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The soldiers are one of two super-factions (being composed of two groups of five characters and five items) that The Maverick encounters during his misadventures. They share similarities to the Amazons and Villagers in that they're either tanks who use heavy and slow, but direct attacks while loaded in defenses, or flexible fighters who deals speedy attacks while sacrificing strength and durability. In both cases, they are prone to being weak at close range, with the plausible exception of Henry and Randel, who are weaker at far range. Their items are interchangeable within the two factions, each fulfilling a specific purpose to their user. Their representative colors are Cyan and Yellow.

History 1[]

These soldiers are private security and military contractors banded and assigned to the deadliest jobs, where no ordinary soldiers dare attempt. Throughout many generations, they were assigned by and protected many clients and have generated a numberless amount of currency in the form of stock and other valuables. Today, this current generation of mercenaries rivals that of The Mavericks in turns of success. But that could soon possibly change...

History 2 (Cyan)[]

The history of war is a complicated matter, usually described as extreme acts of chaos caused between two or more rivalling groups of people to gain their valued nominal commodities. From the disciplined Roman legionaries to the tactful Sun Tzu and the romantic chivalry of the medieval knights of old to the grim war of worlds between gun-armed infantry; as long as there is power and there is the want of it, there is war.

Today Strike Force Squad 29A, the Cyan Triangles (recognisable by their signature armbands); a band of private military contractors, now wager combat for a new vice, the almighty dollar. While small in numbers, these misfits together have fought in wars, averted the crisis of fallen hostages, and taken down countless bands of militants, criminal organisations, and other scum all alike. They have seen victory in all corners of the world and as a result, there are enemies who are more than happy to eliminate them for their prices on their heads. So far all of them have failed but their greatest enemy now may just be themselves...

Anthony Jager, the Scout[]

An all-American face, Jager specialises in hit-and-run attacks whilst avoiding damage, particularly with the aid of deception.


  • Health: 70
  • Physical Def: 4
  • Light Def: 0
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: 15% chance of dodging all attacks and intercepts.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Full Clip 17 15 Physical 9 Both High chance to crit.
Frag Grenade 35 30 Light 6 Far Chance to bleed the enemy for 4 damage each for 5 turns.
Smokescreen 0 5 Dark 4 Both Increase the chance of dodging all attacks by 50% for three turns. Chance to heal 20 HP.
Takedown 20 70 Physical 7 Close +High chance of stun.

Austin Gresham, the Fireman[]

A fireman is supposed to prevent fires, and clearly this war vet didn't get the memo! At least not, as the memo was stacked under a pile of scrap paperwork...


  • Health: 80
  • Physical Def: 2
  • Light Def: 5
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: Deal 4 burn damage every turn at far range.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Firestorm 22x2 40 Light 4 Close Has a chance to attack an extra enemy.
Jerry Bomb 20 35 Light 6 Far Chance to burns 10 damage for 4 turns.
Flare Beam 11 30 Physical 7 Far Ignores defenses. Has a good chance to stun the enemy.
Ignite 0 10 Light 4 Both Increases your teams' single-hit attacks by 2 for 10 turns.

Diane, the Nurse[]

Medics are only useful if they can heal and fight, and Diane (real name Aoi) is decent at both as a support unit, but clearly a master of neither one.


  • Health: 65
  • Physical Def: 3
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: Heals 5 HP when resting.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Needle Clip 15 20 Physical 8 Both Has a slight chance of missing, but removes one buff from target if hits.
Assault Spray 8x5 30 Physical 5 Far Hits fleeing.
Poison Gas 7 35 Dark 5 Far Hits all opponents. Deals 6 Poison damage to all enemies for 5 turns.
Air Drop 0 20 Light 6 Both Heals 15 HP and removes one debuff from all allies and self. Can't be used twice in a row.

Remus Roberts, the General[]

Tired of being held back by incompetence, Roberts Sr formed the Triangles and started strategising while fighting alongside his compatriots. His presence is bold enough to make his opponents lay down their arms!


  • Health: 80
  • Physical Def: 5
  • Light Def: 2
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: Every turn, there's a 10% chance of standing down the opponent.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Six Shooter 7x6 35 Physical 8 Far Has a chance of interrupting the enemy.
Rocket 60 75 Dark 3 Far 15 splash damage to all enemies.
Command Bomber 0 40 Dark 1 Close Causes the enemy to attack himself at close range.
Forced Surrender 0 10 Physical 10 Both Force Switches the current opponent. Can only be used once per game.

William "Goldy" Gresham, the Commando[]

Originally a feared member of the Wreckers Unit, Bill Goldy has recently semi-retired from active duty and restarted his life-long interest of gardening and horticulture.


  • Health: 85
  • Physical Def: 7
  • Light Def: 1
  • Dark Def: 1
  • Innate: Boost damage of all direct attacks by 2 when resting. Lasts for 4 turns.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Grenade Shot 30 30 Physical 6 Far Deal 10 splash damage to all opponents. Chance to also deal 2 damage to allies and self.
C4 0 50 Light 4 Both Next turn, an explosion is detonated, dealing 55 light damage to the opponent.
Kevlar Jacket 0 5 Physical 4 Both Increases resistance by 1/3/3 for five turns.
Tear Gas 16 20 Dark 6 Far A devastating smoke that leaves the target confused for one turn.

