Kongai Wiki

Zakid's Kongai Tournaments are small-scale Kongai competitions organized by Zakid and held every now and then. The system used in almost all tournaments (except the third one) was a traditional ladder with room for 16 players. Each pair of players has to complete a best 2 out of 3 matchup, which decides who goes to the next round. The player, who wins in each of 4 rounds, wins the competition. There are no prizes for winning with the exception of Tournament #17 and #18 (prizes for top 3 are kreds). 18 tournaments have been held so far.

Tournament Summary[]

All times are in London & UK Time (UTC+1)

Use this website to check when tournament starts in your country: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/

Tournament Date Year Time Room
Tournament #1 Sunday, September 14 2008 6:00 PM 40
Tournament #2 Sunday, September 28 2008 1:00 PM 40
Tournament #3 Sunday, October 19 2008 1:00 PM 40
Tournament #4 Saturday, January 3, 2009 2009 5:00 PM 40
Tournament #5 Saturday, January 31 2009 5:00 PM 40
Tournament #6 Sunday, February 8 2009 5:00 PM 40
Tournament #7 Sunday, March 29 2009 5:00 PM 40
Tournament #8 Sunday, December 27 2009 7:00 PM Beta Server
Tournament #9 Saturday, February 27 2010 7:00 PM Beta Server
Tournament #10 Saturday, March 27 2010 7:00 PM Beta Server
Tournament #11 Wednesday, April 7 2010 7:00 PM 42
Tournament #12 Saturday, June 12 2010 8:00 PM 42
Tournament #13 Sunday, July 4 2010 8:00 PM 42
Tournament #14 Sunday, December 5 2010 9:00 PM 42
Tournament #15 Sunday, March 20 2011 7:00 PM 42
Tournament #16 Sunday, April 3 2011 7:00 PM 42
Tournament #17 Sunday, March 25 2012 8:00 PM 1
Tournament #18 Sunday, September 15 2013 7:00 PM 1


Please be aware that, although we strive to provide content of the highest quality, it's impossible for us to determine for sure if these participants are accurate and legitimate.

Kongai Tournament #1 Overview[]


  • No Skill Rank requirement
  • 16 players participate
  • Single elimination bracket
  • All matches are best-of-three
  • No card restrictions
  • All participating players not present have a 5 minute grace period to show or will be unable to join.
  • Date, time and venue: Sunday, September 14, 2008 | 6 PM GMT | Kongai Game Chat Room 40


aenh CrytikalMass CyberneticIliad Delseban
DredNicolson Fapko lesy Marh
Mateusz Penney personman Taimat*
teli1992 Vasifan Xom* zakid

*No account with that name was found on Kongregate

5 verified players (lesy, Mateusz, Penney, Xom, zakid) and 11 unverified players

Kongai Tournament #2 Overview[]


  • No Skill Rank requirement
  • 16 players participate
  • Single elimination bracket
  • All matches are best-of-three
  • No card restrictions
  • All participating players not present have a 5 minute grace period to show or will be unable to join.
  • Date, time and venue: Sunday, September 28, 2008 | 1 PM GMT | Kongai Game Chat Room 40


dildawq50* Frozenfrog garcia1000 Janedoe444
Ooooog Penney RichieRich80 Ryoin
SorcererofDM StarryDawn Taimat396 techyworm
teli1992 Tensai Vasifan zakid

*No account with that name was found on Kongregate

5 verified players (garcia1000, Penney, RichieRich80, Vasifan, zakid) and 11 unverified players

Kongai Tournament #3 Overview[]


  • Requirement: Skill Rank 4+ (300+ rank points)
  • 16 players participate
  • Single elimination bracket
  • All matches are best-of-three
  • No card restrictions
  • This option is only available after starting a match: If both players agree, players are able to restart the game with new decks. This can only be done once per game.
  • If spots are unavailable, players can sign up for the reserve list. When the tournament begins, all participating players not present have a 5 minute grace period to show or will be replaced by reserves.
  • Date, time and venue: Sunday, October 19, 2008 | 1 PM GMT | Kongai Game Chat Room 40


0xFF Carlos77 caronte* HypersonicEspo
lesy Mateusz omgraptor RichieRich80
Rubes Shadowinfinity teli1992 tuffgong

*No account with that name was found on Kongregate

4 verified players (0xFF, Carlos77, HypersonicEspo, Shadowinfinity) and 8-12 unverified players

Kongai Tournament #4[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 04

Kongai Tournament #5[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 05

Kongai Tournament #6[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 06

Kongai Tournament #7[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 07

Kongai Tournament #8 (Beta Server)[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 08

Kongai Tournament #9 (Beta Server)[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 09

Kongai Tournament #10 (Beta Server)[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 10

Kongai Tournament #11[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 11

Kongai Tournament #12[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 12

Kongai Tournament #13[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 13

Kongai Tournament #14 Overview[]


  • Requirement: Skill Rank 14+ (1500+ rank points)
    • The minimum experience for SR14 is 1400 rank points. The player may have to win more points in SR14 to qualify for the tournament.
  • 8 players participate
  • Single elimination bracket
  • All matches are best-of-three
  • No card restrictions
  • Date, time and venue: Sunday, December 5, 2010 | 9 PM GMT | Kongai Game Chat Room 42


apples lawrence8 orran zakid

4 verified players and 4 unknown players

Kongai Tournament #15[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 15

Kongai Tournament #16[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 16

Kongai Tournament #17[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 17

Kongai Tournament #18[]

Main article: Zakid's Kongai Tournament 18


Year Tournament 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place 4th Place
2008 1 Mateusz Xom lesy, Penney
2 garcia1000 Penney Vasifan RichieRich80
3 Shadowinfinity Carlos77 HypersonicEspo 0xFF
2009 4 BlazinRobotsInc uncop JeffCarr, JoePoop
5 Shadowinfinity BlazinRobotsInc turtle88822 DredNicolson
6 zakid Ooooog Shadowinfinity, TheElemental
7 BlazinRobotsInc Max_Vultur Ooooog zakid
8 Kabelis zakid bagatellethief EsIeX3
2010 9 Shadowinfinity Kataphrakt lightshaver Kabelis
10 lightshaver mauk Kataphrakt, zakid
11 zakid Buzz4rd arthurmauk, Kabelis
12 Gassa zakid lightshaver, RedJackdaw
13 EsIeX3 Max_Vultur zakid lightshaver
14 orran zakid lawrence8 apples
2011 15 santino35 orran, TheIdioticIdiot zakid
16 rbanger zakid batmanrunsaway Max_Vultur
2012 17 Kataphrakt zakid Max_Vultur AeonFluxx
2013 18 Max_Vultur RichieRich80 bloodflash Lone_ant


  1. Players sign up for the tournaments on Kongregate forums posted by the host, zakid.
  2. Players signed up on the Fantasy Strike forums won't be counted as a participant.
  3. Kongai Tournament #15: Due to the remaining matchups being incomplete, santino35 wins by default.

Kongregate Forum[]