Kongai Wiki

Maverick χ's Stats (Maximum level)[]

His origins are shrouded in a fog of the unknown, to which not even he remember. Perhaps one day these questions shall be answered.

  • Health: 85
  • Physical Def: 4
  • Light Def: 4
  • Dark Def: 4
  • Innate: None
  • Group: Grey
  • Secondary Group: χ Squadron
  • All abilities are inter-changable.
  • Can equip two items.

Abilities (in chronological order)[]

Amazons inspired attacks'[]

His first arsenal encountered in the story. 100% swords. Crude, yet damaging.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Blade Toss I* 32 30 Physical 7 Far A well-precised aim, which has a chance to interrupt the opponent
Hilt Hammer 10 20 Physical 9 Close Opponents' hit rate decreased by 25% for two turns.
Blade Spark 0 0 Physical 4 Dual All blade attacks (marked with a *) have an increased critical hit rate by 20% for 6 turns.
Sword Slash* 25 25 Physical 5 Close 50% chance to restore 15 energy from increased adrenaline.

Pirates' inspired attacks'[]

"Gunblades and Transforming weapons are so overrated... I can shoot lasers from my hilt!"

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Hilt Beam 36 40 Light 8 Far Has a chance to stun for one turn
Sabre Whirl* 7x5 35 Physical 6 Close Angrily releases his bloodlusted turmoil, which makes the target bleed 2 damage for 5 turns.
Blade Toss II* 24x2 45 Physical 3 Far A desperate attempt, which has a chance to prevent range change on the opponent.
χ Sabre* 0 5 Physical 7 Dual Reflects slower attacks, cannot be used twice in a row. (If buffed with Blade Spark, reflected attacks will have a +20% chance of a critical hit).

Martial Artists' inspired abilities[]

Our main protagonist The Maverick sacrifices his reliance on his dual swords for his own two hands (and legs).

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Maverick Upper 26 30 Physical 9 Close A fast uppercut that never misses, even against a fleeing opponent.
Tornado Sweep 32 35 Physical 5 Far A spinning kick that changes the range to close.
Fireball 15 10 Dark 8 Dual A somewhat underwhelming projectile that may burn the foe for 5 damage for 6 turns.
Maverick Punch 20 25 Physical 7 Close Chance to triple crit.

Vampires' inspired abilities[]

Our protagonist isn't actually human... he's descended from hyper adaptive extra-terrestrials with the abilities to absorb souls!

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Soul Drain 25 35 Dark 4 Close Steals all the life it drains.
Maverick Kick 16 15 Physical 6 Close High chance to interrupt the enemy.
Blood Curse 0 30 Dark 2 Dual Bleeds 5 damage for 3 turns (unremovable)
Taunt 0 20 Physical 8 Close Increases damage by 4 for three turns (stackable)

Symbol abilities (Villagers' inspired)[]

Having found peace in a rather ironic situation (more spoiler, he has a demon form infected from the main antagonist, which was heavily accelerated unintentionally by Sadie), he uses his new-found dark and mysterious powers to now fight for the future.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Acid Mottle 5 0 Dark 9 Dual A highly corrosive acid ball that poisons the opponent for an additional 15 damage.
Slash Frenzy* 15 35 Dark 5 Far Hits all opponents on deck.
Triple Slash* 13x3 50 Dark 10 Close An energy-eating, but extremely fast trio of blade slashes that has a chance to remove 1 debuff.
Tree of Woe 25 30 Dark 5 Close Increases the cost of range change to 20 for two turns.

Witches' inspired abilities[]

With a clear mind, anything can be achieved with self-awareness...

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Ice Daggers* 6x4 25 Light 6 Dual Slows attacks by 1 for 3 turns.
Holy Rune 0 35 Light 7 Dual Chills the foe for 7 cold damage for 4 turns. Unstackable.
Judgement Rune 30 60 Light 7 Far If the victim was Holy Runed first, the attack deals an extra 20 damage and heals for 10hp whilst the rune is detonated.
Holy Talisman 0 20 Light 3 Far Deals 7 light damage for 6 turns. Unstackable and unremovable.

Maverick abilities 1 (Robots' inspired)[]

After convincement from a powerful new ally, the Maverick has equipped himself with some new accessories...

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Knockback Bind 18 20 Light 5 Close Changes the opponent's range to far.
Electric Bind 25 25 Light 4 Far May drain 25 energy.
Heatseeker Missile 12x2 35 Light 6 Far Has a chance to attack an extra enemy.
Lunar Strain 0 55 Dark 1 Far Next enemy to use a Dark or Light ability takes 40 damage. Lasts for 4 turns.

Maverick abilities 2 (Knights' inspired)[]

With over-powered strength, it all comes down to the end, now...

