage to opponents at close range.


Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Fire Spin-flip 9x5 50 Dark 10 Close Good chance to miss, but good chance to deal extra +2 damage and +1 strike.
Fire Slam 27 30 9 Both Hits all opponents with a change to interrupt and burn 9 damage for 4 turns.
Ignite 0 20 8 Both Affects user and all allies:
  • Extends elemental debuffs (burn, cold, poison, bleed, etc)'s duration by 2 turns and increase their damage by 1.
  • Extends trap duration by 1 turn and increase their damage by 10.
  • Extend non-instant, non-damaging debuffs (Stun, Prevent Range Change, Increased Energy Cost, reduction, slow) by 1 turn.
  • Increases all confuse, dominate and command attack durations by 1 turn.
  • Increases stand down by 1 turn.
  • Reduces delayed, doom and most auto-disabled attacks
  • Lasts for 10 turns.
  • Non-stackable.
Fire Dash 50 75 6 Far Sets range to close

Gunball CRC-32, Kingslayer Robot[]

A bio-mechanical being from the land of the Gunballs, this gunball became the most powerful being in his realm by defeating its tyrannical emperor, despite insurmountable odds. He arrives freely into the Maverick's universe, seeking to free others of his former fate.


  • Health: 100
  • Physical Def: 10
  • Light Def: 10
  • Dark Def: 10
  • Innate: 25% chance to avoid all debuffs. (Cannot equip items)
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Dissector Blade 40 40 Physical 3 Close A razor-sharp sword with a chance to disable range.
Emperor's Fist 75 80 Dark 1 Far A giant rocket-propelled gauntlet with a chance to deal 25 splash damage to all benched opponents.
Cloning Rocket Gun 22 70 Physical 4 Both Attacks all opponents.
Wave Shield 0 50 Light 1 Both For the next 5 turns, deals 10 light damage to opponents. 45% chance to reflect opponent's attack.

Megan, the Fox[]

A beast-tamer from a world where Monkeys fight Bloons, Kiwis are Ninjas, Goldfishes are digital and Mochi produces Media. This purple-haired, SAS-trained Fox-themed skinchanger was transported to the Maverick's world in search of new quarry,


  • Health: 65
  • Physical Def: 2
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: 50% chance to avoid intercepts
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Single Shot 22 25 Physical 8 Far Chance to interrupt
Rapid Shot 13 30 5 Attacks all opponents.
Red Bird 28 40 Dark Both Attacks random opponent.
Blue Slime 14x4 45 Hits fleeing.

Phil Eggtree, Inquisitive Student[]

Nearly 10 years ago, Phil Eggtree was an average kid who left school to save his world from destruction, now his series is now technically owned by the author due to his original creator being un-personed from the internet and is thus pressed into the Flash Fighter Squadron.


  • Health: 55
  • Physical Def: 3
  • Light Def: 6
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: Deals 60 damage on Intercepts


Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Soapy Eyedrops 20 30 Light 5 Close Hit Rate Decrease by 20% for 4 turns
Phred's Whistle 5 20 Physical 8 Attacks all opponents with a chance to interrupt.
Rubber Band 9 0 9 Far High chance to stun. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Zone 5.1 Blaster 50 70 Dark 10 Far High chance to crit.

Vinnie, Bounty Hunter[]

A feared soldier of fortune from a distant realm of Chicago. He and his crew have transported into the Maverick's Universe in search of fresh bounties after being forced out of retirement.


  • Health: 80
  • Physical Def: 5
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 3
  • Innate: Takes 50% less damage and regenerates +2 HP for 4 turns after resting.


Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Double Grenade 26x2 60 Dark 4 Far Chance to deals 26 dark damage to a benched opponent
Rapid Sniper 9x4 40 Physical 10 Far Chance to crit.
Knife Deadly 7x5 30 Physical 9 Close High chance to inflict 2 bleed for 4 turns.
Massive Shootout 12 45 Physical 2 Both Hits all opponents.

Watergirl, Hydrokenetic[]

The embodiment of the element of Water. After arriving into this world, she and her partner Fireboy were contacted by the Maverick Society to join forces with other like-minded heroes to search for a way to return back home


  • Health: 70
  • Physical Def: 0
  • Light Def: 10
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: Every turn, all abilities have a 10% chance to "Go Beyond" (become speed 10+) for that turn. (Chances increases to 50% if rested the previous turn.)
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Water Whip 18 20 Light 9 Far If the attack "Goes Beyond", 100% chance to deal 25 bleed damage once.
Frost Ball 45 64 4 Far Chance to deal 2 frost damage to all opponents for 5 turns.
Pool of Valor 0 20 5 Both Affects user and all allies:
  • Extends all non-instant buffs duration by 2 turns.
  • Increase all healing and drain attacks/abilities by 15 HP.
  • Increases all health regeneration by 1 HP per turn.
  • Increases all energy restoration by 5 energy.
  • Unlocks all disabled attacks.
  • Lasts for 10 turns.
  • Non stackable.
Chill Walk 0 25 3 Both The opponent's attacks speed decreases by 3 and deals 4 cold damage for 4 turns.

Zhuge Liang, Reposing Dragon[]

It's Ya Boy Kongming. A shrewd diplomat, politician and strategist, Zhuge Kongming readily adapts to modern surroundings with his usage of cunning and some wind magic.


