Wave 1[]
Item Name | Card Type | Description | Notes |
Wishful Magatama | Martial Artists | Increase all proc rates by 50%. | Effective with Open Palms, Rumiko's Eviscerate, and Onimaru's Double Slash. |
Idol of Empowerment | Amazons | When you're attacked by a light or dark attack, 33% chance to reflects the attack back at foe. Doesn't work while on bench. | The Amazons tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to Light or Dark attacks from opponents. With the Idol in hand, you'll only need to focus on dealing damage to those pugilists. |
Guardian Amulet | Villagers | You are immune to damage while benched. | The Villagers may have a rep of barking more often than they bite, but anyone with a tuppence of sense knows that being protected out of play is safer than being six feet under. |
Foe's Mirror | Vampires | When attacking, 50% chance that you disable your foe's ability to change range for the next turn. | Nobody escapes from the clutches of a vampire, not even one that runs. |
Marine Chronometer | Pirates | 75% chance to increase speed by 2. | While at sea, a Pirate must remember to not attack early or late, but precisely when he needs to. |
Tarot Card: The Hierophant | Knights | Reduces female characters' chance to hit by 20%. | The Hierophant: Less effective against some macho or female player's testosterone-intoxifying Kongai deck. Will affect feminine robots and warriors of shadow and gender ambiguity, but not a certain vampire with debonair to his struct. |
Morphatronic Stabiliser | Robots | When the user's health is under 30%, their attacks deal 50% more damage. | As their 99-year warrenty is drawing to a close, the robots turn from being rather benign killing machines to aggressive full metal anarchists. |
Strengthening Elixir | Witches | For every 5 points of damage taken is +1 damage increase for all your attacks. | The Witches know about the golden rule, and will certainly want to take from their enemies a pound of flesh for every ounce of blood lost. |
Command Ring | Gray | When you rest, 50% chance that your opponent's current attack is interrupted and the enemy is stood down for the next turn. | Hate being struck down while you're resting? This item will make sure they will receive a taste of their own medicine. |
Pot of Greed | Your attacks deal 2 less damage, but all your abilities now have a 35% chance of restoring 50% of your used energy. | While you can't draw two cards, every faction always has a fighter who go over-the-top with their offense while tiring themselves (Starbuck, Gorbax, and Oxbox are good examples). Anybody who uses the Pot of Greed will gain more input at the cost of having less output. But what does it do? | |
Janus Coin | When your character would die, 50% chance you receive no damage from that killing blow, then this item breaks. | Having given the ability to shrug off a fatal blow in a situation where death was a certainty can turn tables if you are planning on using deadly game-changer... before you just so happened to be rudely interrupted! | |
Purifying Medallion | Removes one Debuff while resting | Great on those who are prone to be whittled down by Poison Darts and the likes. |
Wave 3[]
Item Name | Card Type | Description | Notes |
Sandbag Dummy Dude | Soldiers | Slows your opponent's attack speed by one when active. | We mean it literally when we tell our opponents to quit exerting themselves this time. |
Laser Pointer | Attacks cannot miss and become immune to stats-lowering effects. | Ensign Kaslana can become a notorious glass cannon when she's equipped with this, but any soldier can make sufficient progress with the Laser Pointer. | |
Ration Pack | +3 HP per turn. | Meat shields like the Gresham brothers and Unit X can prolong their morale and life expectancy, but even lightweights like Jager and Hiyoko can play it safer with a Rat-Pac. | |