History 2 (Yellow)[]

Randel Roberts, son of Remus Roberts, has caused a split between the Triangles, not over the matter of money, but ideals. Concerned that the Triangles have become more benevolent over peace-time, Randel withdrew from the Triangles and started his own splinter cell, the Hornet Squad. The Hornets now live by killing their enemies without mercy leaving destruction in their wake. With dissension amidst on both side, the Triangles and Hornets have now armed themselves with ammunition and other weapons of war alike as the Hornets are now forced to align themselves to "The Organisation," a clandestine group of militants and scientists who plan on using their horrifying experiments in an attempt to take control of the world by surpassing the heavens.

The Maverick now face a catch-22, fueled by the support of Austin Gresham and Robert Remus. His task, simple: take down The Organisation and kill the Hornets. While the first task is achievable, the second task becomes more difficult as The Maverick has attempted a reconciliation for both sides. Who will The Maverick now listen to, the Triangles, Hornets, or to himself only?

Lydia Hiyoko, the Watchdog[]

Hyoko's ability to manipulate the battle by attacking and disabling people out of combat with her drone makes her a potential threat, but she can't throw a punch in the field for all her HP.


  • Health: 60
  • Physical Def: 1
  • Light Def: 3
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: 45% chance to dodge all attacks and intercepts.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Drone Fire 12x4 30 Physical 8 Far Chance to hit an extra enemy.
Drone Strike 11x2 65 Dark 5 Far Shoots rockets that attack all enemies.
Aimbots 0 10 Light 10 Both Reduces hit rate of all enemies by 10% for 10 turns. Increase hit rate of all allies by 10% for 10 turns. Unstackable.
Full Radar 0 40 Dark 8 Both Disables one of the enemy's attacks at random per turn. Hits all enemies, including fleeing. Lasts for 6 turns.

Charlotte Kaslana, the Sniper[]

As long as Kaslana keeps her distance, her lethality can remain quite compelling... If she's aiming.


  • Health: 70
  • Physical Def: 4
  • Light Def: 2
  • Dark Def: 2
  • Innate: All direct attacks have a 50% chance hit rate and are undodgeable.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Scope 0 10 Physical 1 Both Increases hit rate and undodgeable chance by 45% for 3 turns.
Trigger 45 45 Physical 3 Far Low hit rate, high chance to crit.
Repeater 17x2 25 Physical 7 Far Low hit rate, two deadly blasts with a chance to prevent range change during the next turn.
Bleedout 18 20 Physical 8 Far Low hit rate, reduces the damage of the enemy's attacks by 2 for 8 turns if hit.

Henry Lopez, the Architect[]

A master of construction and area denial. Given a bit of time, Lopez can use his turrets and bots to slowly change the game to favor you.


  • Health: 75
  • Physical Def: 3
  • Light Def: 6
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: When resting, all attack speed is increased by 1 for 4 turns.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Full Clip 20 20 Physical 8 Both Chance to crit
Rocket Turret 0 50 Light 3 Close Next turn, deals 40 damage to any far-ranged enemy. Lasts for 4 turns.
Monkey Wrench 25 35 Physical 6 Close Increases the enemy's range changing cost by 10 for four turns.
Rapair Bots 0 25 Light 5 Both Heals 10 HP to the user and all allies while reducing their energy costs to 0 for two turns (stackable). Charges no energy if used last turn.

Randell Roberts, the Assassin[]

Clandestine, deceitful, manipulative and slippery are words that fit Roberts Jr. Opponents would think twice to approach this slippery eel before he dismantles any forms of cooperation.


  • Health: 70
  • Physical Def: 3
  • Light Def: 0
  • Dark Def: 2
  • Innate: When attacking or intercepting, 50% chance of inflicting paranoia (confuse) onto your opponent
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Hanbo Roulette 16x3 45 Physical 8 Close Three deadly strikes.
Bear Trap 15 20 Physical 5 Far Sets range to close.
Ballistic Knife 20 25 Physical 5 Both Chance to bleed 3 damage for 4 turns
Deceptive Control 0 40 Dark 6 Both Interrupts slower attacks and enemy attacks his teammates. Cannot be used twice in a row.

Unit X, the Juggernaut[]

The origins of this behemoth are unknown and it's said that nobody has seen Unit X's face and lived to describe it. Beware of his shield.


  • Health: 85
  • Physical Def: 8
  • Light Def: 0
  • Dark Def: 0
  • Innate: Attacks have a 25% chance to ignore defenses.
Attacks Damage Cost Type Speed Range Description
Minigun 12x4 30 Physical 5 Far High chance to crit.
Bouncing Betty 0 40 Dark 3 Both Deals 50 damage on the next turn.
Shield 0 10 Physical 10 Both Absorbs incoming attack and reflect debuffs, but has a chance of not working (90% hit-rate). Can't be used twice in a row.
Mortar 20 20 Light 9 Far 50% chance to deal +10 burn damage on the same turn.