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Ward of the O.N.E. 0 35 Physical 10 Dual Increases your chance to avoid incoming physical attacks by 30%. Unlocks Diamond Impact.
Super Fireball 60 75 Dark 5 Far May burn the foe for 2 damage for 3 turns.
Rapid Dagger* 20 25 Light 9 Close Ignores defenses. If Ward is active, has a 25% chance of dealing triple crit damage
Diamond Impact 55 50 Physical 10 Close Chance to confuse the enemy for one turn.

Day χ Abilities[]

Mind Abilities 1 (Brawlers' inspired)[]

χ's true powers have been unleashed! But...

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Mind Warp 20 55 Dark 5 Dual Changes to the opposite range when triggered. Ignores Damage.
Telekinesis ??? ??? ??? ??? Dual Deals random amount of damage, with variable speed and Attack Type.
Mind Block 0 20 Dark 7 Dual Reflect all Attacks. Cannot be used twice in a row.
Mind Screw 0 60 Dark 7 Dual Interrupts slower attacks and enemy attacks teammates before knocking the foe out of battle. Can only be used once.

Soldiers inspired Abilities[]

When all else fails, it's back to basics!

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Tactical Nuke 65 80 Light 1 Far Deals 15 splash damage and 3 poison and fire damage each (for 4) turns to all enemies, allies, and self.
Knife Attack* 20 20 Physical 6 Dual Chance to deal 4 bleed damage for 5 turns.
Bullet Spray 6x6 35 Physical 9 Far Chance to crit.
Telek Shot 40 40 Physical 3 Far Hits fleeing opponent.

Team Attacks[]

Inspired by nothing but friendship.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Contact: Princess's Boyfriend 20x2 40 Dark 9 Dual Chance to deal 20 splash damage to an extra opponent. If Steven is still alive, can also force-switch to him during the same turn.
Contact: Robot Companion 0 10 Light Dual Light resistance -3 for 3 turns for all enemies. If Yui is alive, can also force-switch to her during the same turn.
Contact: The Only One 35 55 Dark Far May burn the foe for 4 damage for 6 turns. If Nika is alive, can also force-switch to her during the same turn.
Contact: The Other Girl 11x2 20 Physical Close Increase Cost on Range Change by 10 for 5 turns. If Hanako is alive, can also force-switch to her during the same turn.
Empower 0 0 Light 10 Dual Reduce energy cost of user and all allies by 0 for 4 turns.
Mayhem 0 0 Dark All attacks have a 25% chance of either interrupting and commanding or interrupting and dominating. Lasts for 4 turns.
Rally 0 0 Physical If attacked, 50% chance that a benched ally will counterattack. Lasts for 4 turns.
Scare 0 0 Dark Stands the opponent down and disables switch for 2 turns. If the initial opponent is switched out, the next opponent will be affected by this debuff. Cannot be reused until switched out.

Kongai EX Abilities[]

Y KVCH/Tessian Aikido[]

Having self-taught Tessian martial arts during his youth, Jason would only choose to use this as a secondary resort should the words and mind-games not be enough.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Nerve Pinch 15 15 Physical 9 Close Chance to Stun or Stand Down for the next turn, whichever has the highest priority.
Power Crush 58 65 Physical 4 Close Low crit chance.
3-inch Punch 30 30 Physical 6 Close Chance to remove opponent from combat.
Exploding Palm 99 80 Dark 7 Close Deals damage after 5 turns. Unremovable.

Mind Abilities 2[]

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Mind Crush 0 ??? ??? 10 Dual Negate the damage, buff or debuff of the target's attack for this turn only. If the attack was to kill Jason, reflects attack back at target instead. Can only be used once.
Disadvantage 0 35 Dark 8 Dual Chance to disable the target's item or innate for 4 turns. Unstackable.
Hell Bent 0 20 Physical 2 Dual For the next four turns, any enemy switching in will receive 10 damage for 4 turns. Hits fleeing.
Summon Item 0 45 Physical 10 Dual Summons another item from any faction and equips it in Jason's inventory. Item summoned is random. Can only be used once until switched out or if one item is permanently disabled or stolen.

Otherworld Abilities[]

The collected souls of Maverick χ's past have returned not to haunt him, but to instead aid him in times of need.

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Deathly Gunfire 12 60 Dark 5 Far Hits random opponents five times.
Coldfire 0 15 3 Dual All attacks have a 45% chance to Stun for 1 turn and burn (4 damage for 4 turns) for and bleeds 5 damage for 3 turns (unremovable). Lasts for 4 turns.
Karmic Retribution 0 10 10 Drains 1 HP from target after every turn for the rest of the game. Unremoveable and unstackable.
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Does one of three effects (see below). Effects changes once used.

Spirit Legion[]

Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Description
Spirit Legion 3 30 Physical 9 Deals 50% more damage for every 5 HP lost. Ignores resistance and hits fleeing.
Ghostly Blade* 32 35 Light 10 50% chance to Go Beyond instead for this turn.
Trickster Guide 0 15 Dark 2 All attacks now have a 50% chance to be free for the next 5 turns