  • Health: 75
  • Physical Def: 0
  • Light Def: 8
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: When attacked, 25% chance to dominate opponent.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Easterly Wind 0 30 Light 6 Both Damages foe for 8 burn damage each turn for 4 turns. Doesn't stack.
Red Cliff Wind 45 50 8 Far If Easterly Wind is active, detonates debuff for massive damage, healing Kongming 9 HP.
Empty Fortress 0 25 3 Remove all buffs from target and inflict Curse for 7 turns. They are immune to all buffs during that time. Unstackable.
Stone Maze 0 35 6 Deals 15 damage to all opponents and self. Becomes free if used last time.

Wave 15: The Last Run[]

Baccarat Ranger, Death Dealer[]

One of three warriors hailing from the gambling resort city of Goldenbrick City. The person, a croupier who is behind the mask received his transformation device; a mysterious suitcase from the Barretts after using it successfully when thwarting a heist.


  • Health: 80
  • Physical Def: 7
  • Light Def: 7
  • Dark Def: 7
  • Innate: 25% increased damage and +2 speed for all attacks for 4 turns when enemy is killed. (Unstackable)
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Roulette Turret 0 50 Physical 1 Close Deals 14 damage to opponents at Far Range for 4 turns.
Briefcase Shot 21 25 7 High chance to crit.
Box Gun 17x2 40 7 Far Chance to prevent range-change for the next turn.
Flash-Bang 14 15 Light 7 Chance to stun.

Kiro, the Yakuza[]

Once a deadly adversary that intended to avenge his brother Kienji's death at the hands of a mere contractor, Kiro instead chose to go after the people responsible for the assassination... with help from Vinnie, the contractor himself.


  • Health: 85
  • Physical Def: 8
  • Light Def: 0
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: Attack speed increases by 1 for 4 turns after resting.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Smoke Bombs 16 20 Dark 6 Both Poisons all opponents for 4 damage for 4 turns
Yuuma's Blade 0 5 Dark 3 Both All attacks now deal +5 damage and +1 speed. Lasts for 4 turns, unless specified. Unstackable.
Kienji's Fists 9 30 Physical 4 Both Attacks all foes with a chance to stun
Kienji's Scythes 14x3 35 Physical 7 Close If Yuuma's Blade is active, high chance to burn 7 damage for 4 turns.

Maverick Mahou, Sin City Superheroine[]

The saviour of Goldenbrick City has arrived! When a mysterious benefactor gives out twenty tarot-themed transformation device as part of a battle royale, the woman who would become Maverick Mahou used the opportunity to prevent evil from winning the tournament and abusing their powers.


  • Health: 75
  • Physical Def: 2
  • Light Def: 5
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: 25% chance when enemy attack, steal secondary effect of used attack for the next turn (proc% is always certain).
  • Note: Charm Points are a secondary currency that Maverick Mahou needs to perform certain moves, even if she has enough energy to do so (thankfully all her attacks are cheap). Charm Points are stackable and are unremovable.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description Charm Points
Sword Tarot: Mahoubaton 25 25 Physical 7 Close If Trick Tarot is active, 25% chance to crit. +2
Charm Tarot 0 45 Light 4 Both Interrupts and dominates opponent. +3
Trick Tarot: Mirror Queens 0 30 10 Increase evasion by 33% for the next turn. Costs no Charm Points if cast last turn. -5
Final Tarot: Mahou Buster 60 70 10 Requires Trick Tarot to be active. 0

Shorty, the Lady in Red[]

Bored with her former life as a inherently-loaded socialite, a brisk engagement with some traffickers led her to join forces with bounty hunter Vinnie. This was the start of their unholy union of lethal protection.


  • Health: 75
  • Physical Def: 4
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: 25% chance to stand down opponents for 1 turn when attacking or attacked (stackable).
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Sisters Drive By 21x2 40 Physical 9 Both Chance to interrupt.
Heal Up 0 35 Light 7 Both Heals 15 HP to self and all allies and remove 1 debuff. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Above Strike 20 70 Light 3 Far Chance to ignore resistance. Hits all opponents.
Lady's Command 0 45 Light 1 Close Dominates the opponent.

Yun Long, Maverick GT (Green Tile)[]

Despite the fact that he has never played Mahjong, Yun Long received a mysterious set of tiles that (when used together) can transform the user into a dragon warrior of excelled strength. As his tiles were scattered by an unknown force, Yun prepares to reclaim what's rightfully his.


  • Health: 85
  • Physical Def: 7
  • Light Def: 0
  • Dark Def: 3
  • Innate: Grants the user/benched ally a random buff when resting.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Myriad Mirror 0 45 Dark 6 Both Reflects all attacks. Cannot by used twice in a row.
Bamboo Bird 15 40 Light 3 Chance to grant all allies and self a random buff.
Wheel Tile 11x4 35 Physical 5 Far Undodgeable
M-Saber Strike 25 25 7 Close Remove 1 debuff from opponent.
Resting or using Bamboo Bird can grant one of the following buffs (stackable):
  • Restore 4 HP and Remove 1 Debuff
  • +25% crit chance for 5 turns.
  • Reduce all energy costs to 0 for 3 turns.
  • Increase damage to all attacks 3 for 3 turns.
  • Increase all resistance by 1 for 5 turns.
  • Increase all attack speed by 1 for 5 turns.
  • Remove all debuffs
  • Heal 20 HP.
  • Doubles the proc chance (100%) of all attacks for 3 turns.
  • 30% chance to deal 6 splash damage to all foes when using an ability or under attack for 5 turns.