Two-way Radio | Immune to Commands, Stand Downs, Dominates, Force Switches and Confuses. | The Art of Deception is a difficult weapon when encountered, but fighters like Auger, Rathbone, and even Roberts and son can be counted out on with support from benched allies. | |
Multi-vision Goggles | All your attacks can now hit fleeing opponents. | Being switched out on by your opponent can be frustrating, especially if they need a parting gift! | |
First-aid Kit | When the user's health is below 35%, grants 50HP, then this item breaks. | Unlike the Ration Pack, the First-aid Kit's near-instant delivery of Health makes it more suited for fighters adapted to prolonged combat. | |
Hazmat Suit | Poison, cold, burn, and elemental effects heal you instead of damaging you. (Does not protect against direct attacks.) | Though you may look silly wearing such equipment, if your opponent's into these kinds of status effects, having protection can save you all forms of trouble. | |
Camouflage Cloak | When you are hit, enemy gets -15% hit chance for 10 turns. | The effectiveness of the Camo-cloak can deter physical-heavy fighters from making moves against you, but works well on anybody. | |
Capsaicin Canister | When attacking or intercepting, your opponent's damage is reduced by 2 until the end of the turn. | While we done condone the regular misuse of such weapon, it is quite effective at neutralizing unwanted assailants. | |
Prototype: Ice Bomb | 70% chance for attacks to deal 2 cold damage for 6 turns. | A weapon developed by Barrett GlobalTek, this grenade contains a unique freezing agent that modifies nearby water molecues by changing the freezing point. | |
Well-worn Battle Gloves | Brawlers | Your attacks have a 25% chance to ignore defenses. | For Sale. Used quality. Boring, but practical. |
Yin Amulet | Increase all procs by 50%. | There seems to be a lucky effect on the user when wearing this. | |
Venom Energy Drink | Gains +5 energy every turn, but 20% chance of dealing 5 damage to user. | Remember, Energy Drinks are only good for you if used occasionally. | |
Yang Amulet | Increases maximum HP by 15. | Wearing this seems to inject the user with determination | |
Conviction Ring | You cannot be forced to Change Range and you cannot be Reflected, Slowed, or debuffed by an energy disadvantage. | Probably a bit too overpowered for some, because it screws up their plans a bit, but perfect for the somewhat low-tier brawlers. | |
Bulletproof Armor | When equipped, 25% chance that the enemy's damage is halved when attacked. | Common sense prevails! | |
Spiked Bat | Attacks now have a 25% chance to deal 2 bleed damage for 10 turns. | Nasty, but tends to be a bit fragile. | |
Steel Pipe | Attacks have a 25% chance to stun and deal +2 damage. | Slow, cumbersome, and prone to crushing bones. | |
Cutting Knife | Attacks have a 25% chance to crit. | Small, but deadly. | |
Class 0 Ubermensch Serum* | Every three turn, this item grant's a random buff or debuff onto the user or the current opponent. (Has no effect while benched) | The unpredictability of the Class 0 Serum (each class is divided into 5 groups depending on its strength and power) can have either an adverse or auspicious effect on your battle. |
Wave 5[]
Item Name | Card Type | Description | Notes |
Thorned Emerald | Cowboys | When the user's health is under 30%, their attacks deal 50% more damage. | This cursed dodecahedron was the source of McCoy's curse and coveted by Hatfield. Now harnessed by the Cowboys with the spirit of its protector Popoca as a source of great power. |
Yankee Egg | Your attacks now deal +1 damage and have 10% chance to Crit | A mysterious relic possibly related to the Ornamental Egg. | |
Eternal Lantern | When you attempt to intercept, the enemy can't switch next turn. | Formerly belongs to the mysterious Kodiaks, now currently in the possession of one Sanzu Iga, who uses it to drop some eaves on his enemies... and former allies. | |
Onyx Heart | All defenses are increased by 1 and Maximum HP is increased by 10. | The Onyx Heart has been rumored to prevent the misfortunes of those in poccession of it. | |
Volado Cryptex | Reduces energy costs of your moves by 5 | One of the many famed Cryptex from the lost civilization, these manuscripts are only readable in the eyes of a few people. | |
Reptara Skull | All attacks have a 50% chance of becoming Undodgeable/being able to hit fleeing. | Once sundered as payment to mercenaries by Malana Mire, this deadly artifact ensures that the target never escapes from this curse. | |
Railbender Spike | Gray | If you switch out and you're unintercepted or an intercept is dodged, this item deals 12 damage to your opponents. | Rumored to be made by a material unknown in the ancient times, this crystal-like nail is sure to leave a mark behind. |
Wave 6[]
Item Name | Card Type | Description | Notes |
Hard Shell | Battle Masters | All defenses are increased by 1 and Maximum HP is increased by 10. | |
Revival Potion | Cure one debuff, and +10 HP on successful switch out. | ||
The Power Stone | Additional 20% chance to dodge physical attacks and intercepts. | ||
Red Stone | All attacks deal +2 damage, but every turn, there is a 25% chance of dealing an additional +3 damage (for a total of 5). | While it may be cited as a poor imitation of the Red Cosmic Key (they look different in shape), the Red Stone is also quite powerful in its own right and much more stable, without the need to sacrifice HP. | |
Miracle Stone* | Every three turn, this item grant's a random buff or debuff onto the user or the current opponent. (Has no effect while benched) | ||
Tarot Card: The World | Gray | If you die, there's a 75% chance that your opponent will receive the same amount of damage in retaliation. | This card bears no resemblance to a Holy Diver or a vampire's time-stopping Stand, but it's still a deadly item to use. |
*Note: The Serum and Miracle Stone usually has a 49% chance of either granting a buff onto the user or a debuff onto the opponent (98% in total). When that's the case, there is 25% chance after the 49% chance that the usual effects reverse (in that the user's debuffed or the opponent's buffed). Of the 98% chance, the remaining 2% chance is where the item has no effect. The buff/debuff is activated first before the enemy attacks.
The following buffs have an even chance of procuring:
- Remove one debuff.
- Changes the current range of the opponent.
- Increases crit rate by 50% for the next turn.
- Free Range Change for the next two turns.
- Heals 20HP or 25 energy.
- Heals 4HP or 5 energy for 5 turns
- Increases the damage of all attacks by 3 for 3 turns.
- Increases all defenses by 1 or dodge rate by 25% for the next 4 turns (unstackable).
- Force switch the user.
- All attack speeds are increased by 1 for 3 turns.
The following debuffs have an even chance of procuring:
- Deals 4 random elemental damage for five turns (either Poison, Bleed, Burn, Freeze, or Shadow).
- Removes one buff.
- Either Stun, Confuse, Command, or Dominate for one turn.
- Either, Prevent Range Change, Disable a random attack, Disable Switch, or Stand Down for one turn.
- Interrupts the next attack.
- Drains 25HP or 20 energy from victim.
- Reduces target's damage by 2, defenses by 2, hit rate by 25%, or attack speed by 1 for 3 turns.
- User force switches the target with next attack.
- Increases cost on either the ability to range change or attack for 2 turns.
- Deals 30 instant damage (ignore defenses).
Wave 8 (Items Only)[]
Much like EX mode, wave 8 brings mechanics (i.e. items) that are very powerful (and possibly tournament-illegal). As such, they're only (usually) available in EX mode.
Item Name | Card Type | Description | Notes |
Red Cosmic Key | α Squadron
For every 5% HP lost, +2 damage to all attacks. | Taking the form of a Ruby, this cosmic key imbues the user with a strong sense of vengeance and wrath. |
Purple Cosmic Key | When active, all allies now have a 75% chance of not receiving damage when benched. | Taking the form of a Garnet (as it's actually a pinkish-purple color), this cosmic key imbues the user's sense of compassion for his allies | |
Blue Cosmic Key | When active, +3% crit chance every turn (can only be stacked 9 times). The buff lasts for 1 turn once the item is inactive. | Taking the form of a Sapphire, this item empowers the hope of the users and those around them. | |
Green Cosmic Key | The user is immune to all Disables. This item may only be stolen or disabled if the user is stunned, confused or stood down. | Taking the form of an Emerald, this item is associated with unbreakable willpower and justice, allowing one to overcome many obstables. | |
Yellow Cosmic Key | When active, this item will have a 50% chance of automatically intercepting your opponent and dealing default damage if they switch. Any attack that was planned to be used will be nulled and no energy would be consumed. Then this item | Taking the from of a Topaz, this item instills the user with the ability to take advantage of an opponent's deepest fears. | |
Orange Cosmic Key | All your attacks now have a 50% chance to gain back all the energy used. | Taking the form of a Citrine, this cosmic key targets and satisfies the greed of its user, at the cost of others. | |
White Cosmic Key | Every turn, there's a 33% chance to reduce all energy costs to 0 for 2 turns and increase all energy costs on your opponent by 20 for the next turn. | Taking the form of a Diamond, this cosmic key instills order, regardless of morality. However, people of a corrupting nature can harness this power for evil, their influence akin to brainwashing. | |
The Black Orb | 33% chance to deal random damage to any active fighter every turn. | This cosmic key instills chaos, regardless of morality. Unfortunately, very few people can actually harness this power for the forces of good. Those who fail will succumb to their own madness. | |
Red Judicator | Grey | If the user attacks or is being attacked with this item, 20% chance that one of their (living) benched allies will counterattack in retaliation (does not use up energy cost). If the bench was also attacked, the chances are increased by +20% (40% in total). | One longsword commonly associated with Maverick Alpha. Nowadays, it will seek out only the worthiest of heroes. It has the ability to make the wielder rally and inspire others with their heroism. |
Bow-sabre | All physical attacks now have a 25% chance of dealing 6 splash damage to the target for 5 turns. | Formerly used by Maverick Beta. This Tessian designed sword was only ever used ceremonially, due to it's rather unorthodox design used purely for offense. However, with the owner's Psychokinesis, he had converted it into a makeshift bow... | |
Golden Quarterstaff | All light attacks now have a 25% chance of dealing 6 light damage to the target for 5 turns. | A Staff that is also technologically enhanced to the point where it's indistinguishable from magic. It was commonly associated with Maverick Gamma. | |
Axe of the Wolves | All dark attacks now have a 25% chance of dealing 6 shadow damage to the target for 5 turns. | Currently in the possession of one RJK, having inherited from his Father, Roman, a former Maverick. It seems to be a Cosmic Key that was formerly an heirloom. | |
Timeclocker Cannon | All attacks have a 70% chance to slow the opponent by 1 for 4 turns. | Formerly used by Maverick Delta, whose time-slowing powers enabled him to strike his opponents instantly without expecting retaliation. | |
Polymorphic Alloy | All attacks are now dual-ranged. | F.K.A. Project Proteus. Now controlled by RJK, whose Maverick-copying powers have enhanced this alloy enough to be a viable weapon. | |
Jeweled Telescope | Gray | When active, your opponent cannot switch out. | |
Emerald Crown | Can mimic the effects of two item at the cost of your innate, or one other innate, but all attacks now have a +10% chance of missing. | ||
Cannonball Pearl | All your attacks have a 10% chance to be Speed 10. | ||
Silver Scorpion | When this item is active, 20% chance to steal the opponent's current item (50% if resting). | Darla should better watch out for a rival thief. This sentient automaton is capable of retrieving plunder for its owners from who knows where. | |
Golden Wheel | When this item is active, disable the innate of the opponents. | Found on Malana Mire's ship Brass Urchin, this removable ship's wheel is seemingly sentient, being disruptive and hypnotic to the opponent. | |
Coat of Arms | When active, user have a 50% chance to attack twice, but range change and switching out is disabled for the next turn. |
Wave 9[]
Item Name | Card Type | Description |
Crucifix of the Martyr | Divine Theologists | Damage is increased by enemy's dark resistance. |
Divine Book of the Harbringer | Reduce the effects of Drain Attacks by 50%. | |
Holy Grail | When an ally falls in combat, grants a permanent +6 damage to all survivors (stackable) and for 3 turns, +6 to all resistance. | |
Testament Bread | Light and Dark attacks heal +2 HP. | |
Priest's Stole | Light Attacks become Dark and vice-versa. |
Wave 15 (Items Only)[]
Item Name | Card Type | Description |
Bubble Stone | EBF Fighters | All Light Attacks now deal +5 damage and 25% chance to deal 6 Cold damage for 3 turns. |
Green Potion | All Physical Attacks now deal +5 damage and 25% chance to deal 6 Poison damage for 3 turns. | |
Ice Crystal | All Light Attacks now deal +5 damage and 25% chance to deal 6 Bleed damage for 3 turns. | |
Magmaball | All Dark Attacks now deal +5 damage and 25% chance to deal 6 Burn damage for 3 turns. | |
Hand Bomb | All attacks have a 25% chance to deal 50% splash damage to a random opponent based on the attack used. | |
Shuriken | All Dark Attacks now deal +5 damage and 25% chance to deal 6 Bleed damage for 3 turns. | |
Stunner | All Physical Attacks now deal +5 damage and 50% chance to Stun opponent for 1 turn. | |
Light Feather | All attacks now have a 20% chance to randomly disable an opponent's every turn for 6 turns. | |
Brick | Gray | When active, attacks have a 20% chance to confuse the opponent for 1 turn. |
Dark Rune | When the user dies, deals random damage to opponent and their allies. | |
Tarot Card: The Fool | All attacks have a 10% chance to command or 10% chance to dominate the opponent. | |
Tarot Card: The Magician | All attacks are now light based. | |
Tarot Card: The Empress | When your character would die, the killing blow is direct at one of your opponent's other characters instead, then the item breaks. | |
Tarot Card: The Emperor | All attacks are now physical based. | |
Tarot Card: The Lovers | 10% chance that incoming attacks are reflected back to their user, unless immune. | |
Tarot Card: The Chariot | All attacks are free (except when locked or disabled) for the first turn when switching in. | |
Tarot Card: The Hermit | All opponents receive 1 instant damage for every turn when active, unless protected. | |
Tarot Card: Strength | Cyclic effect per two rounds(in order):
| |
Tarot Card: Justice | If your opponent attacks or intercepts when the user rest, switches out or intercepts, 50% chance that their attack or intercept will be soft-interrupted. | |
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man | All attacks now have a 25% chance to hit a random opponent (stackable). | |
Tarot Card: Death | When you're about to die, converts all Energy into HP instead, and this item breaks. | |
Tarot Card: Temperance | Reduces opponent's hit rate by 25% (regardless of gender), but attack speed is slowed by 1 when active. | |
Tarot Card: The Devil | All attacks are now dark based. | |
Tarot Card: The Tower | All attacks now deal +5 damage, but energy gain is decreased by -5 every turn and when resting. | |
Tarot Card: The Star | Cyclic effect per each round (in order):
| |
Tarot Card: The Moon | ||
Tarot Card: The Sun | ||
Tarot Card: Judgement | ||
Tiles of the Seasons | Reduces all buff's effects on enemy by a factor 2 or a muliplcative of 20% (if applicable) and 1 turn. Accelerates Doom and delayed attacks by 1 turn. | |
Tiles of the Dragons | Reduces all debuff's effects on self by 2 damage or a muliplcative of 20% (if applicable) and 1 turn. Decelerates Doom and delayed attacks by 1 turn. | |
Tiles of the Winds | Extends all debuff's effects on enemy by 2 damage or a muliplcative of 20% (if applicable) and 1 turn. Accelerates Doom and delayed attacks by 1 turn. | |
Tiles of the Flowers | Extends all buff's effects on self by a factor 2 or a muliplcative of 20% (if applicable) and 1 turn. Decelerates Doom and delayed attacks by 1 turn. | |
Yang Taijitu Piece | ||
Yin Taijitu Piece | ||
Creation Engine: The Eye | ||
Creation Engine: The Star | ||
Creation Engine: The Balance |